UNEP/FAO/RC/COP.8/INF/38/Rev.1/ Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade / Distr.: General
31 March 2017
English only
Conference of the Parties to the
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior
Informed Consent Procedure for Certain
Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in
International Trade
Eighth meeting
Geneva, 24 April–5 May 2017
Item 7 of the provisional agenda
Programme of work and budget
Information on financial matters
Note by the Secretariat
- By decision RC-1/1, subsequently amended by decision RC-5/1,the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention adopted financial rules for the operation of the Conference of the Parties, its subsidiary bodies and the Secretariat. Paragraph 1 of rule 3, which deals with the budget, requires the executive secretaries to dispatch informationon actual income and expenditure for each year of the previous biennium and estimates of actual expenditures in the current biennium, to all Parties to the Convention at least 90 days before the opening of the meeting of the Conference of the Parties at which the budget for a given biennium is to be adopted.
- In accordance with paragraph 1 of rule 3 the Secretariat has prepared the present note, which provides information on income and expenditures for the biennium 2014–2015 and detailed income for the year 2016for both the Rotterdam Convention Trust Fund (RO Trust Fund) and the Rotterdam Convention voluntary Special Trust Fund (RV Trust Fund). All amounts are in United States dollars, unless otherwise stated.
- As mentioned in section IV below, due to the introduction of a new Enterprise Reporting System, Umoja, and the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), the Secretariat has experienced delays in providing the most current financial status of itstrust funds.
- Consequently, the present note has been revised to include annexes VII–X, which provide additional information on budget performance for the general trust funds and the voluntary special/technical cooperation trust funds for the biennium 2014–2015 and 2016–2017. In addition, annexes II and III on the status of contributions to the RO Trust Fund and on the information on Parties with arrears to the RO Trust Fund for the period 2005–2016, respectively, have been updated to reflect the status as at 24 March 2017. Furthermore, annex IV on the status of contributions for 2015 to the RV Trust Fund has been revised and annex VI on the status of contributions for 2017 to the RV Trust Fund as at 24March 2017 has been added.
- The present note, including its annexes, has not been formally edited.
- Certified accounts of the Rotterdam Convention trust funds
- The certified and audited accounts of the Rotterdam Convention trust funds for the biennium 2014–2015 are reproduced in annex I to the present note. The accounts for the biennium 2014–2015 have been certified as correct and in accordance with the accounting policies, regulations and rules of the United Nations. The certified accounts for both Rotterdam Convention trust funds are included as an integral part of the certified accounts of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for the biennium 2014–2015. It should be noted that as of 1January 2014 the United Nations has implemented the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and consequently the statements for 2014–2015 are not directly comparable with financial statements issued prior to 2014 which were prepared based on United Nations System Accounting Standards(UNSAS).
- Rotterdam Convention Trust Fund
- For 2017, the secondyear of the biennium, the Conference of the Parties approved assessed contributions to be covered by Parties of $2,613,743. Annex II to the present note shows the status of contributions to the RO Trust Fund as at 24 March 2017, and the amount of $2,613,743represents contributions paid in full or in part by Parties or 28.6% per cent of the total amount due to the Convention for 2017.
- Annex III to the present note provides information on Parties with arrears to the RO Trust Fund for the period 20052016. Unpaid contributions for 2016 and prior years, as at 24 March 2017, equalled $759,988from 65Parties. With the introduction of IPSAS, on 1 January 2014, provisions for doubtful debtare being made incrementally for contributions that are overdue for 12 months or more. The provisions reduce the overall cumulative fund balance of the Trust Fund. However, the doubtful debt remains in the accounts of the Convention and any write-off still requires the approval of the relevant legislative body.
- Rotterdam Convention voluntary Special Trust Fund
- At its sixth meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention took note of the programme budget for the RV Trust Fund, totalling $4,041,011 for 2015. Annex IV to the present note provides information on the status of voluntary contributions pledged in 2015, which amounted to $765,563.The total amount pledged was collected in 2015 for the 2015 budget as at 31 December 2015.
