Thursday, March 3, 2016
Led by: UMBC
In Attendance: Man Kyo Chung, Renty Franklin, Brandy Garzel, Erin Golembewski, Katia Kontrogianni, Meg Johantgen, Sarah Tom, Robert Deluty, Jonathan Graf, Lisa Morgan, Todd Pittman, Muruhan Rathinam
Approval of Minutes from Council Meeting held on February 4, 2016
· A motion was made to accept the minutes as submitted. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Announcements/plans/issues UMB
· The Middle states committee will be on campus the first week in April. UMB is excited to hear what they have to say about the University.
Announcements/plans/issues UMBC
· None
GSA Reports
· UMB (Brandy Garzel) – Dr. Ward spoke to the GSA about Middle states to update them on the progress. The Graduate Research Conference will be held on Wednesday, March 23rd and registration will close on Friday, March 11th. There was not about of interest in the 3MT competition so it will not be a part of the GRC event. The Candidacy Ceremony has been moved to April 21st due to a scheduling conflict. GSA senators were polled to see where they want to put the 10% increase in student fees and it may go toward increasing the number and types of research awards given.
· UMBC (Jonathan Graf) – The Graduate Research Conference will be held on Wednesday, March 23rd and they currently have 130 registered presenters and 30 registered reviewers. They have begun discussing a student fee increase and will hold a survey later this month.
Committee Reports
Program Review
Erikson School – The reviewers rated the school as “one of the strongest non-medical aging services programs available and “worthy of continued investment and support.”
· Reviewers recommendations and action plans are summarized:
o Develop a strategic planning process – Goals will be redefined, a new model of delivery of the graduate program will be offered and the program will no longer be cohort only.
o Promote and market the graduate program – Hired a new recruiter to develop marketing and online/hybrid courses will be developed.
o Develop curriculum for the biological or clinical aspects of aging – Hired a new faculty member to undertake these tasks
o Strengthen scholarly activity – Collaborations with others at the University will be encouraged to incubate research
o Promote revenue growth – They will be expanding current training programs and launching new certificate programs.
o Increase collaboration with other units of the University – Representation in shared governance will be increased and a faculty affiliate program will be developed
In summary, the APR was conducted thoroughly and favorably. It contained specific suggestions for improvement which were addressed in the Dean’s response.
Gender & Women’s Studies
· Reviewers and action plans are summarized:
o Faculty Support and resources –
§ Immediate need for one faculty line to meet existing requirements of core courses and electives – Dean supported the appointment of Postdoctoral Fellow for Faculty Diversity in GWST with hope they will join tenure-track in two years
§ Reliance on affiliate faculty and on cross listed courses taught by affiliates – This is a college-wide consideration. There will be a discussion of the Department’s faculty workload policies and of the recommendations of the University’s Interdisciplinary Activities Task Force
o Other areas of support
§ Expand the number of active learning spaces – GWST will have opportunity to use new, active-learning classrooms in the Fine Arts Building and will have a reading room in its main office suite.
§ Greater visibility for GWST in campus promotional, recruitment and advertising materials – Dean’s office will facilitate discussions with the Office of Admissions to develop articulation agreements, UMBC Magazine to recognize its work, and Enrollment Management to develop a recruitment plan.
A motion was made to accept the committee’s recommendations as submitted. There was unanimity at UMB and UMBC.
Graduate Faculty - the following was approved:
Norann Zaghloul – Regular
Mary Lynn McPherson - Associate
A motion was made to accept the committee’s recommendations as submitted. There was unanimity at UMB and UMBC.
New Courses
Courses Recommended for Approval :
UMBC New Courses
· CMPE 647 Analog Integrated Circuit Design
· BTEC 699 Bio-Industry Experience
· BTEC 681 Discovery and Development of Medical Devices
UMB New Courses
· DBMS 639 Advanced Dental Biomaterials I
· DBMS 640 Advanced Dental Biomaterials II
UMB Change in Existing Course
· NURS 755 Families in Crisis Theory and Interventions
· NURS 523 Clinical Nurse Leader Emphasis Practicum
A motion was made to accept the committee’s recommendations as submitted. There was unanimity at UMB and UMBC.
Long Range Planning & New Programs – No Report
New Business
Old Business
Next Meeting:
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Led by: UMB