UNDERGRADUATE MAJOR: Psychology (catalog year 2017-18) CREDITS REQUIRED IN MAJOR: 46
PSY 102 / General Psychology II / 3 / PSY 101
PSY 201 / Statistics in Psychology (QR) / 3 / Math Readiness
PSY 205 / Experimental Methodology / 3 / PSY 101, PSY 105 (C- or higher), MAT 120. PSY 206 concurrent
PSY 206 / Methodology lab / 1 / PSY 101, PSY 105 (C- or higher), MAT 120
PSY 205 concurrent
PSY 220 / Psychology of the Lifespan / 3 / PSY 101 and PSY 102 (C- or better)
PSY 230 / Social Psychology / 3 / PSY 101 (C- or better)
PSY 233 / Psychopathology / 3 / PSY 101 and PSY 102 (C- or better)
PSY 338 / Theories of Personality / 3 / PSY 101 (C- or better)
PSY 350 / Psychology of Learning / 3 / PSY 101 and PSY 102 (C- or better)
PSY 360 / Cognitive Process / 3 / PSY 101 (C- or better)
PSY 361 / Sensation and Perception / 3 / PSY 101 (C- or better)
PSY 365 / Physiological Psychology / 3 / PSY 101, PSY 102, and BIO 111 (C- or better)
PSY 371 / History and Systems (Capstone) / 3 / PSY 101 and PSY 102 (C- or better)
BIO 111 / Human Anatomy and Physiology300 Level MAJOR ELECTIVES: 6 CREDITS. *Unless student waived PSY 102, then take 9 credits to
complete the 46 credit hour minimum.
If PSY 102 waived
CORE AREA / COURSE NUMBER / COURSE NAME / REQUIRED BY MAJOR?QR / PSY 105 / Statistics in Psychology / Yes, or can take MAT 120
Text from the 2017 – 2018 Catalog:
Program Requirements
The minimum number of credits (exclusive of the University's Core curriculum) required for the major: 46.
Students must achieve a 2.0 grade point average and grades of C- or better in all courses that count toward fulfillment of the major requirements.
PSY 101 and PSY 102 should be successfully completed no later than the end of the sophomore year by students who plan to major in psychology. All majors should also complete PSY 205 and PSY 206 no later than the end of their junior year.
No required course in which a student earns an unsatisfactory grade (below C-) can be repeated more than one time. Students earning an unsatisfactory grade in the repeated course will be dropped from the major. Students will have the option of appealing this decision; each student's appeal will be reviewed by the entire department faculty. Guidelines for readmission will be provided to students who are dropped from the major.
Transfer psychology majors who have taken an introductory psychology course that was completed in one semester have the option of taking PSY 102 or having it waived. If a transfer psychology major waives PSY 102, he or she must take an additional three credits of 300 level psychology electives. Students who are not psychology majors cannot waive PSY 102. MAT 120 can be used in place of PSY 201.
All students are reminded that, in addition to meeting Departmental requirements for a major leading to a baccalaureate degree, they must also meet the University's Core curriculum requirements.
Required Courses:
PSY 101 and 102 General Psychology (3 credits each semester) to be taken as a two-semester sequence
PSY 201 Statistics in Psychology
PSY 205 Experimental Methodology
PSY 206 Methodology Lab
PSY 220 Psychology of the Lifespan
PSY 230 Social Psychology
PSY 233 Psychopathology
PSY 338 Theories of Personality
PSY 350 Psychology of Learning
PSY 360 Cognitive Processes
PSY 361 Sensation and Perception
PSY 365 Physiological Psychology
PSY 371 History and Systems of Psychology
In addition, successful completion of the following non-psychology course is required for psychology majors. This course should be completed by the end of the sophomore year:
BIO 111 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Prerequisite for PSY 365)
Other courses offered by the Department numbered 300 or above can be taken as electives to complete the 46-hour minimum. In addition, BIO 321 Neurobiology and BIO 405 Animal Behavior can be used to complete this requirement.
Successful completion of PSY 101 is the prerequisite for the following upper division psychology courses:
PSY 205 Experimental Methodology
PSY 206 Methodology Lab
PSY 230 Social Psychology
PSY 310 Popular Psychology
PSY 315 Psychology of Human Sexuality
PSY 323 Psychology of Infancy and Childhood
PSY 324 Psychology of Adolescence
PSY 325 Psychology of Adulthood and Aging
PSY 326 Psychology of Social and Linguistic Development
PSY 338 Theories of Personality
PSY 340 Behavior Modification
PSY 360 Cognitive Processes
PSY 361 Sensation and Perception
PSY 366 Drugs, Mind, and Behavior
Successful completion of both PSY 101 and PSY 102 is the prerequisite for the following upper division psychology courses:
PSY 220 Psychology of the Lifespan
PSY 233 Psychopathology
PSY 350 Psychology of Learning
PSY 365 Physiological Psychology
PSY 371 History and Systems of Psychology
PSY 375 Psychology in the Public Interest
Additional prerequisites for PSY 205, PSY 206, PSY 323, PSY 324, PSY 325, PSY 326, PSY 365, and PSY 366 are listed in the course descriptions.
Independent Study
With the permission of a faculty sponsor, junior and senior psychology majors may elect to participate in PSY 400 Independent Study. No more than 12 credits may be earned.
Directed Study
With the permission of a faculty sponsor, students may elect to participate in directed study in one or more of the following courses: PSY 401 Research Apprenticeship, PSY 405 Teaching Apprenticeship, and PSY 410 Internship/Field Experience.
The Department recommends that students who wish to take a more extensive program or who plan to enter graduate school elect, in consultation with their major advisor, other courses in psychology and also include study in related fields, such as mathematics, biology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, computer science, health sciences, and social work.
Psychology majors who plan to attend graduate school should keep in mind that Graduate Record Examinations must be taken no later than December of their senior year. Students should plan to complete as many psychology courses as possible by the end of the fall semester of their senior year.
Core curriculum codes
EYE – Entry Year Experience
CW – College Writing
QR – Quantitative Reasoning
CE – Creative Expression
SCA – Socio-cultural Analysis
CI – Cultural Interpretation
SE – Science Exploration
EISRC – Ethical Inquiry, Social Responsibility, & Citizenship
DIV – Diversity
INT – International
CAP - Capstone