- At its seventh meeting, the Conference of the Parties to the Rotterdam Convention took note of the programme budget for the RV Trust Fund, totalling $3,158,729for 2016 and $3,241,702 for 2017. Annex V to the present note provides information on the status of voluntary contributions pledged in 2016, which amounted to $1,040,816. Out of this amount, $951,816was collected in 2016 for the 2016 budget as at 31 December 2016.Annex VI to the present note provides information on the status of voluntary contributions pledged in 2017 as at24 March 2017,indicating that the pledges for the year amounted to $339, 478. It should be noted that voluntary contributions for joint activities undertaken by two or more of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions are administered under separate grants within the Stockholm Convention voluntary Special Trust Fund. In 2016, the contributions for joint activities amounted to $2,913,721.
- Administrative and financial changes within the United Nations
- The first IPSAS-compliant financial statement for the United Nations Secretariat was produced for the fiscal year from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014. IPSAS is based on full accrual accounting in line with the Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP) as opposed to UNSAS which has been based on modified cash accounting and used exclusively within the United Nations. These standards, used by public sector entities around the world, and based on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), lead to better informed assessments of resource allocation decisions, thereby increasing transparency and accountability.
- It was recognized that the vigorous information requirements to produce IPSAS-compliant financial statements for the Organization would require a new UN Secretariat-wide information system and consequently the Umoja project was approved by the General Assembly in conjunction with the IPSAS.The United Nations Environment Programme introduced Umoja on 1 June 2015.
- The implementation of both IPSAS and Umoja has some short and long term implications on the preparation and presentation of the financial statements for the three conventions. The presentation of financial information has undergone significant changes, for example starting from 2014, the issuance of annual financial statements instead of biennial statements, annual audits, accounting for in-kind contributions, full recognition of liabilities for employee obligations such as After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI), annual leave and repatriation grants and the provisions for doubtful debt against long outstanding contributions have significantly affected the figures shown in the financial statements. Therefore, the financial statements which were prepared on an UNSAS basis for the years prior to 2014 and the financial statements prepared on the basis of IPSAS from the year 2014 onwards are not fully comparable. The organization also prepares its budgets on a modified accrual basis as opposed to the IPSAS full accrual basis.
- Producing donor reports in accordance with the required format was a challenge at the onset of Umoja, particularly as the data had to be consolidated from two different systems with different dimensions. As UNEP has adapted to the new system, the data in Umojahas been structured to suit future reporting requirements. There are, however, still a few fundamental technical issues that are being looked at centrally atthe UNHQ level which are causing delays in reporting because of necessary manual interventions.
- On the operational front, increasing improvements are moving UNEP beyond the teething stage and Umoja implementation is stabilizing in many areas. In particular, payroll and travel are beginning to run smoothly.
- Overall, however, while UNEP has come a long way in adjusting to Umoja, the Secretariat isstill facing some challenges related to the transition into the new and still evolving operational model based on UN-wide standardized processes.
