RepresentativeElections Packet

Spring 2016

Dear Perspective Undergraduate Student Government Member:

We are pleased that you have decided to run for a first-year representative position on the Undergraduate Student Government. Your decision to run reflects your enthusiasm to help make a difference on this campus.

Enclosed is the information that will further acquaint you with the Undergraduate Student Government and the guidelines for the election. Enclosed you will find the following items:

·  A brief outline of the structure of the Undergraduate Student Government

·  A copy of the election rules

·  Guidelines for the candidate’s voting article

·  A note on the use of campaign posters

·  A summary of the important dates you should be aware of

Please read the entire packet very carefully;

you will be held responsible for all information included in it.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to stop by USG office Monday through Friday, between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the first floor of the MUB. You can also send an e-mail to me at . Thank you for taking an interest in USG and good luck with your candidacy.

Greta Colford


Undergraduate Student Government

Organizational Summary

Special Note for the 2015-2016 Representative Elections

Please read through this packet carefully, even if you have run for an Undergraduate Student Government position in the past. The election policies are based on new Bylaws that took effect last year.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us directly. We thank you for your patience as we transition to our new and improved governing documents.

Undergraduate Student Government Purpose

The purposes of the Undergraduate Student Government are to:

1.  Be an effective, efficient, responsible, and responsive form of student self-governance.

2.  Provide an official voice for the Student Assembly.

3.  Ensure and uphold the rights of students.

4.  Represent desires, needs, and interests of the students.

5.  Disburse and retain custody over the student activity fee.

6.  Ensure the conveyance of the student voice to the faculty, staff, administration, and the Board of Control in matters of institutional policies.

7.  Seek expedient resolution of student issues, concerns, and ideas.

8.  Advocate policies, rules, and regulations that best serve the interests of the Student Assembly of Michigan Technological University.

Officer Duties


1. Calls and presides over meetings of the Student Assembly and of the Undergraduate Student Government in the absence of the Vice President.

2. Appoints committee chairs and liaison positions, including liaisons to university committees, subject to Undergraduate Student Government approval.

3. Speaks and advocates on behalf of the Student Assembly and the Undergraduate Student Government, and sets a vision for the Undergraduate Student Government.

4. Serves as a voting member of the Ways and Means Committee.

5. Serves as an ex-officio member of the Student Affairs Committee.

Vice President

1. Calls and presides over meetings of the Student Assembly and of the Undergraduate Student Government.

2. Oversees all committee chairs and coordinates committee assignments for representatives.

3. Chairs the Personnel Committee.

4. Serves as the office manager, which includes overseeing office etiquette and training and coordinating supply and technology needs.

5. Serves as a voting member of the Ways and Means Committee.


1. Responsible for the receipt and disbursement of all funds of the Undergraduate Student Government.

2. Keeps records of the financial condition of the Undergraduate Student Government and the Student Assembly.

3. Shall submit a monthly financial report to the Undergraduate Student Government.

4. Prepares annual budgets for the Undergraduate Student Government and the Student Assembly.

5. Chairs the Ways and Means Committee.


1. Records and preserves the minutes of all Undergraduate Student Government meetings.

2. Serves as the secretary and a voting member of the Ways and Means Committee.

3. Maintains a record of the actions taken and correspondence received by the Undergraduate Student Government and the Ways and Means Committee.

4. Supervises, plans, and coordinates the Undergraduate Student Government elections.

Legislative Branch

The entire voting legislative body consists of four executive officers and the following representatives:

·  9 College Representatives (distribution based on population, all colleges get at least 1)

·  3 Residence Hall Representatives

·  2 At-Large Representatives

·  12 Class Representatives, three per class (first year, second year, third year, and fourth year)

The at-large representatives are elected at the same time as the executive board. College and second+ year representatives are elected during week ten of the spring semester. First year representatives and vacant representative positions are elected during the fall. Representatives from the residence halls will be appointed by the Inter-Residence Housing Council in the fall.

Election Policy (Article II of the 2015-2016 Bylaws)

Section 1 – Distribution

A copy of this election policy shall be given to each candidate.

Section 2 – Academic Requirement

Students must have a cumulative grade point average at least 2.25 at the time of appointment in order to qualify for candidacy under university policy. First-year representatives are not required to have an established GPA at the time of appointment.

Section 3 – Candidate Limits

The number of candidates for any office shall not be limited.

Section 4 – Election Data

The Secretary oversees the election process. No candidate shall be allowed access to election programs or data related to their election period. In the case that the Secretary of the Undergraduate Student Government is running for a position during the following year, the Secretary should appoint a delegate to oversee that election while voting is open. The Secretary may oversee all other phases of the election process.

Section 5 – Endorsements

The Undergraduate Student Government, as a body, shall not support or oppose any candidate.

Section 6 – Campaign Materials

The Undergraduate Student Government office shall not be used for any campaign purposes, including printing, copying, and display of campaign posters.

Section 7 – Campaign Policies

1.  All postings must adhere to the university posting policies.

2.  All campaign materials must be taken down no later than three days after the last day of the election. Examples of campaign media to be removed/ceased include, but are not limited to, posters, flyers, chalking, and emails.

