UMMS Preventive Medicine Residency Program

Goals and Objectives

Goal #1: Provide trainees with the “basic science” of general preventive medicine and public health through successful attainment of the following objectives

a)Earning the MPH degree, or equivalent, including core courses in epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health, applications of social and behavioral theories in public health, health care systems and advanced courses in applied epidemiology, statistical computation, risk communication, clinical preventive services, and administration and management

b)Participating and presenting in a number of required didactic activities including the preventive medicine weekly seminar series, monthly departmental research forums, health policy forum, clinical and behavioral medicine workshops, global health seminars, ABPM review sessions, and national and regional meetings

c)Completing a research or evaluation project that demonstrates competency in epidemiology and biostatistics

d)Demonstrating improved scores on the ACPM in-service exams

Goal #2: Provide trainees with competency-based skills in clinical and community preventive medicine through successful attainment of the following objectives:

a)Completing required didactic sessions, workshops, and certifications in clinical and community preventive services

b)Participating in required direct patient care rotations in preventive nutrition, cardiac rehabilitation, tobacco treatment, integrative medicine , and clinical preventive services in primary care

c)Completing two elective rotations in direct patient care programs that include USPSTF-related clinical prevention services

d)Participating in a rotation in community-engaged clinical prevention research in the UMMS CDC Prevention Research Center

e)Completing a quality improvement project related to clinical preventive services in the primary care setting

Goal #3: Provide trainees with competency-based skills in public health practice through successful attainment of the following objectives:

a)Completing required didactic sessions, workshops and fieldtrips related to the practice of public health in local and state settings

b) Participating in the Annual Health Policy Forum for the State of Massachusetts

c)Completing the City of Worcester Department of Code Enforcement practicum sessions

d)Participating in a two-month practicum experience at a public health agency with at least one month in a project –focused rotation at the Massachusetts State Department of Public Health

Goal #4: Provide trainees with the requisite skills to become leaders in the fields of preventive medicine and public health through successful attainment of the following objectives:

a)Participating in leadership, management and administration didactics and workshop sessions

b)Completing clinical, public health, and community health rotations that include management and administration activities

c)Attending didactic sessions with previous preventive medicine residents who have become leaders in preventive medicine and public health

d)Receiving formative evaluation, mentoring and career guidance from preventive medicine faculty

e)Attending national /regional meetings and establishing connections with leaders in areas of interest