Annex I
Certified audited accounts of the Rotterdam Convention trust funds for the biennium 20142015 prepared in accordance with IPSAS
Annex II
Status of contributions to the Rotterdam Convention Trust Fund, as at 24 March 2017(expressed in US Dollars)
Country / Unpaid pledges for 2016 & prior years as at 31.12.2016 / Pledges for 2017 / Collections during 2016 for 2017 and future years / Collections during 2017 for 2016 and prior years / Collections during 2017 for 2017 and future years / Unpaid pledges for 2016 & prior years as at 24.03 2017 / Unpaid pledges for 2017 / Unpaid pledges for prior years, 2016 & 2017 / Deferred IncomeAfghanistan / 261 / 4 / 257 / 257
Albania / 334 / 334 / 0 / 0
Antigua and Barbuda / 732 / 261 / 732 / 261 / 993
Argentina / 14 437 / 14 437 / 14 437
Armenia / 261 / 261 / 0 / 0
Australia / 69 311 / 69 311 / (0)
Austria / 26 668 / 26 668 / 0 / 0
Bahrain / 1 264 / 1 303 / 1 264 / 1 303 / 2 568
Belgium / 33 352 / 33 352 / 33 352
Belize / 749 / 261 / 749 / 261 / 1 010
Benin / 1 578 / 261 / 1 578 / 261 / 1 839
Bolivia / 978 / 261 / 978 / 261 / 1 239
Bosnia and Herzegovina / 568 / 568 / 0 / 0
Botswana / 568 / 568 / 568
Brazil / 326 745 / 98 051 / 326 745 / 98 051 / 424 796
Bulgaria / 1 571 / 1 571 / (0)
Burkina Faso / 968 / 261 / 968 / 261 / 1 229
Burundi / 2 015 / 261 / 2 015 / 261 / 2 276
Cambodia / 254 / 261 / 254 / 261 / 515
Cameroon / 1 876 / 401 / 1 876 / 401 / 2 277
Canada / 99 722 / 99 722 / (0)
Cape Verde / 983 / 261 / 983 / 261 / 1 244
Chad / 2 651 / 261 / 2 651 / 261 / 2 912
Chile / 11 162 / 11 162 / 11 162
China / 172 040 / 172 040 / 172 040
Colombia / 16 970 / 8 655 / 16 970 / 8 655 / 25 626
Congo P R / 749 / 261 / 749 / 383 / 0 / (122) / (122) / (122)
Cook Islands / 261 / 261 / 261
Costa Rica / 1 270 / 1 270 / 1 270
Cote d'Ivore / 721 / 368 / 721 / 368 / 1 088
Croatia / 4 211 / 4 211 / (0)
Cuba / 12 115 / 2 306 / 12 115 / 2 306 / 14 421
Cyprus / 1 571 / 1 571 / 1 571
Czech Republic / 12 900 / 12 901 / (1) / (1) / (1)
Dem. Peoples' Republic of Korea / 1 855 / 261 / 1 855 / 261 / 2 116
Dem. Rep. of Congo / 2 549 / 261 / 2 549 / 261 / 2 810
Denmark / 21 885 / 22 558 / 21 885 / 22 565 / (7) / (8) / (8)
Djibouti / 511 / 261 / 511 / 261 / 773
Dominica / 261 / 261 / 261
Dominican Republic / 1 504 / 1 223 / 281 / 281
Ecuador / 223 / 1 470 / 223 / 1 470 / 1 694
El Salvador / 519 / 535 / 519 / 535 / 1 053
Equatorial Guinea / 2 061 / 261 / 2 061 / 261 / 2 323
Eritrea / 261 / 515 / (254) / (254) / (254)
Estonia / 1 337 / 1 273 / 64 / 64
Ethiopia / 656 / 334 / 656 / 334 / 990
European Union / 65 344 / 65 344 / (0)
Finland / 17 344 / 17 344 / 17 344
France / 186 912 / 186 912 / 186 912
Gabon / 2 000 / 668 / 2 000 / 668 / 2 668
Gambia / 254 / 261 / 254 / 261 / 515
Georgia / 261 / 261 / 0 / 0
Germany / 238 644 / 238 644 / 238 644
Ghana / 454 / 468 / 454 / 468 / (0)
Greece / 21 321 / 21 321 / 21 321
Guatemala / 902 / 902 / 902
Guinea / 749 / 261 / 749 / 261 / 1 010
Guinea-Bissau / 1 812 / 261 / 1 812 / 261 / 2 073
Guyana / 261 / 261 / 261
Honduras / 23 / 261 / 23 / 261 / 284
Hungary / 8 889 / 10 / 8 879 / 8 879
