Lesson Plan

Course / (PFA) Paediatric first aid / Audience / Open/In-house
Delivery Hours / 12 / Days / 2 / References guides / Current edition of First Aid Manual
EYFS Guidelines
AIM OF PROGRAMME / Enable students to gain first aid knowledge and skills in line with TQUK course requirements. The 2 day paediatric first aid course focuses on first aid for those who look after young children and infants, including nurseries, schools, pre-schools, and child-minders. The course meets Ofsted Early Years and Childcare Register requirements. All subjects and assessments must be covered on the days specified, however the order of the day is at the discretion of the trainer.
Learning Outcomes:
  • Understand the role and responsibilities of the paediatric first aider
  • Be able to assess an emergency situation safely
  • Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is unresponsive and breathing normally
  • Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is unresponsive and not breathing normally
  • Be able to provide first aid for an infant and a child who is choking
  • Be able to provide first aid to an infant and a child with external bleeding
  • Understand how to provide first aid to an infant and a child who is suffering from shock
  • Understand hot to administer first aid to an infant and a child with bites, stings and minor injuries
  • Be able to administer first aid to an infant and a child with a suspected fracture
  • Be able to administer first aid to an infant and a child with head, neck and back injuries
  • Understand how to administer first aid to an infant and a child with conditions affecting the eyes, ears and nose
  • Understand how to administer emergency first aid to an infant and a child with a chronic medical condition or sudden illness
  • Understand how to administer first aid to an infant and a child who is experiencing the effects of extreme heat or cold
  • Understand how to administer first aid to an infant and a child who has sustained an electric shock
  • Understand how to administer first aid to an infant and a child with burns or scalds
  • Understand how to administer first aid to an infant and a child who has been poisoned
  • Understand how to administer first aid to an infant and a child with anaphylaxis
  • Understand how to complete records relating to illnesses, injuries and emergencies

Day / Trainer Notes / Resources / Assessment
1 / Introduction
Aims and outcomes of the programme
Emergency procedures for the venue
Other housekeeping information for venue
Student introductions / Introductory session
Flipchart / Observation of participation
Question and answer
1 / Role and responsibilities of the first aider
What is paediatric first aid?
State and provide examples of the link between health and safety and first aid including legislation, regulations and best practice
State how the number of people, nature, location, activity and workplace may affect first aid needs
State the reporting procedures to follow with regard to accidents and first aid incidents
Discuss what first aid equipment should be provided, how to determine what to have and how to replenish/maintain
Define ‘child and infant’ for the purposes of first aid treatment
Demonstrate how to approach a casualty in a manner that promotes confidence and reduces anxiety
Promote equality of care regardless of age, gender, race, religion, disability or sexual orientation
Identify first aid requirements with due regard to casualty dignity
Reassure casualty and explain any intended actions
Establish if casualty is taking/has own medication
State action to be taken to minimise risk of infection to first aiders and casualty
Place or assist casualty into position appropriate for injury/illness
Monitor and record signs of life where appropriate / First aid kit
Discussion / Observation of activities
Question and answer
Assessment 1
1 / Assess an emergency situation
Ask learners to discuss in groups the potential hazards they face in their workplace
Explain the importance of personal safety and getting help
State the importance of calling for help early and that you have to confirm it has been done
Ask what questions the operator may ask and how it is important you have the answers
Discuss priority needs of a situation (DRABC)
Discuss what appropriate action should be taken to reduce, remove and/or isolate any dangers to self and casualty without further risk
Establish the course of events and casualty history accurately and sequentially where possible
Demonstrate how to prioritise the first aid requirements for individuals, appropriate to their condition and circumstances / PowerPoint
Discussion / Assessment 2
Q 1
Question and answer
1 / Unresponsive and breathing normally
Perform primary survey DRABC (danger, response, airway, breathing, circulation/cpr)