3.  Electronic media that does not involve Michigan Tech web services, such as social networking sites, are permitted to stay as long as it adheres to Article II, Section 13.

4.  Posters may not be placed on the outside of university buildings. This includes university signs, residence hall information boards, or on any glass (windows, doors, etc.).

5.  No campaign banners shall span campus streets or the entrance to any building.

6.  If any university building managers complain that these policies have not been complied with, those involved will be brought up for review by the Judicial Committee.

7.  Pictures for the election ballot shall be arranged for by the Secretary, unless the candidate is not on the main campus during the election period, in which case a picture must be submitted to and approved by the Secretary.

Section 8 – Late Nominations

No late nominations will be accepted. Any student wishing to be recognized as a candidate, but filing their candidacy after the ballot acceptance deadline (as defined in current elections packet) will not be listed on the ballot, and must run as a “write-in” candidate.

Section 9 – Election Meetings

Candidates must attend all mandatory meetings. Missing a meeting will result in the removal of the candidate’s eligibility to obtain an office, even if they win through write-in votes, during that year’s election. In the event of extenuating circumstances for missing a meeting, the Secretary will decide if the candidate is still eligible for election.

Section 10 – Ballot Requirements

1.  The names of all candidates must appear on all ballots, even if unopposed.

2.  The order of names on the ballots shall be alphabetical by last name.

Section 11 – Violations of Election Policy

Any violations of this policy shall be brought before the Undergraduate Student Government Judiciary Committee for review. The Judiciary Committee has the authority to disqualify a candidate and/or declare elections null and void. All complaints shall be reviewed within three days of when they are received. Decisions must be made within seven days of when the complaints are received.

Section 12 – Write-In Candidates

Write-in candidates may assume a representative position if approved by a two-thirds vote of the full standing Undergraduate Student Government.

Section 13 – Promotion Requirements

Any and all campaign advertisements and promotion must be in good taste and in line with the Student Code of Conduct. Slander, belittlement of opponents, or offensive behavior will result in the dismissal of the nominee in question from the election in its entirety. The nominee’s name will not be allowed to appear on the ballot as a candidate and shall not be taken into consideration if he/she becomes a write-in candidate.

Guidelines for Candidate’s Voting Bios

Each candidate is asked to submit a bio for publication. Questions for the bio are provided at the end of this packet. This bio will be shown to voters on each ballot. Your picture will accompany your bio, and this picture will be taken at the mandatory meeting for Representative Candidates, so please be sure to dress appropriately.

In order for articles to be reproduced as accurately as possible, we require that you observe the following criteria:

1.  A survey will be sent out to candidates via email with the questions to be answered. All bios must be typed and submitted through this survey. (If this poses a problem, contact the Secretary at least 2 days prior to the deadline to make other arrangements.)

2.  Your bio will not be edited! This places a large responsibility on us to reproduce your article correctly because it will be known that any mistakes are your fault. We are willing to take this responsibility because we feel that it is important that the public see how you represent yourself in writing. Remember when you write something, it often becomes a permanent public record.

If you would like assistance with your article, the Reading and Writing Center in Walker has open times available throughout the Semester; Week-Appointments are not required. The Reading and Writing Center is located in the Walker Arts and Humanities Center, Room 107. (906-487-2447)

Bio Questions

All Candidates will be given the same four questions shown here. You are encouraged to answer all of the questions. I cannot overemphasize the importance of this bio; it is one of the few ways to make contact with your classmates, so take advantage of it and submit a quality article. Please limit yourself to absolutely no more than 60 words per question. ALL ANSWERS WILL BE EDITED TO THE FIRST 60 WORDS.

The questions are:

a.  Why are you running for this particular position?

b.  What qualifies you for this position on USG?

c.  What are your goals if elected to this position?

d.  If you could meet anyone in history, whom would it be and why?

Summary of Election Events

Executive Board and At-Large Representatives

Date(s) / Time / Event /


February 17th / After USG Meeting / Nominations for executive board and at-large representative positions opens.
February 23th / 11:59 pm / Executive board and at-large representative nominations close
February 24th / 11:59 pm / Elections for executive board and at-large representative positions open / Voting will begin to take place
March 1st / 11:59 pm / Election Closes / No ballots will be accepted after this time
March 2nd / 7:00 PM / USG Meeting / Results from the election will be announced. Attendance is highly encouraged.
College and Class Representatives
March 2nd / After USG Meeting / Nominations open for college and class representation
March 15th / TBA / MANDATORY MEETING in USG Office (MUB 113). All Candidates are Required to Attend!!! / At this meeting we will review the election rules in detail and answer any questions. Photos will be taken for publication
March 15th / 11:59 pm / Nominations close for college and class representation
March 16th / 11:59 pm / Election for college and class representation open / Voting will begin to take place
March 22nd / 11:59 pm / Election for college and class representation close / No ballots will be accepted after this time
March 23rd / 7:00 PM / USG Meeting / Results from the election will be announced. Attendance is highly encouraged.
March 26th / 5:00pm / Poster Removal Done / All posters must be removed prior to 5:00pm today.