India / 22 257 / 22 257 / 22 257
Indonesia / 183 / 11 563 / 183 / 11 563 / 11 746
Iran / 57 596 / 11 897 / 57 596 / 11 897 / 69 493
Ireland / 13 969 / 13 969 / 13 969
Israel / 13 234 / 13 234 / 13 234
Italy / 148 647 / 144 679 / 3 968 / 3 968
Jamaica / 368 / 368 / (0) / (0) / (0)
Japan / 362 027 / 362 027 / 362 027
Jordan / 735 / 735 / 735
Kazakhstan / 4 044 / 4 763 / (719) / (719) / (719)
Kenya / 421 / 434 / 421 / 434 / 856
Kuwait / 9 123 / 9 123 / 9 123
Kyrgyzstan / 261 / 4 / 257 / 257
Lao People's Democratic Republic / 261 / 261 / 261
Latvia / 1 571 / 911 / 1 571 / (911) / (911) / (911)
Lebanon / 1 362 / 1 404 / 1 362 / 1 404 / 2 766
Lesotho / 261 / 3 115 / (2 854) / (2 854) / (2 854)
Liberia / 988 / 261 / 988 / 261 / 1 249
Libya / 4 395 / 4 745 / 4 395 / 4 745 / 9 140
Liechtenstein / 261 / 2 643 / 261 / (2 643) / (2 643) / (2 643)
Lithuania / 2 440 / 2 440 / (0)
Luxembourg / 2 707 / 2 707 / 2 707
Madagascar / 261 / 547 / (286) / (286) / (286)
Malawi / 1 727 / 261 / 1 727 / 261 / 1 988
Malaysia / 9 111 / 9 391 / 9 111 / 9 391 / 18 501
Maldives / 254 / 261 / 254 / 261 / 261
Mali / 1 320 / 261 / 1 320 / 261 / 1 581
Marshall Islands / 261 / 261 / 261
Mauritania / 2 257 / 261 / 2 257 / 261 / 2 518
Mauritius / 434 / 434 / 0 / 0
Mexico / 61 558 / 61 558 / 61 558
Moldova / 261 / 261 / 261
Mongolia / 261 / 261 / 261
Montenegro / 28 / 261 / 28 / 233 / 0 / 28 / 29
Morocco / 1 899 / 2 072 / 1 899 / 2 072 / 3 971
Mozambique / 261 / 261 / 0 / 0
Namibia / 324 / 334 / 324 / 0 / 334 / 334
Nepal / 511 / 261 / 511 / 261 / 772
Netherlands / 55 275 / 55 255 / 20 / 20
New Zealand / 8 455 / 8 455 / (0)
Nicaragua / 254 / 261 / 254 / 254 / 7 / 7
Niger / 2 213 / 261 / 2 213 / 261 / 2 474
Nigeria / 8 646 / 3 008 / 8 646 / 3 008 / 11 654
Norway / 28 439 / 28 439 / 0 / 0
Oman / 191 / 3 409 / 191 / 3 406 / 0 / 3 / 3
Pakistan / 7 425 / 2 841 / 7 425 / 2 841 / 10 265
Panama / 1 704 / 869 / 1 704 / 869 / 2 573
Paraguay / 334 / 334 / 334
Peru / 3 910 / 4 397 / (487) / (487) / (487)
Philippines / 5 147 / 5 147 / 5 147
Poland / 30 779 / 30 779 / (0)
Portugal / 44 387 / 15 841 / 44 387 / 15 841 / 60 228
Qatar / 13 694 / 6 985 / 13 694 / 6 985 / 20 679
Republic Of Korea / 25 747 / 66 637 / 25 747 / 66 637 / 92 384
Romania / 7 553 / 7 553 / (0)
Russian Federation / 81 475 / 63 / 81 538 / (126) / (126) / (126)
Rwanda / 254 / 261 / 254 / 261 / 515
Samoa / 261 / 458 / (197) / (197) / (197)
Sao Tome and Principe / 823 / 261 / 823 / 261 / 1 084
Saudi Arabia / 67 699 / 28 874 / 67 699 / 28 874 / 96 573
Senegal / 2 651 / 261 / 2 651 / 261 / 2 912
Serbia / 1 337 / 1 337 / (0)
Singapore / 12 450 / 12 833 / 12 450 / 383 / 12 450 / 12 450
Slovakia / 5 715 / 5 715 / (0)
Slovenia / 3 342 / 3 342 / 3 342
Somalia / 1 434 / 261 / 1 434 / 261 / 1 695
South Africa / 12 432 / 12 432 / (0)
Spain / 99 354 / 99 354 / 99 354
Sri Lanka / 827 / 835 / 827 / 835 / 1 663
St. Kitts and Nevis / 261 / 262 / (1) / (1) / (1)
St. Vincent and the Grenadines / 1 181 / 261 / 1 181 / 261 / 1 443
Sudan / 2 954 / 261 / 2 954 / 261 / 3 215
Suriname / 767 / 261 / 767 / 261 / 1 028
