UNEP/GEF Project “Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand” (UNEP/GEF SCS Project)
Metadata Entry Form
(Save this form under a new filename for each metadata)
1. Entry Identifier[AS1]: / Metadata Form52. Data Set Name[AS2]:
3. Data Set Producer(s)[AS3]:
4. Parameter(s)[AS4]:
Topography / Atmospheric Chemistry/Air Quality / Ground Water
Soil / Atmospheric Physics/Meteorology/Climate / Surface Water
Land Use/Land Cover / Other Atmospheric Aspects / Water Quality
Other Land Surface / OCEAN / Other Hydrosphere
Aquaculture / Coastal Processes / Terrestrial Habitats
Fisheries / Marine Geophysics / Freshwater Aquatic Habitats
Agriculture/Cropping / Marine Sediments / Mangrove
Animal Production / Marine Chemistry/Water Quality / Coral Reef
Forestry / Marine Physics/Physical Oceanography / Seagrass
Other Agriculture / Other Ocean/Marine Aspects / Estuary
Geochemistry / Attitude/Behavior / Intertidal
Geophysics / Boundaries / Pelagic
Rocks/Minerals / Economics / Other Marine Habitats
Volcanoes / Health / Ecological Dynamics
Other Solid Earth / Infrastructure / Microbiota
Environmental Impacts / Vegetation
Other Human Dimension / Zoology
Other Biosphere
5. Location(s)[AS5]:
Country(s) / China Cambodia Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand
Viet Nam
6. Spatial Coverage[AS6]:
Horizontal Boundaries[AS7]: / Southernmost Latitude:
Northernmost Latitude:
Westernmost Longitude:
Easternmost Longitude:
Horizontal Resolution[AS8]: / Minimum:
Vertical Boundaries[AS9]: / Minimum Altitude:
Maximum Altitude:
Minimum Depth:
Maximum Depth:
Vertical Resolution[AS10]: / Minimum:
7. Temporal Coverage[AS11]: / Start Date:
Stop Date:
Temporal Resolution[AS12]: / Minimum:
8. Additional Keywords[AS13]:
9. Data Quality[AS14]:
Position Accuracy[AS16]:
Data Accuracy[AS17]:
Knows errors[AS20]:
10. Data Set Progress[AS21]: / Planed On Going Complete
11. Summary[AS22]:
12. Data Center[AS23]:
Long Name[AS24]:
Short Name[AS25]:
Contact Person[AS26]:
Given Name:
Middle Name:
Family Name:
Mailing Address:
12. Access Constraints[AS27]:
13. Use Constraints[AS28]:
14. Distribution[AS29]:
Distribution Media[AS30]: / Online Internet (HTTP) Online FTP E-mail Other Online Modes
CD-ROM Diskette Other Digitally Encoded Media
Hardcopy Media Photographic Media
Distribution Size[AS31]:
Distribution Format[AS32]: / ASCII BIL EXCEL CDF DBF DEM DIF
15. Metadata Creation Date[AS34]:
16. Last Revision Date[AS35]:
17. Metadata Revised by[AS36]:
Given Name:
Middle Name:
Family Name:
Mailing Address:
[AS1]1Will be automatically given by file name that this data sheet is saved.
Dataset name should be descriptive enough so that when a user is presented with a long list of titles, the user can determine the general content of the data set In order to make titles descriptive, important elements about the data may be included in the title, i.e., parameters measured, geographic location, instrument, investigator, project, temporal coverage For readability, capitalization of the title should follow standard constructs. Do not use all capital letters or all lower case letters, but use the appropriate case where applicable.
Hourly Tidal Observations from the Coast of China, 1942-1986
[AS3]1Name of the organization(s) or individual(s) with primary intellectual responsibility for the data set's development
[AS4]1Generalized kind of measurement in the data set to be used for searching of data by users.
