Study abroadopportunityat Barnard College for undergraduates
Participation in the Visiting International Student Program (VISP) at Barnard College, which is an all-women's liberal arts college of 2300 students affiliated with and across the street from Columbia University, in New York City.
Three female undergraduate students from UCT, registered in the Humanities or Science facultieswill be awarded this scholarship for the 2015Spring Semester.
When:January – May 2015
What we’re looking for:
We are looking for students who are passionate and enthusiastic about the goals in their lives. They should strive to live well-balanced lives and have a good work ethic. They should be willing to step outside their comfort zone and completely embrace the opportunities that cross their path. They should also be willing to immersethemselves in the experiences brought forth by these opportunities knowing that it will enrich them in a way they never would have imagined.
- Students need to be female
- Students need to be fully-matriculated undergraduates (currently in their first year of studying toward any Humanities or Science Bachelor degree) and in good academic standing with an average of 70% or above.
- Their course of study needs to match up with Barnard’s offerings as an undergraduate (BA) liberal arts college. VISP students are eligible to take any course at Columbia that is also open to Barnard students, but the majority of courses taken should be at Barnard.
- Students are expected to have completed a minimum of one year of higher education at UCT at the time of their entry to Barnard.
- Students must have sufficient academic preparation for the courses they wish to pursue at Barnard and Columbia.
It might be helpful to look at the database of courses on Barnard’s website to get a sense of the wide range of courses available both at Barnard and Columbia.A list of departments at Barnard is available at
Conditions of scholarship:
1. Successful candidates will be awarded the following:
- Tuition fees at Barnard
- Room and Board on the Barnard campus
- Airfare costs
- Supplemental Health Insurance required by the programme
- Books and supplies
- Local transport
2. Successful candidates will be required to:
- Cover 100% of visa costs
- Provide additional funds in the amount of US$1000 – US$1500 to cover incidental costs for food not covered by the meal plan, and pocket money
Contact: Penny van Zyl on for any queries.
The UCT application form is attached.
NB! Please do NOT complete any official Barnard College application until you have been selected for the exchange by UCT.
Applications to be submitted to IAPO by midday, 30 August 2014
Application form for an undergraduate Study Abroad Opportunity at Barnard College, USAPlease print this page out and complete this form if you are a registered full-time undergraduate Humanities UCT student seeking a study abroad opportunity at Barnard University, USA.
In applying for a study abroad opportunity, you should be aware that:
- The International Academic Programmes Office cannot guarantee that all advertised opportunities will be available every semester.
- Until formally notified IN WRITING by IAPO of the success of your application and final placement, you should NOT de-register from courses or cancel your student housing.
- You must be a registered undergraduate UCT student at the time of the exchangeNBUndergraduate students are only eligible to go on exchange in their second year.
- You will pay full UCT fees for the entire period of the exchange (ie. no fee reductions will be given for the period).
Print name:
Surname & Name: / UCT Student Number:
Email Address: / Telephone:
Course of Study at UCT: / Academic Year of Study:
Please ATTACH THE FOLLOWING to your application:
- A letter of application and motivation outlining why you think you should be selected and which courses you’d like to take (less than 1000 words please)
- Afull curriculum vitae, including the names and contact details of 2 referees who are UCT staff members. Please make sure that you speak to your referees about this and ask them to submit a written reference letter (either directly to Penny van Zyl at IAPO or handed to you in a sealed envelope).
- Be sure to include details of your UCT participation in student life, governance, societies, committees, community service / outreach programmes etc on your CV.
- A print out of your unofficial academic record to date
Penny van Zyl
International Academic Programmes Office
Level 3, Masingene Building
Middle Campus
NB Only if you are chosen by IAPO for this study abroad opportunity will you need to do the following:
- Obtain a signed confirmation of support for you to complete a study abroad semester from the Humanities or Science Faculty Office
- Obtain signed confirmation from your HOD for each course that you will complete at Barnard. This should state that credit can be transferred towards your UCT degree for completion of the equivalent course-load / curriculum for the selected semester. (ie. a confirmation that this exchange is possible from a UCT academic point of view)
- Complete the Barnard online application form