Swaziland / 511 / 261 / 511 / 1 / 0 / 260 / 261
Sweden / 32 082 / 32 082 / 32 082
Switzerland / 34 990 / 34 990 / (0)
Syrian Arab Republic / 4 819 / 1 203 / 4 819 / 1 203 / 6 022
Thailand / 7 987 / 7 987 / 0 / 0
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia / 1 416 / 261 / 1 416 / 261 / 1 677
Togo / 1 181 / 261 / 1 181 / 261 / 1 442
Tonga / 261 / 261 / 261
Trinidad and Tobago / 5 451 / 1 470 / 5 451 / 1 470 / 6 922
Uganda / 261 / 1 013 / (752) / (752) / (752)
Ukraine / 3 308 / 3 308 / 3 308
United Arab Emirates / 19 695 / 19 884 / 19 695 / 19 884 / 39 579
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland / 173 076 / 173 076 / 173 076
United Republic of Tanzania / 549 / 261 / 549 / 261 / 810
Uruguay / 1 738 / 1 592 / 146 / 146
Venezuela / 77 699 / 20 954 / 77 699 / 20 954 / 98 653
Viet Nam / 1 404 / 1 404 / 1 404
Yemen / 961 / 334 / 961 / 334 / 1 295
Zambia / 152 / 261 / 152 / 261 / 414
Zimbabwe / 261 / 261 / 261
Total / 797 011 / 2 613 743 / 291 959 / 37 100 / 464 174 / 759 913 / 1 866 969 / 2 626 884 / (9 359)
Assessed contributions / 2 613 743
Paid by 24.03.2017 / 746 774 / 28.6%
Balance / 1 866 969 / 71.4%
Country / Arrears as at 01.01.2017 / Pledges 2017 / Collections in 2017 / unpaid pledges as at 24.03.2017EUR / EUR / USD / EUR / US$ / EUR / USD
Italy / 600 000 / 594 236 / 5 764
Switzerland / 600 000 / 600 000
Total / 1 200 000 / 1 194 236 / 5 764
Annex III
Parties with arrears to the Rotterdam Convention Trust Fund for the period 2005–2016, as at 24 March 2017 (expressed in US dollars)
Country / 2016 / 2015 / 2014 / 2013 / 2012 / 2011 / 2010 / 2009 / 2008 / 2007 / 2006 / 2005 / TotalAntigua and Barbuda2 / 254 / 258 / 221 / 733
Bahrain2 / 1 264 / 1 264
Belgium / 50 / 50
Belize2 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 750
Benin1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 179 / 1 579
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 10 / 979
Brazil / 95 126 / 97 117 / 89 628 / 44 826 / 48 / 326 745
Burkina Faso1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 969
Burundi1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 209 / 203 / 204 / 2 016
Cambodia1 / 254 / 254
Cabo Verde2 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 15 / 984
Cameroon / 389 / 397 / 367 / 306 / 297 / 120 / 1 876
Chad1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 209 / 203 / 204 / 198 / 216 / 222 / 2 652
Colombia / 8 397 / 8 573 / 16 970
Côte d’Ivoire / 357 / 364 / 721
Cuba2, 3 / 2 237 / 2 284 / 2 108 / 1 976 / 1 919 / 1 516 / 75 / 12 115
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 209 / 203 / 44 / 1 856
Democratic Republic of the Congo1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 209 / 203 / 204 / 198 / 225 / 111 / 2 550
Djibouti1 / 254 / 258 / 512
Ecuador / 223 / 223
El Salvador / 519 / 519
Equatorial Guinea1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 209 / 203 / 204 / 46 / 2 062
Ethiopia1 / 324 / 331 / 655
Gabon / 648 / 662 / 611 / 79 / 2 000
Gambia1 / 254 / 254
Guinea1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 750