[AS5]1Names and countries of places where data were collected which may be used for searching (as many as necessary separated by comma)
[AS6]1Geographic coverage (horizontal and vertical) of the data
[AS7]11Minimum and maximum latitude and longitude that bound the study area as degree and decimal point of degree and indication of hemisphere without space in between, for examples, 12.45N or 117.3E
[AS8]1Minimum and maximum horizontal distances between two adjacent data points (specify unit such as m, km, degree), for example, 0.025 degree
[AS9]1Minimum and maximum vertical altitudes or depths of the data relative to sea level (specify unit such as m, bar, hPa)
[AS10]1Minimum and maximum vertical distances between two adjacent data points (specify unit such as m, bar)
[AS11]1First and last dates represented by the data in yyy-mm-dd
[AS12]1Minimum and maximum time intervals between subsequent samplings (specify unit such as hour, day, year)
[AS13]1Any other keywords or phrases that are not in location or parameter fields above but could assist users to identify or locate this dataset. May input as many words/phrases as necessary separated by comma.
[AS14]1Brief information about quality procedures and level reliability of the data.
[AS15]1A brief description of the data source and processing steps used to produce the data set, including quality control/assurance mechanisms
[AS16]1A brief assessment of the horizontal and vertical closeness of the location of spatial objects in the data set in relation to their true position, if possible indicate quantitatively, for example vertical precision +/- 5 m, horizontal precision +/- 10 km.
[AS17]1A brief assessment of the reliability of the data in the data set in relation to their real values, for example nitrate concentration +/- 10%
[AS18]1A brief assessment of the completeness of coverage, classification and verification.
[AS19]1A brief description on any recognition or uses or certification of this data set by scientific community or operational agencies
[AS20]1Any known errors, inconsistencies, etc. in this dataset
[AS21]1The production status of the data set
[AS22]1A brief description of the data set, descriptive enough to allow potential users of the data set to determine if the data set is useful for their needs. Should start with a topic sentence, describing what information is in the data set. Often, this is some measurable quantity or quantities, such as sea surface temperature, human population density, or species morbidity rate. The total length could consist of approximately 30 lines. Should restate information that may be found in other fields if that information is vital to the understanding of the data set (i.e., parameters, spatial coverage). Should attribute the source information if the summary was abstracted from an existing document. Single space with blank lines separating paragraphs Standard elements of style only Capitalization should follow standard constructs. For readability, do not use all capital letters or all lower case letters, but use the appropriate case where applicable. No right justification Acronyms should be expanded to provide understanding. May contain tabular information Hyperlinked URLs may be imbedded in the text by surrounding them in single or double quotes: Where applicable, should include brief statements of the following important information: Data processing information (gridded, binned, swath, raw, algorithms used, necessary ancillary data sets); Date available (include only if not available at time of writing); Dataset organization (description of how data are organized within and by file); Read software (if available); Methodology or analytical tools; Time gaps in data set coverage; Units and unit resolution; Similarities and differences of these data to other closely-related data sets; Other pertinent information.
[AS23]1the data center which distributes the data, the data center URL, data set identification, and a person to contact
[AS24]1Any length as necessary
[AS25]1Upto 31 characters, all capitalized.
[AS26]1The person in charge of the data set
[AS27]1Restrictions, limitations and legal prerequisites for accessing the data set, for example, “Data available to the general public after 5 year embargo period beginning January 1, 1994”.
[AS28]1Restrictions, limitations and legal prerequisites for using the data set, for example, ‘Data may not be used for commercial applications’
[AS29]1The medium, size, scientific data format, and fees involved in distributing the data set
[AS31]1An approximate size (in KB, MB or GB) for the entire data set. Please specify if data are compressed and the method of compression.
[AS32]1The scientific data format used to distribute the data.
[AS33]1Fee (indicate currency) to process and distribute data
[AS34]1The date that this metadata was first created (in yyyy-mm-dd)
[AS35]1The date that this metadata was last updated (in yyyy-mm-dd)
[AS36]1Name and address of person who last revised this metadata