July 7th 2016

I. Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m. Board members in attendance: Mary Ellen Finch (President), Jonathan Close (Vice President), Joanne Kidd (Treasurer), Eva Cervantes, Jay Wachs, Jackie Viskup and Ralph Gray. Lifetime members in attendance: Mark Henrikson, Fred Brown and John Paul Plante, Board Members absent: Melissa Raulerson, Chip Straley

II. Approval of May 30th 2016 minutes and June 11th 2016 Annual Meeting

May 30th minutes, moved by Joanne to accept and seconded by Jonathan. Discussion: Fred questioned the expenses for the cleaning of costumes as administrative costs. It was explained that cleaning of costumes was not tied directly to a show, but were needed due to moving. Jay moved to change the minutes to state in Section III “Consensus was to keep non-production costume expenses as an administrative cost” instead of “Consensus was to generally keep the cost as administrative unless a show budget anticipates a large expense for more period /suit expenses”. Second by Jonathan. Jackie moved to change the minutes in Section VIc from “The committee has decided to hold off on the proposed USO show until perhaps the spring” to the committee has decided to hold off on the proposed USO show indefinitely.” Seconded by Joanne. Motion by Joanne to accept the minutes with the noted changes. Seconded by Jonathan. Motion carried with no further discussion.

June 11th Annual Meeting minutes- moved by Joanne to accept as written and seconded by Jackie. Discussion: Fred said that the change needs to be made saying that we “do not own” but we owe a mortgage. He felt it is deceptive to state we own something we don’t. Joanne explained that it is incorrect to say we don’t own it. It is understood that a mortgage still reflects ownership. This information is not deceptive as details on our mortgage are reported each month in every fiscal report. Motion carried with no changes made.

III. Treasurers Report. No show report because there were no show expenses since last meeting. The building report has been provided in full. Joanne asked we allocated that all donations go to principle? It has not been specified as for all donations but we did allocate that concessions profit would go towards the mortgage principal. We received $994.30 in donations since the annual meeting. Dues for Chamber of Commerce are due, and Joanne wants to know if we want to continue. Jay questioned if there is a discount for a non-profit. It will be looked into. Jay suggested that we consider the Visitor’s Bureau for membership. Jay will look into costs and benefits. Decision to hold off on renewing the Chamber dues until information has been gathered and shared. Eva moves to accept the report, seconded by Jonathan. Motion carried.

IV. Presidents Report. Mary Ellen wanted to correct some misinformation shared at the Annual meeting on June 11. There were numerous communications with Mr. Shadle during the negotiations between YCT and the Yuma Jewish Council. YCT will reach out to Mr. Shale to be sure that there are no hard feelings as our intention is never to alienate a member or sponsor. Regarding the qualifications to be a member of the Board: We have never judged nor had requirements for Board membership but have always sought a variety of individuals and their skill sets to serve. The 2015-2016 Board included several small business owners, a management analyst, security specialist, several teachers, and a bookkeeper/manager of an S-Corp. We all draw from each other’s strengths. It’s okay if you do not have a financial background. The diversity helps with the discussion. Clarification to Fred regarding his request to being on the ballot for the board. Mary Ellen printed out the email where Fred requested to be considered. It is not our policy to place people on the election slate without their request or permission. Regarding contracts: Mary Ellen received an email at 4:50 pm from HYT for the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (LWW). She needs to review further with Joanne but it shows some minor discrepancies of approx. $100. Mary Ellen will discuss with Joanne how it affects her budget. Mary Ellen is confident that a contract for LWW will be signed within the week. Fred feels we may need to go above the heads of the people at the HYT. The outstanding debt of $115.89 owed by Mr. Eggers has been paid in full. This reimbursement is now added to the show’s total profit. He is free to rejoin as a member. Jackie asked about what it means to be a member and do we prohibit people from joining. Joanne explained that we are an all-volunteer organization and the only time we would prohibit people from joining is if they had outstanding fiscal debts with us.

V. Season Shows 2015-2016

A. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe – Joanne. There are two weeks until auditions. We already had a quick audition on June 25 for two students who were not able to be in town during the month of July. It appears we may have more kids than parts which is a good problem to have. Fred shared to check the Saturday paper for the names of the churches. It was asked how we are publicizing auditions: Eva replied that she has flyers around town, she sent emails to schools/teachers and churches. PSA‘s have been running in paper/radio and it is on the Website and Facebook. Jay requested Eva send him the flyer to share the word. Rehearsals start 2 Aug.

B. The Foreigner – Chip. No meeting scheduled yet, most likely the middle of July will be the meeting. Mary Ellen and Jonathan will corral Chip to schedule a meeting prior to the next Board meeting.

VI. Standing Committee Reports

A. Season Advertising – Mary Ellen. Mary Ellen will connect with season show producers and directors and the Fundraising committee to set up a meeting. Janelle is no longer with the Yuma Sun and had reached out to see if we would be interested in television advertising. Most likely out of our reach financially. We need to see who our new account person is at the Sun. Jay asked if we could request one and if so he recommended Francis Armstrong. Mary Ellen will contact her before the next board meeting and see if we can utilize her and if so what specials she is offering. The packages last year worked well for us.

B. Our Building (2874 E. 16th St.) – Everyone.

1. Joanne stated that last month we approved a budget to purchase fans, but didn’t purchase since Ralph brought a big one to use during the Annual Meeting.