Guinea-Bissau1, 2 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 209 / 203 / 1 812
Honduras / 24 / 24
Indonesia / 183 / 183
Iran (Islamic Republic of)3 / 11 542 / 11 784 / 10 875 / 6 483 / 6 299 / 5 052 / 4 839 / 722 / 57 596
Kenya / 421 / 421
Lebanon / 1 362 / 1 362
Liberia1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 20 / 989
Libya / 4 395 / 4 395
Malawi1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 209 / 119 / 1 728
Malaysia / 9 111 / 9 111
Mali1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 139 / 1 321
Mauritania1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 209 / 203 / 204 / 198 / 225 / 37 / 2 258
Morocco / 1 899 / 1 899
Nepal1 / 254 / 258 / 512
Niger1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 209 / 203 / 204 / 198 / 2 214
Nigeria / 2 918 / 2 979 / 2 749 / 8 646
Pakistan / 2 756 / 2 814 / 1 855 / 7 425
Panama / 843 / 861 / 1 704
Portugal / 15 368 / 15 690 / 13 330 / 44 388
Qatar / 6 776 / 6 918 / 13 694
Republic of Korea / 25 746 / 25 746
Rwanda1 / 254 / 254
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines2 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 1 182
Sao Tome and Principe1, 2 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 73 / 823
Saudi Arabia / 28 012 / 28 599 / 11 087 / 67 698
Senegal1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 209 / 203 / 204 / 198 / 216 / 222 / 2 652
Somalia1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 35 / 1 435
Sri Lanka / 811 / 17 / 828
Sudan1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 278 / 270 / 281 / 269 / 262 / 221 / 216 / 246 / 162 / 2 955
Suriname2 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 18 / 768
Syrian Arab Republic / 1 167 / 1 192 / 1 100 / 696 / 664 / 4 819
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 218 / 17 / 1 417
Togo1 / 254 / 258 / 238 / 219 / 213 / 1 182
Trinidad and Tobago2 / 1 427 / 1 456 / 1 344 / 1 224 / 5 451
United Arab Emirates / 19 291 / 404 / 19 695
United Republic of Tanzania1 / 254 / 258 / 38 / 550
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) / 20 329 / 20 754 / 19 154 / 8 737 / 8 489 / 237 / 77 700
Yemen1 / 324 / 331 / 305 / 960
Zambia1 / 152 / 152
Total / 272 519 / 211 009 / 160 722 / 69 076 / 21 439 / 10 170 / 7 499 / 2 931 / 1 687 / 1 279 / 940 / 717 / 759 988
1Least Developed Country
2Small Island Developing State
3Experiencing difficulties with making payments due to international banking restrictions
Annex IV
Status of contributions for 2015 to Rotterdam Convention Voluntary Special Trust Fund, as at 31 December 2015(expressed in US Dollars)
Annex V
Status of contributions for 2016 to the Rotterdam Convention voluntary Special Trust Fund, as at 31 December 2016(expressed in US Dollars)
Annex VI
Status of contributions for 2017 to the Rotterdam Convention voluntary Special Trust Fund, as at 24 March 2017 (expressed in US Dollars)
Annex VII
Budget performance for the general trust funds of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions for the biennium 20142015
Basel (BCL) / Rotterdam (ROL) / Stockholm (SCL) / Basel, Rotterdamand Stockholm