Discuss AVPU
Identify life threatening conditions as a priority in accordance with current UK/ERC guidelines
Maintain an open and clear airway with due regard to a child or infant casualty’s condition and recognise indications their airway could be becoming compromised
Explain why the recovery position should be used and the benefits of leaving a casualty on their back if they can maintain their own airway
Identify life threatening conditions as a priority in accordance with current UK/ERC guidelines
Place a child and an infant casualty in the recovery position
State what priority information needs to be established / PowerPoint
Role play / Observation of skills
Assessment 3
Q 1
1 / Seizure
State key recognition features of an absence (minor) seizure and a convulsive (major) seizure
Discuss how to ensure a safe environment for the casualty
State the key recognition features of febrile convulsions and their treatment
State when the casualty should be advised to seek medical help / PowerPoint
Discussion / Assessment 3
Q 1
Question and Answer
1 / Unresponsive and not breathing normally
Recognise when a child or infant casualty requires resuscitating; normal breathing verses agonal breathing or no breathing
Demonstrate correct hand or finger placement for chest compressions
Perform child and infant chest compressions in accordance with current child and infant UK/ERC guidelines
Inflate a child and infant casualty’s lungs using rescue breaths in accordance with current child and infant UK/ERC guidelines
State different methods of performing rescue breaths
State the rate of rescue breaths and chest compressions
Demonstrate the ratio between rescue breaths and chest compressions in accordance with child and infant UK/ERC guidelines
Explain how bystanders can be used effectively
Recognise the need for an AED when dealing with an unresponsive child over the age of one, who is not breathing normally
Discuss AED pad placement / PowerPoint
Training AED / Assessment 4
Question and Answer
1 / Choking
State key recognition features of children and infants who are choking – mild and severe obstructions
Demonstrate correct treatment for a child and an infant who are choking in accordance with UK/ERC guidelines
Explain the rationale for abdominal thrusts and chest thrusts / PowerPoint
Choking Vest
Manikin / Assessment 5
Q 1
Question and Answer
1 / External bleeding
State key recognition features of severe bleeding, arteries, veins, capillaries
Demonstrate control of bleeding using direct pressure and elevation
Demonstrate control of bleeding by the use of appropriate dressings and bandages
Explain the action to take if dressing(s) and/or bandage(s) are ineffective
Demonstrate control of bleeding with associated complications; embedded objects, amputations, penetrating chest wounds. / PowerPoint
Dressings / Assessment 6
Q 1
Question and Answer
1 / Shock
Define the term ‘shock’ in relation to first aid
State the key recognition features of shock
State possible causes of shock
Describe ways to counter the effects of shock and
Demonstrate correct positioning of casualty (with consideration to their injuries)
State what can cause a faint
State therecognition features of a faint
Explain the rationale for the positioning of a casualty / PowerPoint
Role play
Blankets / Assessment 7
Q 1
Observation of practice
1 / Bites, stings and minor injuries
State key recognition features of bruising, minor wounds and nosebleeds
Demonstrate correct procedures for control of a nose bleed
State when a casualty should be advised to seek further treatment
State what other conditions may be associated with a nosebleed
Describe correct treatment for bruising
State correct procedure for minor cuts and grazes
Demonstrate correct procedure for application of a dressing/plasters
State correct procedure for removing embedded splinters
Establish whether casualty has an up to date tetanus immunisation
State key recognition features of an insect sting
State key recognition features of animal bites
Demonstrate the correct procedure for removing a visible insect sting
Discuss possible complications arising from multiple bites or stings / PowerPoint
Role play
Discussion / Assessment 8
Q 1
Observation and Practice
Question and Answer
2 / Bone, muscle and joint injuries
State common recognition features of sprains and strains
State common recognition features of bone, muscle and joint injuries
State areas most commonly affected by dislocations
Define the terms ‘open’, ‘closed’ and greenstick fracture
Demonstrate correct treatment for a fracture, sprain, strain and dislocation / PowerPoint
Role play
Discussion / Assessment 1
Q 1,2
Question and Answer
2 / Head neck and back injury
State potential causes of head neck or spinal injury
