Understanding By Design Unit Template

Title of Unit / Heart Healthy / Grade Level / 4th
Curriculum Area / Health/Science / Time Frame / One week
Developed By / Tiffannie, Ryan, Sheryl
Identify Desired Results (Stage 1)
Content Standards
Students will understand the importance of having a healthy heart.
Understandings / Essential Questions
Overarching Understanding / Overarching / Topical
·  The hearts significance in the body.
·  Exercise and diet’s effect on your heart health.
·  Signs of an unhealthy heart. / ·  How does having a healthy heart affect other vital organs?
·  What measures can you take to ensure a healthy heart?
·  How might your body react to an unhealthy heart? / ·  What actions does the heart perform?
·  What benefits do the hearts actions provide to other body systems?
·  What types of food help you to be heart healthy?
·  What types of exercise help you be heart healthy?
Related Misconceptions
·  All people who suffer from heart ailments die from them.
·  All heart related symptoms are signs of an unhealthy heart.
·  Exercise and diet are foolproof methods of preventing an unhealthy heart.
Students will know… / Skills
Students will be able to…
·  Key terms- heart attack, stroke, cholesterol, heart rate
·  Specific foods that positively affect the heart.
·  Specific exercises that positively affect the heart.
·  How the heart interacts/affects other body parts.
·  The components of the food pyramid.
·  How certain activities affect heart rate and how that benefits your heart. / ·  Diagram the position of the heart other major systems in the body.
·  Explain the positive effects of the heart on other organs.
·  Design a “Heart Healthy” menu for a day with emphasis on the food pyramid.
·  Plan out and recognize a healthy exercise routine, for a week, appropriate for a 4th grader.
·  Recognize the symptoms of a heart attack and stroke.
Assessment Evidence (Stage 2)
Performance Task Description
Goal / 1.  Students will label a diagram of the body with the heart and other major organ systems.
2.  Students will develop a week long menu for a person who wants to be heart healthy.
3.  Student will assess their current exercise regime and will evaluate exercise and aerobic activity for value to a healthy heart.
Role / 1.  The student will gain knowledge of where the heart and other organs are located in the body and understand the role of the heart.
2.  The student will understand the significance of a heart healthy diet and the specific foods and nutrients that help keep the heart healthy.
3.  The students will understand the significant effects of exercise, specific aerobic exercise on the heart
Audience / 1.  The teacher and students.
2.  The teacher and students.
3.  The teacher and students.
Situation / 1.  Students will be shown an interactive video highlighting the major systems of the body. Then through classroom discussion and online “organ positioning game” students will then be able to fill out a diagram of the organ systems of the body.
2.  Student will be instructed on the current food plate theory along with instruction on particular foods that fit into each category and how these foods positively as well as negatively affect the heart.
3.  Student will learn to take their heart rate. Students will learn the significance of levels of heart rate and will spend time participating in different exercises to allow them to evaluate heart rate in correlation to exercise. Student will understand the importance of aerobic activity for a healthy heart.
Product/Performance / 1.  Each individual will be given a diagram to fill out independently to recognize and label the heart and other major organ systems.
2.  Students will develop a week long plan/diet of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snack that are conducive to a healthy heart
3.  Students will be asked to keep a log of exercises they do each day. Students take their resting, exercise and post-exercise heart rates and evaluate for value of their exercise to aerobic ability and possible positive effects on their hearts.
Standards / 1.  The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the disciplines(s) he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for pupils.
2.  The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies, including the use of technology, to encourage children’s development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
3.  The teacher uses effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques as well as instructional media and technology to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
Other Evidence
Learning Plan (Stage 3)
Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the students know where they are going? / Students will learn the importance of having a healthy heart through the healthy activities and foods that will be discussed during in-class lessons and homework. Students will be given several in-class activities to learn what it means to be “heart healthy”. Students will be assessed based off of the rubric created for this health unit. At the beginning of each lesson, a K-W-L chart will be handed out and filled in by the student throughout the lesson timeline.
How will you hook students at the beginning of the unit? / At the beginning of the unit, important facts and statistics will be presented to the students to immerse them in the idea of being heart healthy. Such facts include the amount of blood the heart pumps through our body, the amount of heart attacks each year and the amount of money spent on health care regarding improper health just to name a few.
What events will help students experience and explore the big idea and questions in the unit? How will you equip them with needed skills and knowledge? / The students will experience and explore how to be heart healthy through the many lessons and activities. These activities include diagramming the position of the heart and other major organ systems, developing a week long menu for a person who wants to be heart healthy and planning a week long healthy exercise routine appropriate for a 4th grade student. Small group discussions about the basis for why individuals need to be heart healthy will be conducted by the students frequently throughout the unit. Through the skills and knowledge created within these activities and group discussions a better understanding of what it means to be heart healthy will be achieved.
How will you cause students to reflect and rethink? How will you guide them in rehearsing, revising, and refining their work? / Students will reflect on their work through the small discussions and activities that they will be involved in periodically through the unit. By concentrating the lessons on the different performance tasks, students will know what information is most important pertaining to being heart healthy. Essential questions will also be brought to attention before during and after the given lessons so students can reflect on previously learned material and rethink what they have learned and now know about each lesson’s main ideas. Students will self assess through peer review assessments facilitated by teacher led group discussions.
How will you help students to exhibit and self-evaluate their growing skills, knowledge, and understanding throughout the unit? / Each lesson will be including a WKL for students to assess and understand their learning process. Students will also be encouraged to ask questions and engage in an open discussion after each lesson with the teacher and classmates to clarify and reinforce concepts taught during each lesson. Students will be allowed and encouraged to re-do any assignment that they are unhappy with.
How will you tailor and otherwise personalize the learning plan to optimize the engagement and effectiveness of ALL students, without compromising the goals of the unit? / Students will be given a written explanation of each lesson complete with written instructions of terms, assignment details and expectations for each assignment along with verbal instructions of assignments. Students will be will allowed to work in pairs on the diet planning if applicable. Additional time will be allowed for students that require on the timed online organ positioning game. Students will also be encouraged to get assistance with the exercise logging and evaluation from parents/family.
How will you organize and sequence the learning activities to optimize the engagement and achievement of ALL students? / Lessons will be presented in an orderly sequence beginning with instruction on the heart and its role along with how the heart affects other organs. Students will then be given detailed lessons on how food affects both positively and negatively the heart. Clients will understand the food plate design to allow them to have the knowledge to complete the menu planning exercise. Students will then taught about heart rate and how heart rate is one indicator of a healthy heart. Students will experience taking their own heart rate and will participate in several indoor and outdoor activities to help them understand how certain activities effect heart rate. This will then assist them in their own evaluation of their daily activities and heart rate.

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. Mc Tighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (ppk)