The following is a brief summary of the new and revised paragraphs in the ULC-S615-14 Standard for Fibre Reinforced Plastic Underground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids and our assessment of the actions that will be required to determine compliance under an Industry File Review (IFR) by a futureEffective Date of Jan 30, 2020for only FRP Tanks currently Certified under EGHXC (ULC Mark) or EGHX7 (cUL Mark).

In addition to the FRP Tanks, any Unlisted (EGVV3) or Recognized (EGVV8) Component Materials for Canada used to construct these tanks will also require compliance with the Immersion Test’s new fuels and revised temperatures (see Sec 5.10 & Table 3 for details). Manufacturers using Recognized materials that comply with the new & revised S615 requirements, and fabricate the tank within their covered thickness & other FRP laminate parameters, will not require separate compatibility testing.

In some cases, Recognized Component Materials (EGVV2) for UL1316 FRP Tanks were determined to meet or exceed the old ULC-S615-98 compatibility requirements, but since they were significantly changed in the new ULC-S615-14 ed, these materials will also require compliance with the Immersion Test’s new fuels and revised temperatures (see Sec 5.10 & Table 3 for details) under the IFR. Use of other EGVV2 FRP Materials (UL1746, UL1856 or ULC-S669) will be individually assessed.

Please note there is an active project to combine the requirements of ULC-S615 and UL1316 as a Bi-National Standard within 18 months. The expectation is that since most requirements are similar, there will not be significant changes. However, it is also expected the old UL1316 test fuels will be replaced by the new ULC-S615 test fuels. Therefore, any testing to meet the new test fuels under this IFR would be applicable to both Certifications, so the anticipated impact of the future Bi-National Standard after publication will be minimal.

ULC-S615 Topics / General Assessment and Impact of Changes
Non-Technical Sections
Sec 1 Scope
Sec 2 References
Sec 3 Glossary
Certification Impact and IFR Handling / The following revisions and additions were made to the informative Sections of S615 which are either editorial, general, format or other non-technical changes:
The entire document was renumbered to support ULC format rules, with all clauses, figures & tables after old Sec 2 increased by 1, and all cross-references were synchronized.
1.1 – New item D “other” optionally allows liquids other than those groups required by items A-C.
1.2 – New “multiple walls” optionally allows more than double wall tanks.
Referenced publications in the Standards were either updated or added to support the normative requirements throughout the document.
New definitions were added (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 & 3.11).
Revised definitions were made for (3.4, 3.5, 3.10, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14 & 3.15).
The above changes are not intended to have any impact, as the information in these Sections are not normative “requirements”, so will not require an IFR to review currently Listed products.
ULC-S615 Topics / General Assessment and Impact of Changes
Sec 4 FRP Tank Construction
Sec 4.1 General Requirements
Sec 4.3 Vent Openings
Sec 4.4 Tank
Sec 4.5 Tank
4.6 Internal
4.7 Tank
4.8 Supplemental Equipment
4.9 Corrosion Protection
Certification Impact and IFR Handling / The following changes made to FRP Tank Construction requirements in Sec 4 (old Sec 3) were considered significant. Many other changes made to clause & sentence structure were considered non-technical word-smithing edits, so are not covered in this document.
4.1.6 (New) – Clarification to test the interstice of monitored bulkheads per double wall requirements.
4.1.7 (Rev) – Coverage area adds 95% option to 300 deg, and excludes fitting & manway adjacent area.
4.3.1 (Rev) – Clarification that normal venting per Table 1 is required for all compartments of a multi-compartment tank.
4.4.1 (Rev) – Use of multi-lug lift details was added to the instructions. Although deleted, the lug label min 25 mm letter height (old 3.4.1) will still be enforced as a general marking requirement (new 7.2).
4.5.1 (Rev) – Revised terms (collar heightflange) (liquid levelvertical axis) clarified 100 mm height.
4.5.2 (New) – Gaskets must be min 3 mm thick, with liquids “compatibility” determined by the buyer.
4.6.1 (Rev) – Although impact pads are now required only under fill & gauge openings, all openings will still require them unless a marking to identify such openings is provided for UL/ULC Certifications.
4.6.2 (New) – Minimum impact pad dimensions & thickness for specific materials, and minimum laminate coverage over them were added.
4.7.1 (Rev)– Expanded opening sizes up to 168219 mm (NPS 68). Error in Fig 1 Cl ref (4.7.1 A not 3.7.1).
