UConn Hartford- Associated Student Government (ASG)
Meeting Minutes-Wednesday, November 1st2017
- Call to Order
- President Savinelli is chairing the meeting and calls the meeting to order at 3:35pm.
- Attendance
- Members Present: Caitlin Savinelli (President), Dania Salazar (Treasurer), *Irfan Bhuiyan* (Senator), *William Savinelli* (Senator), *Mohammad Alqadumi* (Senator) *Denotes voting members*, Paul A. Young (Advisor), Daniel O’Reilly (Advisor)
- Members Absent: *Jennifer Koo*(Senator)
- Visitors: Isabella Gorski (ASG), Khang Nguyen (World Club), Hannah Nguyen (World Club, UConn Harts), Bri Miloz (Cultural Center-ODI), Caroline McCall (Admissions Advisor), Grace Kuell (Advisor), Noelle Shepard (Advisor)
- Quorum: 3/4
- Approval of Prior Minutes
- President Savinelli suggests a motion to approve the meeting minutes from October 25th, 2017. Senator Bhuiyan so moves. Senator Savinelliseconds. Discussion: (none) Motion passes 3/0/0.
- Old Business
- Finance Manual (Caitlin/Dania)
- What is a quote?
- Who do you send the quote to when submitting a budget request? Will: email to . A quote is how much it will cost. Caitlin: It should have the itemized description that includes quantity and extra costs. And send to Dania and
- Where is the budget request? Irfan: Tab on ASG website
- How do you request a room? Mohammed: Pulls it up to screen with Irfan’s help: events.hartford.uconn.edu
- What does KFS stand for?Kuali Financial System
- What is a VCR? Voucher check request- Voucher, minutes, flyer and quote. After event: Irfan: Itemized receipt and list of attendees.
- When do you complete this form? Irfan: 10 days before or earlier
- How do you submit an event/meeting to calendar? Will: event.uconn.edu
- What are the special circumstances when we can pay tax? Irfan: We don’t pay tax
- What is reimbursement? Will: repaying a student. Isabella: Ex. If pre-health bought candy for an event, ASG would RB them for it.
- Is it a preferred method? no
- Can we sign contracts? Everyone: no.
- What is and/or does the P-Card stand for? Caitlin: Procurement Card
- What is an itemized receipt? Indicate what is bought and how much, also date, name of vendor
- Do we always have a quote? Mohammed: Yes
- If not, what’s the exception? No exceptions
- Public Comment (1 min per person)
- Isabella- Ice Skating event is on Friday. “I am thinking about another event before finals”- pajama day with hot chocolate and cookies.
- Hannah- UConn Harts Turkey distribution- aid a local charity, Upper Albany- volunteers needed to put together bags of food to distribute to families that do not have enough for food for Thanksgiving. Advertising for Food Drive Immediately. Pumpkins and International candy event on Monday had a great turnout.
- Bri- Cultural Center ODI- dialogue on racism forum in Storrs next week. ODI wants to know if students here would be interested in having it live streamed.
- Caroline- Open house is this Saturday, November 4th- student volunteer arrive between 8-8:30 am to help set up and start at the event a 9:00 am. RSVP on the Hartford website, click on “visit” to rsvp.
- Grace: “Thanks for being good liaisons- I think we have most clubs on UConntact. Upload a picture to your UConntact. Goals to reach: Facebook- 350, Instagram: 340.
- ASG Announcements
- Open House (Caitlin)
- Arrive 8:30am-9am at Infinity Music Hall (Next to Nixs). During this time we will go into the theater and mix and mingle with the prospective students /families as they arrive
- 9:30-11am there will be tours, we will be divided up to either help with tours or chat with students/answer questions and direct traffic
- 11am-12pm we will be in atrium or on the collaboration deck mix and mingling
- We do not need to bring any fliers or posters
- Wear ASG Shirt/hoodie
- Irfan: Slight change and update on Hijab and Hoodie. Good luck cupcakes event around finals and Guardians of the Galaxy at Science center budget request to come soon.
- Mohammed: We are getting the gift certificates from Spotlight Theaters
- Dania: “I will begin RSVPs for the Thanksgiving dinner on Monday. Sylvie is coming to meet with me on Tuesday.” Remaining funds: We can adjust the budget for the remainder of the semester if needed. Let’s try to use up as much of the funds as possible.
- Motions
- Suggest a motion to allocate $343.13to Business Society & Hartathonfor Jordan’s Furniture IT Adventure Park Busfrom First Student on 12/15/17. Senator Bhuiyan so moves. Senator Savinelli seconds. Discussion (none) Motion passes 3/0/0
- Suggest a motion to allocate $210.00 to ASG Programming for 20 Holiday Cirque Spectacular Tickets ($10 per person + $10 fee) from the Bushnell on 12/16/17. Senator Bhuiyan so moves. Senator Savinelli seconds. Discussion: Caitlin on behalf of Jen- We have to purchase the tickets ahead of time. Do you think we would get people to come and parking idea? Dan and Paul: Parking around the Bushnell is free on Saturday. Paul: Get there early to mix and mingle. Dan: There are lounges available to have that. Motion passes 3/0/0
Nick arrived at 4:15 pm
- Suggest a motion to allocate $59.80 toASG Programmingfor Thanksgiving Dinner Centerpiece from Walmart on 11/15/17. Senator Bhuiyan so moves. Senator Savinelliseconds. Discussion: Irfan: How do you know that you will need 10? Dania: Trina explained that she will have two rows of tables and I was think of putting five on each row. Motion passes 3/0/0
- Suggest a motion to allocate $60.00 to ASG Programming for Cookies for Henna Event from The Kitchen at Billings Forge on 11/17/17. Senator Savinelli so moves. Senator Alqadumiseconds. Discussion: Caitlin on behalf of Jen: Should we get more cookies? Senators: 200. Amended motion: Senator Savinelli motions to allocate $200.00for 200 cookies from the Kitchen. Senator Savinelli so moves. Senator Alqadumiseconds. Motion passes 3/0/0
- Discussions and Decisions
- Mug Decorating Event (Jennifer) TABLED
- Event Information:
- After reviewing the document, which option sounds like it'd be more successful. (i.e. Which option would the student body generally prefer?)
