UK Contingent Hardship Fund Application Form:

Unit Leaders, Assistant Unit Leaders and event participants

Name of applicant: ______

Membership number (if known): ______

Jamboree Unit: ______

Email address: ______

(Under 18 years old referee’s email, over 18 years old email address of applicant)

  • This form applies to Unit Leaders, Assistant Unit Leader and event Participants. It should be returned to .
  • Participant’s form should be returned by Unit Leaders or Assistants
  • Leader’s forms should be returned by the appropriate commissioner as defined above.
  • Deadlines for submission to UK Headquarters:Friday 2 May (paper copies) Monday 5 May (electronic copies) and Friday 31 October 2014 (paper copies) Monday 3 November (electronic copies)

Section A – Personal Statement.

This is to be completed by the applicant or applicant’s parent/guardian.
Please state in no more than 300 words why you are applying. Consider your financial need and other circumstances that you would like us to take into consideration. Please also include details of the fundraising you have completed / are undertaking and your current involvement in Scouting or Girlguiding.

Section B – Commissioner’s Reference

This is to be completed by a Unit Leader, Assistant Unit Leader or relevant commissioner as appropriate as defined above. The referee should return the form to
Name of referee:______
any one individual more than £5ries 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Membership number (if known):______
Role in Scouting/Guiding:______
Please tick as appropriate:
I am happy to endorse this application to the UK Contingent Hardship Fund:  YES NO
I have seen the correct supporting documentation required for this application according to the criteria outlined below:  YES NO
To the best of my ability I know the information provided in this application to be true:  YES  NO
Any other comments:

Guidelines for examples of supporting documentation

Situations: / How we check:
Young carer / Letter of confirmation from Unit Leader or relevant Commissioner
Death of parent, sibling or child (within the last 18 months)
Child/young person in care / Letter of confirmation from Foster Parents/Guardian / Parent
First person in family to travel abroad
Job Seekers Allowance /Benefits / Letter of confirmation from (or stamped by) a JSA Adviser
Convalescent after illness or injury / Doctors or hospital note
Physical/mental health issues (applicants own)
In receipt of free school meals / Letter of confirmation from a school teacher
Redundancy (of applicant, parent or partner within the last 6 months) / Copy of redundancy notification
Total household income level below £23,000 / Copy of P60 or a self assessed tax return
Benefits the personal development of the participant or leader / Clearly thought out purpose, detailing what the objectives for the person are and how these would be met and outlining the benefits that the applicant will gain from this experience.
Applicant in full time education and part time work (less time to fundraise) / Letter from workplace