Budget / Expenditure / Budget / Expenditure / Budget / Expenditure / Budget / Expenditure
1: Basel COP / 522 527 / 561 032 / 522 527 / 561 032
2: Rotterdam COP / 522 527 / 650 215 / 522 527 / 650 215
3: Stockholm COP / 522 527 / 629 083 / 522 527 / 629 083
4: OEWG / 354 865 / 251 912 / 354 865 / 251 912
5: CRC / 428 626 / 409 598 / 428 626 / 409 598
6: POPRC / 916 594 / 919 683 / 916 594 / 919 683
7: Basel Bureaux / 47 640 / 35 005 / 47 640 / 35 005
8: Rotterdam Bureaux / 25 408 / 19 109 / 25 408 / 19 109
9: Stockholm Bureaux / 38 112 / 27 182 / 38 112 / 27 182
10: Basel ICC / 39 545 / 22 057 / 39 545 / 22 057
Rotterdam ICC / 39 545 / 39 545
Stockholm ICC / 39 545 / 39 545
11: CRC Orientation Workshop (integrated into Activity 5)
12: Support for the work of Scientific Bodies
13: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building / 30 000 / 15 623 / 75 000 / 65 474 / 30 000 / 15 065 / 135 000 / 96 161
14: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (Basel)
15: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (Rotterdam)
16: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (Stockholm)
17: Technical Assistance for Conventions' implementation
18: Partnerships for Technical Assistance / 47 000 / 12 238 / 47 000 / 12 238
19: Support for Regional Centres / 75 500 / 50 791 / 115 050 / 26 150 / 190 550 / 76 942
20: Basel Scientific Support / 70 000 / 89 760 / 70 000 / 89 760
21: Rotterdam Scientific Support / 60 000 / 53 700 / 60 000 / 53 700
22: Stockholm Scientific Support / 91 000 / 53 497 / 91 000 / 53 497
23: Effectiveness Evaluation and GMP / 120 000 / 89 209 / 120 000 / 89 209
24: National Reporting / 40 000 / 40 000
25: Clearing House Mechanism / 339 200 / 197 299 / 89 000 / 58 348 / 56 000 / 53 188 / 484 200 / 308 835
26: Publications / 86 000 / 66 806 / 68 300 / 34 029 / 98 400 / 24 356 / 252 700 / 125 190
27: Outreach and Public Awareness
28: Executive Direction and Management / 236 300 / 239 459 / 253 078 / 237 032 / 236 300 / 239 545 / 725 678 / 716 036
29: International Cooperation
30: Resource Mobilization / 8 000 / 8 000 / 8 000 / 24 000
31: Synergy Review
32: Legal and Policy (Basel)
33: Joint Legal and Policy Activities
34: Country Led Initiative (ESM and further Legal Clarity)
35: Office Maintenance / 304 915 / 289 047 / 292 963 / 271 291 / 338 792 / 294 660 / 936 670 / 854 998
36: Joint ICT Services / 77 600 / 37 632 / 66 500 / 50 226 / 77 600 / 45 087 / 221 700 / 132 946
Staff Costs / 6 291 564 / 6 333 566 / 4 830 145 / 4 728 506 / 7 737 822 / 7 771 900 / 18 859 531 / 18 833 971
Total Direct Costs (excluding PSC) / 8 570 656 / 8 202 226 / 6 759 092 / 6 577 528 / 10 425 742 / 10 188 605 / 25 755 490 / 24 968 359
Annex VIII
Budget performance for the general trust funds of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions for the biennium 20162017 Biennium, as at 28 February 2017
Basel (BCL) / Rotterdam (ROL) / Stockholm (SCL) / Basel, Rotterdamand Stockholm
Budget / Expenditure / Budget / Expenditure / Budget / Expenditure / Budget / Expenditure