2. We also approved an expense to get a window AC unit for building B. The AC isn’t working well in that building. Someone needs to install a window AC unit. Ralph said there is no power to the wall on that side of the room and that needs to be addressed. Mark said he would look into it after his home items are completed. Fred questioned the paying of invoices to contractors that haven’t been properly completed. It was explained that Hansberger did not complete items correctly during the initial inspection/correction of code violations. Their solution was to disconnect anything that was suspect instead of correcting the issues. We have expressed our displeasure with the service provided to the company reps and owners and have received no response.

3. AC in the front building lobby area. We have approved this purchase to repair/replace as well but other bids need to be obtained. Someone needs to help let people in as Joanne’s work schedule precludes her from doing so. Ralph, Jackie, and Jonathan said they could be here to let them in for estimates and repairs. Ralph will call Polar Cooling or Comstock to request a bid. Jay will call Habitat to see if they have a used unit that might work as well.

4. Joanne requested that whenever you come to the building, go around and flush all the toilets and run all faucets to get the air out of the line and put water in the basin.

C. Fundraising – Jackie Viskup. An email will be going out tomorrow from Jackie to set up a committee meeting. We need to develop ideas for advertising. Decisions may need to be made regarding the allocations of where the money is going to be designated and movement towards the capital campaign. Mary Ellen presented on behalf of Mike a Panda Express fundraiser. It will be discussed at the Fundraising meeting. Everyone was receptive to this and other restaurant ‘takeover’ ideas.

VII. Old Business

A. 2016 YCT Annual Meeting – Everyone. It appeared to be a decent turnout and very successful. Numbers were our traditional 35-40 people. It was really hot but the fans helped a lot. Potluck was a great idea. Maybe hold it earlier in the day or later in the evening for the venue to be more comfortable.

B. 2016 Yuma County Library Teen Play – Eva, Lauren & Madeline

They’ve had a really good turnout. 15 teens each day, with only 3 teens that have been to previous workshop in the past years. So far the teens have worked on writing scripts, learning directing techniques, learned how to audition, and how to cast. The next two weeks lessons will include how to do stage and special effects makeup, lighting, rehearsing, and a performance on July 21st at 6 pm. The teens are very outgoing and anxious to learn. They have also expressed interest in auditioning for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in two weeks. In addition the staff was approached by a widower who read about the camp and is donating materials from his late wife who was a drama teacher for 30 years.

C. 2016-2017 Season Ticket Pricing – Mary Ellen Ticket prices were set last month: $20 reserved general, $25 preferred sections A-F. She will provide this information to Historic Yuma Theater for their use.

D. Historic Yuma Theater Contracts – Mary Ellen. As stated in the President’s report Mary Ellen received LWW contract. A few discrepancies. Will coordinate with Joanne. Anticipate signing LWW next week and will push for Foreigner contract as well.

VIII. New Business

A. Lyric Theater – Fred. Fred made contact with Bill Lutes regarding the Lyric Theater. Email forwarded to the Board. Mr. Lutes has no desire to sell but would love to renovate. They do not have the money to make it usable except for the repair of the roofing. Fred was disappointed that the Lyric Theater hasn’t been discussed but realized this was the first board meeting after his last email. Fred also sent an email with interior photos. Fred is willing to share information. Someone on this board needs to get in contact with Bill Lutes to discuss the opportunity of using and repairing the Lyric Theater. Joanne suggested that Fred find a grant for this endeavor. He said that his attempts have been ignored. Fred will introduce Jay to Mr. Lutes. Jay is willing to assist with this potential project. Jackie said she’d be willing to assist while looking for grants for our own building, but our true focus needs to be on our own building. She suggests that this summer introductions be made and all information be gathered and in the fall move forward with searching for grant. Jonathan will have discussions with Tina Clark regarding the historical value of the Lyric as she is involved with the Historic Preservation Committee. John Paul reiterated that our focus needs to be on paying off the mortgage on our building before we spend any significant time on another building. Everyone agreed with this.

B. Sponsorship – Joanne. There has been confusion over the years about the member/sponsorship form and whether or not sponsorship includes membership. There needs to be clarification on how things are worded for the different levels. The levels of sponsorship need to include a voting membership. Her proposal: $25 sponsor level includes 1 voting membership; $50 sponsor level includes 2 voting memberships; $100 sponsor level includes a Family membership (2 voting membership and performing memberships for dependent children [under 18]); $250 sponsor includes a Family membership and up to 2 show tickets; $500 sponsor includes a Family membership and up to 2 season tickets; $1000 sponsor level includes a Family membership plus up to 4 season tickets. Removing cast party on any levels currently included. Moved by Joanne and seconded by Jonathan. Mary Ellen will modify the member/sponsor form and email to the Board. Vote will be completed electronically on this motion.

C. YCT and YPG – Melissa - tabled until the next meeting due to her absence.

D. Social Media - Melissa -tabled until the next meeting due to her absence.

IX. Good of the Order. Jonathan- will forward an email to the board regarding the Arizona Arts grant information. Jay is providing shelter to a homeless 19 year old young man. He is in need of size 13/14 shoes. Mark- saw the Covarrubias family who performed in The Sound of Music and they’re doing well. Fred will need to get in the green shed. Mary Ellen has the key – Fred will get with her when he needs the key. Next board meeting August 1st, 2016 @ Yuma Community Theater Building, 2874 E. 16th St @ 7:00 P.M. Meeting adjourned at 8:36pm.