4.7.2 & 4.7.3 (Rev) – Exception (old 3.7.2) re-written and split into 2 clauses.
4.7.4 (Rev) – Clarification 1.25 +/- 25 mm distance measured from interior top of the tank.
4.7.5 (Rev) – Shipping vent plug min opening reduced (4.84.5 mm).
4.8.1 (A) (Rev) – Gauge chart accuracy of +/- 0.5% added, and 1.8 m gauge stick deleted (old B).
4.8 1 (B) (Rev) – Instruction type (embed in resinpermanently attached) & content (condensed) changed.
4.9.1 (Rev) – Protection excludes lift & guide lugs, and old protection types (A-C) replaced with new protection types & min thickness (A) S615 tank resin, or (B) S603.1 materials.
Changes to green highlight items are verified clarifications of past Certification practice or have no impact, so will not require a review or recertification of Listed tanks, and were effective upon publication.
Changes to yellow highlight items are new or need to be checked, so will require a review of Listings to verify compliance, and may additional require re-testing and/or Report revisions under the IFR.
Items in red text indicate either an error and/or conflict in the requirements, and the actions UL/ULC are taking for compliance under the IFR, pending official interpretations from the S615 committee, if necessary.
ULC-S615 Topics / General Assessment and Impact of Changes
Sec 5 FRP Tank Performance
Sec 5.1 General Requirements
Sec 5.2
Sec 5.3
Sec 5.6 Hydrostatic Pressure
Sec 5.7 Concentrated Loading
Sec 5.8 Flood
Sec 5.9 Tank Connections
Sec 5.10 Immersion Tests
Table 3 Immersion Liquids
Certification Impact and IFR Handling / The following changes made to FRP Tank Performance requirements in Sec 5 (old Sec 4) were considered significant. Many other changes made to clause & sentence structure were considered non-technical word-smithing edits, so are not covered in this document.
5.1.1 (New) – Clarification tests in 5.2 - 5.8 (5.7 ref is an error) may be conducted on different tank samples.
Relocated – Old 4.1.2 burial/backfill and 4.1.3 diameter measure details moved to new 5.7.2 & 5.7.3.
Old 4.3 combined Leakage and Strength test methods were separated and re-written as new 5.2 & 5.3 with essentially the same method & requirements, except for the following changes:
Added – Lower 21 kPa Test P for tanks >3.05 m diam (5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.3.1), and PV=nRT adjustment (5.3.2).
Deleted – Requirements for assessing “no observable damage” during tests.
Revision – Clarification of interstitial test values (“dry” @ 1.5X rated P/V or “liquid” @ 1.5X static P).
Pass/Fail– Clarification “leakage” is determined by +/- 1.0 kPa change for gauge based tests.
Correction – 175 kPa test pressure (old 4.3.2) is applicable only to the hydrostatic test (new 5.6.1)
5.6.X – Lower 103 kPa pressure for tanks > 3.05 m diam (.1, .2 & .3) with burial option (.3) added.
5.6.3 – Clarification adjacent compartments are water filled & vented during bulkhead testing.
5.7.4 – Clarification concentrated load is applied for min 2 hrs before diameter re-measure.
5.7.X – Clarification of method to determine no tank “damage” (.5) or “leakage” (.6) added.
5.8.1 – Multi-wall tank option added to test sample preparation for manifolding.
5.8.5 – Note burial/backfill and diameter measure details should not have been deleted (old 4.1.2 & 4.1.3).
5.8.5 – Deletion of the pressure option (old 4.7.5) now allows only vacuum testing for leak detection.
5.9.2 & 5.9.3 – All torque values for pipe fittings referenced in Table 2 were reduced.
Table 2 – The reduced values were intended to harmonize with the UL1316 value.
5.10.X – Clarification immersion tests apply to only FRP materials (.1) of all containment walls (.2).
5.10.6 – Option for coverage of “other” liquids per 1.1D/Table 3 if successfully tested & marked.
Part A – The 4 new test fuels @ 40 C for 1 rating replaces the old 9 test fuels @ 23C or 38C for 3 tier ratings.
Part B – Examples for options for “other” fuels with testing @ 40 C for special ratings.
App D – Although marked (informative), the new test fuel formulations are required by 5.10.3 & Table 3.
Changes to green highlight items are reduced requirements, options or verified clarification of past testing practices that will not require review or recertification of Listed tanks and were effective upon publication.