1: Basel COP / 557 575 / 132 375 / 557 575 / 132 375
2: Rotterdam COP / 557 575 / 123 250 / 557 575 / 123 250
3: Stockholm COP / 557 575 / 123 250 / 557 575 / 123 250
4: OEWG / 347 982 / 273 625 / 347 982 / 273 625
5: CRC / 517 208 / 390 179 / 517 208 / 390 179
6: POPRC / 862 962 / 402 431 / 862 962 / 402 431
7: Basel Bureaux / 50 900 / 32 414 / 50 900 / 32 414
8: Rotterdam Bureaux / 30 200 / 16 773 / 30 200 / 16 773
9: Stockholm Bureaux / 44 000 / 26 982 / 44 000 / 26 982
10: Basel ICC / 42 680 / 26 006 / 42 680 / 26 006
11: CRC Orientation Workshop (integrated into Activity 5)
12: Support for the work of Scientific Bodies / 2 666 / 2 666 / 2 747 / 8 080
13: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building / 30 000 / 3 233 / 30 000 / 2 967 / 30 000 / 2 967 / 90 000 / 9 168
14: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (Basel)
15: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (Rotterdam)
16: Technical Assistance and Capacity Building (Stockholm)
17: Technical Assistance for Conventions' implementation
18: Partnerships for Technical Assistance
19: Support for Regional Centres / 44 150 / 31 545 / 44 150 / 31 538 / 88 300 / 63 082
20: Basel Scientific Support / 249 875 / 125 484 / 249 875 / 125 484
21: Rotterdam Scientific Support / 60 000 / 30 000 / 60 000 / 30 000
22: Stockholm Scientific Support / 95 000 / 74 605 / 95 000 / 74 605
23: Effectiveness Evaluation and GMP / 180 000 / 169 001 / 180 000 / 169 001
24: National Reporting / 58 000 / 46 544 / 98 000 / 24 873 / 156 000 / 71 417
25: Clearing House Mechanism / 91 200 / 56 108 / 28 800 / 19 864 / 123 200 / 83 885 / 243 200 / 159 857
26: Publications / 33 400 / 5 807 / 33 200 / 14 520 / 33 400 / 2 444 / 100 000 / 22 771
27: Outreach and Public Awareness / 2 000 / 123 / 2 000 / 123 / 2 000 / 124 / 6 000 / 370
28: Executive Direction and Management / 122 300 / 80 266 / 225 427 / 169 929 / 204 868 / 97 220 / 552 595 / 347 415
29: International Cooperation
30: Resource Mobilization / 18 000 / 18 000 / 207 000 / 137 845 / 243 000 / 137 845
31: Synergy Review / 45 200 / 6 407 / 30 300 / 4 808 / 45 200 / 4 829 / 120 700 / 16 044
32: Legal and Policy (Basel)
33: Joint Legal and Policy Activities
34: Country Led Initiative (ESM and further Legal Clarity)
35: Office Maintenance / 306 000 / 119 361 / 148 200 / 74 988 / 486 000 / 193 685 / 940 200 / 388 034
36: Joint ICT Services / 105 000 / 30 242 / 65 000 / 47 801 / 145 000 / 42 279 / 315 000 / 120 322
Staff Costs / 6 218 609 / 3 568 973 / 5 463 628 / 4 090 188 / 7 036 974 / 4 099 793 / 18 719 210 / 11 758 955
Total Direct Costs (excluding PSC) / 8 322 871 / 4 541 178 / 7 209 538 / 4 988 057 / 10 195 329 / 5 520 498 / 25 727 737 / 15 049 732
Annex IX
Budget Performance for the voluntary special/technical cooperation trust funds of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions for the biennium 20142015
Annex X
Budget performance for the voluntary special/technical cooperation trust funds of the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions for the biennium 20162017, as at 28 February 2017