Under the Bell Tower
Dear Friends,
Change may be welcome and challenging at the same time. As the first weekend of November approaches the time comes to turn back our clocks one hour, changing from Daylight Savings Time to Eastern Standard Time. This change is a favorite of many for it gives us, for that first night, an extra hour of sleep. Our mornings dawn later, and we don’t feel like we are waking up in the middle of a pitch black night.
However, evening comes sooner and the nights are longer. Every change has its pros and its cons and its unexpected consequences. I know that as I’ve grown older the time change seems to affect me more intensely. It takes me a full week or more to adjust.
Fortunately, though, we do adjust if we accept that we will be tired and out of sorts for a while, but expect we won’t feel that way forever. Our world is not a static place, change happens all the times, and often that change is out of our control.
It’s healthy and good for us to process how change makes us feel. It’s part of the wilderness we wander through as we head for the Promised Land.
Know that God is with you through the changes in your life, the glad and the sad changes. Know, too, that I am here to listen as you struggle with and adjust to the changes around you. I’m here to pray with you for guidance when you’re not sure of the way forward, and for God’s comfort and peace when you are hurt or grieving.
Discomfort and pain are as much a part of life as happiness and contentment, yet discomfort and pain are signals of change and growth. Think of the growing pains often suffered by children. They truly hurt, but we know they are signs that the child is growing up.
Where and how is change causing you pain? What are your losses and for what or whom do you grieve? Through what wilderness are you wandering?
Know that God is with you. Know that I am here if you need me.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Ellen.
Annual Church Budgeted Income / $155,906.00Budgeted YTD / Actual YTD / Difference YTD / Comments
Income Weekly Budgeted / $4167
Income Received from Members / 90,232.31 / 73,335.45 / -17,896.86 / Under
Transfer from Invest. Savings / 45,000.00 / 83,500.00 / 38,500.00 / Taken more than budgeted
Total Income / 135,232.31 / 155,835.45 / 20,603.14
Expenses to Date / -180,133.60 / -154,163.29 / -25,970.31 / Underspent
Net Difference / -44,901.29 / 1,672.16 / -46,573.45 / Underspent
10/2016 / 10/2017 / Offerings
10/02 / 50 / 10/01 / 45
10/09 / 52 / 10/08 / 45 / 2,019.00
10/16 / 51 / 10/15 / 45 / 2,349.10
10/23 / 62 / 10/22 / 51 / 630.00
10/30 / 62 / 10/29 / 42 / 1,621.46
277 / 228 / 8,112.01
AVERAGE / 55 / 45 / $ 1,622.40
Y T D BUDGETED / $135,232.31
11/02 Luan (Lori) RICE 11/03 Elisabeth TOMLINSON 11/07 Hannah LINDSEY-SCHUMAN 11/07 Marian DePUE
11/07 Wendy RIDGEWAY 11/07 Cameron RIDGEWAY 11/07 Caroline RIDGEWAY 11/08 Mary JOHNS
11/11 Cordell ALLBEE 11/15 Sally CHILDEARS 11/20 Terry WARFIELD 11/22 Victor PIERCE
11/23 Patricia DiANTONIA 11/23 Sue Harris-HUNT 11/25 Jennifer DOWNS 11/25 Sandra YURGA
11/30 Ava RUDIS 11/30 Patricia THOMPSON
If we missed anyone, please notify the church office to get your name on the list.
The Prayer List for Members & Friends of the Church
The list is kept current. For a copy please call the church office: 674-4177;
Philip Betts
Cawood Cosden - Courtland Manor
Amanda Middleton – recovering from medical procedures
Rose Mary Ressel –
Lily Stewart – Betsy Stewart’s 2 year old great granddaughter
Gertrude Weissenfluh
Ronald Zink
Ted Brickhuse - a longtime family friend of Bonnie Pennewell, age 93
Zachary A. Davis – Bill Hufnal’s grandson, son of Michelle, is home to heal before more surgery
DeWayne Hogue – Virgil Hogue’s brother had open heart surgery May 18th.
