Here is information on how to use Unicorn class schemes to create correct shelflist sorting of Dewey and "B" (Biography) call numbers.
· We have received a Class scheme fix from Sirsi that sorts our Dewey classification and cutters in correct order.
· Please now assign class scheme DEWEYSAN to all call number records for Dewey call numbers, including those used for serials and multipart materials (e.g. 356.493 D397t|zv. 21; note: it's not necessary to leave a space on either side of the subfield "|z", but do use a space between the caption and number, as shown here).
· You may stop applying our "work-around" procedure of inserting a space, or spaces, between cutter letters and cutter numbers (e.g., "345.678 D123 w"; enter now as "345.678 D123w"). DEWEYSAN automatically inserts spaces and "fill" characters in call numbers so they will sort correctly in shelflist order.
· The DEWEY and DEWEYPER class schemes should no longer be used.
If you wish to manually change an existing DEWEY call number to DEWEYSAN, place your cursor after the last character of the call number, press the space bar once, then change the Class scheme to DEWEYSAN. Click Save. If the existing Dewey was formatted according to the above “work-around”, remove the artificial space(s) between the cutter letter(s) and cutter number(s), then click Save. The call number will now be reformatted for correct shelflist sorting. Note: To see how Unicorn formats a call number for sorting, you need to have the "Show shelving key" option selected under Call Number/item default valuesin the Set Properties: Defaults tab for the Wizard you're working in.
CAUTION: The mix of DEWEY and DEWEYSAN within a large sequence of call number records that all use the same initial cutter letter (e.g., all Dewey call numbers beginning as "620 B...") may cause an unexpected displacement of call numbers when you look at how they're arranged in a search result list. Until we are able to reassign all DEWEY to DEWEYSAN, you'll need to be very careful to compare the Dewey and cutter number you've given your item with all the same Dewey numbers using the same beginning cutter letter.
Sirsi has been requested to regenerate all of DPL’s Dewey numbers for the new class scheme (which, by the way, should have been available to us from the beginning).
You will need to enter a space between each cutter segment for correct shelflist sorting. For example, the call number "B D1234T29 2002" is entered into the Unicorn call number record as B D1234 T29 2002. Likewise, "B T569c" is entered as B T569 c; etc. Use the ASIS class scheme only. If you wish to correct existing "B" call numbers, insert the necessary space(s), change the class scheme to ASIS if necessary, and click Save.
SPECIAL NOTE FOR BOTH DEWEY AND "B" : For existing call numbers, merely changing one Class scheme to another will not bring about the desired call number sorting. Some action (e.g., using the space bar; inserting spaces; etc.) must be performed on the Call number when changing Class schemes in order for the call number to be reformatted according to the corrected Class scheme.
If you would like to see a sample shelflist sequence for either of the above, please go to bib title control number a1733775 in production (port 5100) Unicorn Workflows.
Rex Dotson (6/20/2005; rev. 7/14/2005)
Librarian Specialist, Bibliographic Division
Detroit Public Library
5201 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48202
cc: Paper copies of 6/20/2005 version to all catalogers 6/28/2005