State common recognition features of head neck or spinal injury
State what other injuries can be associated with head trauma
Demonstrate how to assess levels of consciousness
Establish cause of head injury and any relevant history where possible
Demonstrate head and neck immobilisation on responsive casualty
Demonstrate maintenance of open and clear airway on an unresponsive casualty using the jaw thrust
Discuss benefits of leaving casualty where they lie and monitor closely if airway not threatened
Discuss when to place unresponsive casualty into recovery position appropriate to suspected neck and/or spinal injuries in order to maintain open airway / PowerPoint
Roleplay / Assessment 2
Q 1
2 / Eye Injuries and foreign objects in the eye, ear and nose
State key recognition features of an eye injury
Discuss how to examine an eye for an injury
Demonstrate correct positioning of casualty to flush an eye
Describe how to remove a foreign object from theeye by flushing
Describe the procedure for removing an object under the upper eyelid
Describe how to dress an eye injury
Recognition features of a casualty with a foreign object in their ear, eye or nose
State key recognition features of a foreign object that has been inhaled
State potential dangers from objects that have been inhaled
State treatments and know when to call or send for help / PowerPoint
Roleplay / Assessment 3
Q 1and 2
2 / Acute medical condition or sudden illness
Sickle cell
Recognise the onset of a sickle cell crisis
Explain how to manage a sickle cell crisis
Recognise their own limitations in certain circumstances and call for help
State key features of an asthma attack
Explain what asthma is and how it affects the body
Give examples of causes and triggers of asthma
Describe the different types of inhaler (colour, spacer etc.) and their uses
State the action to take if a casualty has an asthma attack includingfirst attack, severe attack, their medication has no effect, they become exhausted
State key recognition features of an absence seizure and a convulsive seizure
Discuss how to ensure a safe environment for the casualty
State the key recognition features of febrile convulsions and their treatment
State when the casualty should be advised to seek medical help
State the recognition features of meningitis
State what meningitis is
State intended actions
Discuss key recognition features of a casualty with high/low blood sugar
Discuss contributory factors which could lead to the onset of high/low blood sugar
List any relevant details which may impact on the condition
Explain what can be given to a responsive casualty to raise their blood sugar level
State the importance of remaining with the casualty until they are fully recovered
State actions if casualty becomes unresponsive
State the recognition features of meningitis
State what meningitis is
State intended actions
Allergic reaction
State the recognition features of allergic reaction
Explain what an allergic reaction is
Give examples of triggers
Recognise and treat severe allergic reaction
Establish a history of any previous allergic reactions
Demonstrate auto injectors / PowerPoint
Role play
Demonstration / Assessment 4
Q 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
2 / Electric shock, burns and scalds
Describe correct procedure following electric shock including safety and potential injuries
State causes of burns and scalds
State key recognition features of a burn and a scald
Describe the correct treatment for burns and scalds
Describe the treatment for severe burns covering chemical burns, chemicals in the eyes and burns to the face and mouth. / PowerPoint
Discussion / Assessment 6
Q 1 and 2
2 / Poisons
State key recognition features associated with poisoning
State routes of entry to the body
Discuss examples of potential poisons
Recognise examples of potential poisons found in own environment
State what priority information needs to be established
Describe treatment for swallowed poison / PowerPoint
Discussion / Assessment 8
Q 1and 2
2 / Anaphylaxis
Allergic reaction
State the recognition features of allergic reaction
Explain what an allergic reaction is
Give examples of triggers
Recognise and treat severe allergic reaction
Establish a history of any previous allergic reactions
Discuss law regarding medicine
Demonstrate auto injectors / PowerPoint
Autoinjectors / Assessment 9
Q 1,2,3
2 / Heat and cold extremes
State the recognition features of hypothermia
Describe how hypothermia can develop over time
State how to ‘re-warm’ a casualty
State the recognition features of heat exhaustion and heatstroke
Describe how heat exhaustion and heatstroke develop
Explain how to manage a casualty with hypothermia, heat exhaustion or heatstroke
Recognise when to call for medical assistance / PowerPoint