- When you hear 'Mug Decorating' what do you think of? What kind of event do you envision this being?
- When would be a good time for me to hold the event?
- We had set a tentative date for December 5th/7th/8th (the last Tuesday/Thursday/Friday of official classes). Would any of these times still work/would people stay around for it?
- Is 2:00PM-4:00PM on either Tuesday or Thursday a good time frame? 11:00AM-1:00PM on Friday?
- Sample Survey for Food (Jennifer) TABLED
- For Will's event, I have requested an amount of 60 cookies to be given out. In order to ensure that people will not just take the cookies and run, would having the students who want a cookie fill out a small printed survey (w/questions regarding past events, and an area for them to give us a suggestion) be a good idea?
- Event: November 17th @ 10:30AM-12:30PM
- Should they have to provide their NetID/PeopleSoft & fill out a survey to get a cookie? Or, is this not fair?
- What kinds of questions/things should be on this survey? (Note:The point of this survey is to gain a better idea of how students want their money spent, and how we as ASG Members can best help them).
- Is 60 cookies enough? Knowing that there is going to be food offered, do you think there will be more people attending?
- Next Semester (Caitlin)
- Who will be continuing in ASG for the Spring 2018 semester? Will, Mohammed, Irfan, Dania, Caitlin, Nick
- Meeting time Wednesdays 3:30-5:30pm? President, Treasurer, and Senators agree.
- Should we say for election they need this time available or be flexible and we change our meeting time based Spring on elected Senators? Paul: If we are doing an election for the beginning of the semester, we should start advertising now. Mohammed: Agree to have it set to Wednesdays at 3:30 pm. Irfan: Advertise that they need to have two-hour time slots available time but not have the specific time to get them to reach out to us. Caitlin: But that won’t help about scheduling a mutual time. Majority of Senators, Treasurer, and President agree to have a set meeting time for Wednesdays 3:30 pm- 5:30 pm.
- When should we have elections? Caitlin: End of January/Early. Calendar: Campaign first two weeks of Spring 2018 semester. Have elections on Tuesday, January 30th 2018.
- Winter meeting times? Caitlin: We need to have at least two meetings, these meetings are usually four hours long, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Lunch Provided. Tuesday, December 19th 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. January 4th 10:00 am- 2:00 pm (club meeting and planning for Leadership Conference: January 11th.
- Gift swap on December 19th, we will make it potluck (everyone brings in something and order food for the other meetings
- Pitch idea for an Event
- Everyone pitch an idea for an event for November/December
- Week before Finals
- Monday December 4th- Stuff a Husky? World Club- Have therapy dogs. – Khang/World Club
- Tuesday: Ice skating & Mug Day- Jen
- Wednesday: Pajama Day
- Thursday: Irfan- Cupcake truck and tips for Finals
- Friday: Free massages
- Dec. 2nd- Basketball Game- Will and Mohammed
- Irfan: If we are trying to plan more events and use up our funds- can we tell clubs to plan more bus trips. Caitlin- “no since bus requests need to be submitted at least a month in advance there is not enough time.”
- Caitlin: We want to use all of our funds and we only have The Henna & Holiday Cirque event planned (Science Center to be voted next week)
- Advisors Announcements
- Paul: Senators should have updates on their clubs every week. What is the difference between DECA and Business Club? Caitlin: Competitions vs. improvements in business items. Ideas for small promotional items: Key Chains, lanyards, back of phone card holder, hats, and stickers. I reached out to three vendors for days of service; I will have updates and begin planning this large event.
- Noelle: Finance updates: Done with all the preparation for the fee increase documents. I will be sending that to Caitlin and Dania by the end of the week. Dan and I are making some changes to the workbook. For the leadership conference-, I was going to do the Kitchen but it is a ridiculous price. Corner stone Deli? Senators agree.
- Dan: Make sure to set up meetings after budget requests are approved. Prime amazon is activated. I have requested to have the senators access to the q drive. We need to find storage for all the supplies and equipment we are ordering.
- Final Thoughts (2 min)
- Dania: Suggest a motion to rescind $9.42 from World Club Amazon purchase and $1.00 from the Pre-Health Pumpkin purchase. Senator Alqadumi so moves. Senator Bhuiyan seconds. Discussion: (none).Motion passes 3/0/0.
- Adjournment
- Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:14 pm. Senator Savinelli so moves. Senator Alqadumi seconds. Discussion: (none). Motion passes 3/0/0
Created by Treasurer Salazar
UConn Hartford ASG Meeting Minutes November 1st, 2017 Page 1 of 5