Verna James – The Hufnal’s aunt: reoccurrence of Breast Cancer and other health issues due to aging
Roberta Klees – Kathy Hanebutt’s mother, in Room 103 at Westminster Village Rehab. Center
Jeff Leonard – Cleah Muntz’s nephew - M S
Barbara Moore - Carol Skadsberg’s mother, healing for many health problems
Bill Pennewell – recovering from foot surgery
Tiffany Rumbley – Cleah Muntz’s daughter – health issues
Jayne Schrantz – Cleah Muntz’s sister – seizure disorder
Christine Shannon - Cleah Muntz’s niece - Parkinsons
Kayla Storr – friend of Chip & Ginny Stewart, with many health problems
Chloe Sharp – Sally Childears: 9 year old friend, receiving chemo and radiation in prep for surgery
Karen Trittenbach – Cleah Muntz’s sister – Thyroid problems
Rella Goodson – friend of Lyn Arnold
Warren Hoover – friend of Ginny and Chip Stewart
Willard Irwin – Lyn Arnold’s colleague
Pat Morrison - friend of John Downs, Jr.
Diana Oswell – Vicky Healey’s sister
The church’s sympathy is expressed to Gertrude Weissenfluh and family and friends of Adolf von Weissenfluh who passed away on October 28, 2017. A Patriotic celebration of life will be held on November 6, 2017 at 7 P.M. here at People’s Church with Rev. Ellen Witko officiating.
The church’s sympathy is expressed to the family and friends of Elisabeth Tomlinson who passed away on October 31, 2017. Services are Tuesday, November 7th, at 11:00 AM in the Chapel here at People’s Church with Rev. Witko officiating.
/ /Liturgist
11/05 / Kathy Hanebutt / 11/05 / Phyllis Tarburton11/12 / Phyllis Tarburton / 11/12 / Warren Bouton
11/19 / Bill Read / 11/19 / Jennifer Childear
11/26 / Cheryl Goldsmith / 11/26 / Ruth Gallihue
If anyone would like to donate the flowers or a Sunday or two during the year , Please call the office to give the details. Thank you.
Sunday Lessons
November 05 Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Communion
Matthew 23:1-12 / 11/05 / Ushers
November 12 Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Matthew 25:1-13 / 11/12
November 19 Nineteenth SUNDAY after Pentecost
Matthew 25:14-30 / 11/19
November 26 Twentieth SUNDAY after Pentecost
Matthew 25:31-46 / 11/26
We are in NEED of friends to donate just a few minutes on Sunday mornings to USHER. Please choose an open slot on the sign-up sheets in the rear of the sanctuary, or call the church office.
The Diaconate continues to be very busy
The Diaconate hosted Coffee Hour in October. Thank you to all who continue to support this opportunity with your presence as we continue to get to know one another better.
The Diaconate will be hosting the Spaghetti Dinner this year on November 12 from 4:30 - 6:30 PM. Tickets are on sale so please mark your calendar to attend ($7 adults/$4 children under 10). Tickets will be $1 more at the door. If you would like to help in any way please let someone on the Diaconate know.
We continue to look for a few good people to fill vacant positions on our board, one beginning at any time and one to begin in January. Please let a board member know if you are interested in serving your church in this capacity.
The Diaconate welcomes Alexis Jones as our new nursery attendant. Alexis is no stranger to us and is doing a remarkable job with the children. Thank you Alexis.
Videos of the Sunday sermons are posted on the FB page. So let’s thank Sally Childears and come join the congregation online if you are not able to be there in person.
We continue to need someone to help with our Sunday morning Transportation Ministry. Please call or email the office if you are able to help fellow members enjoy worship or know of someone in need of a ride. 302-674-4177 or .
If you have ideas about how to make our worship more meaningful please feel free to contact someone on the Diaconate or complete one of the index cards in the pews and drop in the collection plate.
