Métro 3 Rouge Module 5 La mode!
Unité 1 pp78-79 Les vêtements / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about what your are wearing
Discussing colour of clothes
Grammar / Adjectives of colour: bleu(e),rouge, vert(e), jaune, noir(e), gris(e), bleu marine, bleu clair, blanc(he)
(Programmes of Study) / 1c use a range of vocabulary / structures
2d initiate / develop conversations / 2b, 3b
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/3–4 / Understand descriptions of clothing / 1a, 2a
Speaking / AT2/3–4 / Describe clothes; interview partner about clothes / 1b, 2b
Reading and responding / AT3/4 / Understand what clothes people wear for particular events / 3a
Writing / AT4/4–5 / Write about clothes you wear today, were wearing yesterday and will wear tomorrow / 3b
Key language /

un pantalon, un jean, un short, un pull, un tee-shirt, un chemisier, un sweat, une robe, une jupe, une chemise, des sandales, des chaussures, des baskets, des tennis

Je / Il / Elle porte … .

La couleur me va / ne me va pas.

ICT Opportunities / Word processing: using tables. Make your own version of the grammar table on page 78, but put each of the words in the appropriate colour to help you memorise them.
Reinforcement / Rouge workbook, p43
À toi!, p122
Extension / En plus, PB pp90–91
Resources / Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 2
R & A File: worksheet 1, p86; grammar 1, p88
Flashcards 21–33 from Métro 1
Métro 3 Rouge Module 5 La mode!
Unité 2 pp80-81 Je voudrais ... / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Ask for something in a shop
Ask how much it costs
Ask if there is anything cheaper
Revise larger numbers
Use connecting words
Grammar / this and these: ce / cette / cet / ces
(Programmes of Study) / 1a sounds and writing
2c ask and answer questions
5a communicate in pairs and groups etc. / 1a, 1b
1a, 1b
1b, 2c
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4 / Understand dialogue in which clothing is purchased / 2b
Speaking / AT2/3–4 / Take part in dialogue about purchasing clothing; interview partner about preferences / 1b, 2c
Reading and responding / AT3/3-4 / Understand dialogue about purchasing clothes; understand descriptions of clothes / 1a, 2a, 2d
Writing / AT4/4 / Describe a favourite item of clothing / 2e
Key language /

Je voudrais un tee-shirt bordeaux.

Il coûte combien?
Avez-vous quelque chose de moins cher?
ICT Opportunities / Exploring the internet: look at collections on the Pimkie website.

Reinforcement / Rouge workbook, p44
À toi!, PB p122
Extension / En plus, PB pp90–91
Resources / Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 3
R & A File: worksheet 2, p87; grammar 2–3, pp89–90
Métro 3 Rouge Module 5 La mode!
Unité 3 pp82-83 La mode. Pour ou contre? / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Saying how much pocket money you get, and what you do with it
Saying what you think about fashion
Grammar / essayer de …, commencer à …, s’intéresser à …
(Programmes of Study) / 2d initiate / develop conversations
3d use dictionaries / reference materials
5c express feelings and opinions / 2a
Contexts / Everyday activities, personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/4-5 / Understand people’s opinions about fashion / 1c
Speaking / AT2/5 / Interview partner to find out his / her views on fashion and how pocket money is spent / 2a
Reading and responding / AT3/5 / Understand people’s views about fashion / 1a, 1b
Writing / AT4/5 / Write what you and partner feel about fashion and how much money was spent / 2b
Key language /

J’ai ... d’argent de poche.

Je fais (du babysitting) et je gagne … .
J’achète ... .
Je mets mon argent à côté.
essayer de, commencer à, s’intéresser à
La mode, qu’en penses-tu?
Je trouve que ... . À mon avis ... . Selon moi ... .
ICT Opportunities / Designing a poster: copy and paste or insert own photosto create your own fashion advert with word-processed text and imported photo.
Reinforcement / Rouge workbook, p45
Extension / En plus, PB pp90–91
Resources / Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 4
R & A File: worksheet 1, p86
Métro 3 Rouge Module 5 La mode!
Unité 4 pp84-85 Copain-copine / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about teenage problems
Saying what someone is like
Grammar / expressions with avoir: avoir besoin de, avoir honte, avoir envie de
(Programmes of Study) / 4d knowledge of TL communities
5g listen / read for interest and enjoyment / 1a, 3b
1a, 3b
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/5–6 / Understand young people talking about their problems / 3a
Speaking / AT2/2–4 / Speak about people’s characteristics / 1c, 2b
Reading and responding / AT3/5–6 / Understand people writing about their problems and the suggested solutions / 1a, 1b, 3b
Writing / AT4/2–6 / List positive and negative descriptions; write responses to problem letters / 2a, 3c
Key language /

J’ai un problème.

J’ai besoin de ... .
J’ai honte ... .
J’ai envie de ... .
Je m’énerve facilement.
Paul / Céline est marrant(e) / bavard(e) / charmant(e) / sérieux (sérieuse) / intelligent(e) / poli(e) / farfelu(e) / stupide / gentil (gentille).
ICT Opportunities / Writing letters: word-process your own anonymous teenage problem letter. Someone else in the class, whose identity you don’t know, can word-process an appropriate response.
Reinforcement / Rouge workbook, p46
Extension / En plus, PB pp92–93
Resources / Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 5
R & A File: grammar 4, p91
Métro 3 Rouge Module 5 La mode!
Unité 5 pp86-87 Bouge ta tête / Activity no.
Learning objectives / Talking about a singer
(Programmes of Study) / 3e develop independence in using TL
4a work with authentic materials
5h use language for real purposes / 1b
2b, 2c
Contexts / Personal and social life
Learning outcomes …
Listening and responding / AT1/5-6 / Understand people talking about musical preferences / 2a
Speaking / AT2/2-4 / Carry out a class survey about music; talk about who plays what instrument / 2b, 3a
Reading and responding / AT3/5-6 / Understand profile of rap singer and words of song / 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d
Writing / AT4/3-6 / Write rap song; write up the results of class music survey; write portrait of famous singer / song-writer / 1e, 2c, 3b
Key language /

groupe, chanteur, chanteuse

rap, jazz, rock, musique classique
la trompette, le saxophone, la batterie, la guitare, le piano, le synthétiseur
L’album le plus acheté, c’est ... .
Il y a ... personnes qui préfèrent ... .
Personne ne préfère ... .
ICT Opportunities / Using a spread sheet: enter the results of the class survey onto two separate pages of a spread sheet and produce two labelled pie charts to show the results.
Reinforcement / Rouge workbook, p47
Extension / À toi!, PB p123
Resources / Cassette C, side 1 or CD 3, track 6
R & A File: worksheet 1, p86