Changes to yellow highlight items are either new, revised or need to be checked, so will require a review of Listings to verify compliance, and may additional require re-testing and/or Report revisions under the IFR.
Changes to red highlight itemsare new or revised requirements that will require compatibility testing for recertification of currently Listed tanks under the IFR by the effective date.
Items in red text indicate either an error and/or conflict in the requirements, and the actions UL/ULC are taking for compliance under the IFR, pending official interpretations from the S615 committee, if necessary.
ULC-S615 Topics / General Assessment and Impact of Changes
Sec 6 Production Tests
Certification Impact and IFR Handling / The production tests for leakage (old 5.1) and vacuum (old 5.2) were replaced by a simplified ref (new 6.1) to 5.2 Leakage Test, which clarifies use of pressure & vacuum on different tank parts (primary & interstitial).
Note “records” (old 5.3) was deleted since these details are determined by each Certifying agency, but UL/ULC will continue to require them within the FUS Procedure for Listing.
The revised test method & requirements reflect past Certification practices, with record keeping unchanged, so will not require a review or recertification of Listed tanks, and were effective upon publication.
ULC-S615 Topics / General Assessment and Impact of Changes
Sec 7 Tank Markings
Sub-Sec 7.1 General Markings
Sub-Sec 7.2 Safety Markings
Sub-Sec 7.3 Double Wall Tank Markings
Sub-Sec 7.4 Tank Lifting Markings
Certification Impact and IFR Handling / The following changes made to FRP Tank Engineering Marking requirements in Sec 7 (old Sec 6) were considered significant:
7.1 general markings will require min 25 mm letter height in contrasting color for the UL/ULC Listing, since consistent with 7.2 revisions, but we believe absent from this sub-section by error.
(C) – “Single Wall Tank” added to containment type.
(D) – “Containment Wrap is X” added for double wall types.
(H) – “Manufacturers Maximum Operating V&P…” added (this is different from (G))
(J) – “Suitable for …or X” added to identify other test fuels optionally tested.
(K) – Specific mark for it “…Fuel Oil #6 Up To … X C” added if optionally tested.
Old 6.1 (I) – The “Certification Agency Label” was deleted from S615, but is required for UL/ULC Listing.
7.2 safety markings may reduce the letter height (5025 mm), but must add verbatim French equivalents as specified in the Standard for each item.
Old 6.2 (F) – The “…Multi Compartment…” mark was deleted from S615, since redundant with 7.1 (I)
(F) – “Max Test Pressure X kPa” added with specific values for different diameters.
(G) – “Ensure … Product Is Compatible With…” added to reinforce 4.5.2 & 5.10.1.
(H) – “Maximum Burial Depth…” added to identify 4.1.3 max burial depth during testing.
7.3 double wall tank marking item (C) “… Equipped With Liquid Monitoring …” was added to identify liquid monitors & instructions that are different from vacuum monitors & instructions in marking item (B).
The 7.4 tank lifting marking was revised to identify the minimum # of lugs required for multi lug lifting instead of the subjective requirement to use a spreader bar (old 6.4) for tank lifting.
These changes will not require retesting, but will need marking compliance verification and Report revisions handled under the IFR. Also see the Listing Mark information for Combination Labels.
ULC-S615 Topics / General Assessment and Impact of Changes
Sec 8 Installation Instructions
Certification Impact and IFR Handling / The installation instructions were completely re-written, with some (old Sec 7) details reduced or deleted, some (new Sec 8) details increased or added, and other items just moderately revised.
Key additions are recommended maintenance, gasket compatibility and installer compliance with Gov. regs.
Note App B (old Sec 7) are now “informative” itemized recommendations for compliance with Sec 8.
These changes will not require retesting, but will need instruction compliance verification and Report revisions handled under the IFR.
ULC-S615 Topics / General Assessment and Impact of Changes
ULC & cUL Listing Marks
Certification Impact and IFR Handling / There are no planned changes to the Canadian Listing Marks (cUL and ULC) as a result of the S615-14 Standard revisions. However, the Canadian Listing Categories (EGHX7 and EGHXC) will be consolidated in the near future, so any necessary changes will be included in this IFR.
Please note any Combination Labels (Listing Mark and Engineering Marks) re-designs must be submitted to the CAS engineer handling your IFR project for approval, prior to coordination for processing through your local Label Center (info at ).