Judy Zingaro, Chairperson
The event was a success and the Board of Christian Education thanks everyone who was involved especially those who provided tables and tents, helped to set up and break down the area, donated food, money or time, and those who came and interacted with people from the neighborhood. There is not enough room to list everyone by name but a sincere thanks to all. The board is extremely grateful to the Board of Mission and Outreach for handling the food aspect of the event.
Sunday school is every Sunday, including the first Sunday of the month*, unless otherwise announced. Class runs from immediately after “Time with Young Disciples” to 11:15. Children 4 to 12 are welcome to join us.
*The first Sunday of each month will be a special class dedicated to learning songs and prayers. We will break for communion and continue our lesson afterwards. All children are welcome to join us on these Sundays for singing, dancing and praying.
Mary Beth and Maria will be finishing the lessons from Exodus and the children will be completing their quilts. Starting in December we are back to the Deep Blue curriculum cover Christmas and moving into teachings of Jesus, the greatest prophet. Primary teachers for December, January and February are Jennifer Childears, Tracey Williams and Maria Myer.
"The Board will be holding our annual Advent Workshop for all children on Sunday Nov 26. The workshop will be held in the nursery during church service and include crafts, music and a special advent book."
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Jennifer Childears, via email or by text at 302-535-2988.
Stewardship Expresses Love for All
Love for God
Love for Neighbor
Stewardship ties two things together. Stewards recognize God’s unmerited love for each and every person, and for all other created entities (animals, the natural world, cosmic existence). Stewards also recognize that God’s unmerited love calls for love of neighbor. This is a matter of identity. Those who welcome God’s love for themselves in turn love others.
Who are we? We are beloved of God. What are we to do? We are to love in the generous way that God loves.
Stewardship is an expression of love for God and love for others. Indeed, one way we express love for God is by loving others. Stewardship of time, talent, money, and other resources is a practical way to express love for God and love for others.
Quoted from Ronald J. Allen
Please complete your estimate of giving before November 15. Thank you.
We delivered 48 food items and $ 10.00 to Holy Cross Food Bank for the month of October. For November and December we will collect food items for the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner food baskets for First Baptist Church Food Bank. Items needed are canned green beans, sweet potatoes, turkey gravy, boxes of mashed potatoes and stuffing and boxed cake mixes and frostings. Cash is needed to purchase turkeys. Thank you.
Code Purple
People’s Church will again be a sanctuary for the homeless this winter for Code Purple. See Sue if you would like to volunteer. We will be needing the following items through March – paper dinner plates, dessert plates, and bowls, hot cups and plastic silverware. Bathroom cleaning supplies and toilet paper. Large bags of chips, pretzels, popcorn for snacks and granola bars and other snacks. Coffee, hot chocolate, tea, and cereal. And SOCKS. Please put these items in the Food Bank bins. We will also need dinners for 25 which can be frozen ahead of time. Please see Sue about dinners. Thank you for all your help.
Women’s Fellowship
The October Women’s Fellowship meeting began with a presentation about massage and relaxation, by Jacqui Sedmont. It was open to all members of the church and about 20-25 attended. She demonstrated Thai massage, the subject being Pastor Ellen. Jacqui has opened a massage therapy office south of Smyrna and will offer a discount to church members. She is a licensed massage therapist and has practiced for 10 years. It was an excellent, informative program, and we thank Jacqui heartily.
Ruth Gallihue, president, opened the meeting, and Phyllis gave a treasurer’s report. The decision was made to prepare the cranberry relish earlier than our November 12 meeting, since Suzanne Schwartz-Green and Pastor Ellen will be leading the group that day with a craft project, gifts for our home bound members for the holidays.
The cranberry relish will be made on Thursday, November 2, at 1:00 PM. The relish will be sold at the Spaghetti Dinner on Nov. 12, proceeds to go to our various missions.