Understanding the Godhead

A request, in some circles considered a dividing line from cults, a necessity to face some errors, and certainly a help in understanding the scriptures.

I. Defining Our Terms - 1st step in understanding

A. Crosswalk.com/KJV dictionary/800 words changed since 1611

1. Godhead is not one of them, should be, not in new version

2. Merriam-Webster – origin: 13th cent., middle English - god-hood

a. God’s essence, deity, divinity, “characteristics”

B. ...hood describes the characteristics of person/group, i.e.

1. Facial hair, Adam’s apple, size, strength... manhood

2. Smooth skin, rounded figure, soft voice... womanhood

3. Impatient, trusting, forgiving, small stature... childhood

4. Brave, loyal, just, sworn w/an oath... knighthood

5. Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal...Godhood

C. Newer versions use different terminology

1. Acts 17:29 - divine nature, Romans 1:20; 2 Peter 1:4

2. Colossians 2:9 - Deity

D. There are three persons that possess these characteristics

1. Holy Spirit is God - Acts 5:3-4

2. Jesus is God - John 1:1, 18; 8:57-58

3. Deuteronomy 4:35, 39 - The LORD is God, and here’s the problem

a. God is one, yet he is three. Note Deuteronomy 6:4

II. More Terms to Define

A. 2 Hebrew words for “one,” O.T.

1. Yachead - mathematical one, Genesis 22:2; Zechariah 12:10

2. Echad - collective one, Genesis 2:24; Ezra 3:1

B. 2 Greek words for “one”, N.T.

1. Monos - solitary, alone, numerical one - Hebrews 11:17

2. Heis - union, compound unity - 1 Corinthians 12:12; John 17:21

III. Putting It Together

A. The Bible teaches that three persons possess Deity

1. The characteristics of God

B. These three are described as one. Deuteronomy 6:4; 4:35

C. Their oneness describes their relationship, purpose, efforts

1. Just like husbands & wives - Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5

2. From the beginning - Genesis 1:2, John 1:2-3

a. Genesis 1:26 - “us” make man in “our” image

3. In the work of redeeming man

a. John 5:30; 6:38, 44, 57 - Father did the sending

b. John 17-18, Phil. 2:4 - The Son gave Himself

c. 2 Timothy 3:16 - The Spirit reveals, teaches, & explains

IV. Monotheism is about One God (with three persons)

A. Not three Gods (different characteristics, like the Greeks)

B. Oneness Pentecostalism denies 3 persons

C. Jehovah’s Witnesses deny Jesus’ Deity, Spirit as person

D. Islam/Judaism deny Deity of Jesus

E. Mormonism denies these 3 as the only God

F. Romans 1:20 - the Bible teaches no excuse for us not to recognize that Deity is at work in our world...

1. 2 Peter 1:3-4 - And you can share in it

Understanding the Godhead

A request lesson, in some circles considered a dividing line from cults, a necessity to face some errors, and certainly a help in understanding the scriptures.

I. Defining Our Terms - The 1st step in understanding

A. Merriam-Webster – originally - 13th Century, middle English - ______

B. ...hood describes the characteristics of person/group, i.e.

1. Facial hair, Adam’s apple, size, strength... ______

2. Smooth skin, rounded figure, soft voice... ______

3. Impatient, trusting, forgiving, small stature... ______

4. Brave, loyal, just, sworn w/an oath... ______

5. Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal... ______

C. Newer versions use different terminology

1. Acts 17:29 - ______, Romans 1:20; 2 Peter 1:4; Colossians 2:9 - ______

D. There are ______persons that possess these characteristics

1. Acts 5:3-4 - ______is God,

2. John 1:1, 18 - ______is God; 8:57-58

3. Deuteronomy 4:35, 39 - The ______is God. God is ____, yet he is ______.

Note Deuteronomy 6:4

II. More Terms to Define

A. O.T., Hebrew - Yachead - ______one, Genesis 22:2; Zechariah 12:10

1. Echad - ______one, Genesis 2:24; Ezra 3:1

B. N.T., Greek – Monos - solitary, alone, ______one - Hebrews 11:17

1. Heis - union, ______unity - 1 Corinthians 12:12; John 17:21

III. Putting It Together

A. The Bible teaches that three persons possess ______

B. These three are described as ______. Deuteronomy 6:4; 4:35

C. Their oneness describes their ______, purpose, efforts

1. Just like ______& ______- Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:5

2. From the beginning - Genesis 1:2, John 1:2-3

a. Genesis 1:26 - “_____” make man in “______” image

3. In the work of redeeming man

a. John 5:30; 6:38, 44, 57 - ______did the sending

b. John 17-18, Phil. 2:4 - The ______gave Himself

c. 2 Timothy 3:16 - The ______reveals, teaches, & explains

IV. Monotheism is about One God (with three persons)

A. Romans 1:20 - the Bible teaches no excuse for us not to recognize that Deity is at work