
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ponce Room – BaierlCenter

Board Members Present–Kristen Heckert (Vice President, IMS Scholar Athlete, Ingomar Middle School,Ingomar Elementary),Lisa Salamone (Secretary, NAI), Bob Bozzuto (Athletic Director)

Chairpersons Present–Twilley Delligatti (Membership), Melanie Rutan (HS Scholar Athlete, Swimming/Diving), Kathleen Nachazel (Scholarships, Boys Lacrosse), Jana Lake(MMS Scholar Athlete, Marshall Middle School, Marshall Elementary, Girls Volleyball)

Representatives Present- Mary Lee Majewski (Band), Lynn Sosovicka (Band), Maureen Plichta (Baseball), Jeff Haus (Boys Basketball), Tom Weirs (Girls Basketball), Kathie Salpietro (Cheerleading), Dee Morton (Cheerleading), BonnieGenter (Field Hockey), Yvonne Dominick (Football), Jill Dougherty (Boys Golf), SuePhillips (Girls Golf), Greg Radick (Gymnastics), Michelle Fantaski (Ice Hockey, Girls Lacrosse),LoisLazzaro (In Line Hockey), Kathy Brown(Rowing), Julie Riley (Water Polo), Heather Earle( Boys Soccer, NASH), Ceil Atwater (Boys Soccer), Natalie Bishop(Girls Soccer),Elizabeth Cameron (Softball), Lauren Posati (Slow Pitch Softball), David Chuirazzi (Boys Tennis), Robbie Boyd (Girls Tennis), Ann Best (Boys Volleyball), Laurie Downing (Wrestling), Denise Benko (Carson Middle School), Mina Durosko (Franklin Elementary), Heather Miller (McKnight Elementary), Gina Capizzi (Peebles Elementary)

It is the responsibilityof each representative to pass along to your membership, all the information received at tonight’s meeting.

Bob Bozzuto(Athletic Director) called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM.

Welcomed 2013-14 UBO Representatives and asked everyone to introduce themselves by giving their name and sport/school they represent.

The remaining meeting dates for the year are: November 13th, January 15th, March 12th, and May 21st.

Purpose and Objectives of the UBO

Bob gave the following objectives to the membership:

-Provide a means for better communication among all sports, boosters, school, and community groups.

-Promote and strengthen school and community pride.

-Promote and encourage student and community support for all North Allegheny events, activities, and sports.

Responsibilities of the UBO Representative

Bob went over the following responsibilities of the UBO Representative position:

-Attend 5 meetings (attending 4 out of 5 meetings will qualify your group for a chance to win a $300 Participation Award).

-Share UBO information with the group(s) that you represent. Share your group fundraisers with the UBO to get support from all of the groups.

-Each group will be asked to give a report.

-Provide team roster and t-shirt sizes for each member to Georgiana Thomas ().

-Provide the date of your end of season banquet.

-Responsible for picking up scholar athlete award certificates and t-shirt to be passed out at banquet.

- Assist with Kennywood Day and fundraising activities: posters, yard signs, publicity, ticket sales, shopping for basket raffle, and wrapping baskets.

-Provide $100 donation for Kennywood Day Basket Auction by November 1st (Invoices were mailed to booster presidents and schools).

-Distribute scholarship information and applications to senior team members (every senior team member may apply).


Lisa Salamone (Secretary) asked the membership if there were any corrections to the May Meeting Minutes. Ann Best made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Kristen Heckert. Motion passed.

Treasurer Report

Bob reported a checking account balanceof $7,176.46.

2013-14 Proposed Budget

Bob discussed all areas and line items of the proposed budget (Handout). The UBO is operating on a very tight budget. Another large fundraiser is needed to continue our program. Bob asked the membership to send him their ideas.

A motion to approve theProposed Budget was made by Robbie Boyd and seconded by Kathy Brown. Motion passed.

UBO Information Packet

Kristen Heckert (Vice President) discussed all of the information in the UBO Representative folder that was provided to each member.

-UBO RepresentativeResponsibilities and Checklist

-Balloon Arch and Tiger Costume Rental Information: $10 for Tiger Costume, $40 for the Balloon Arch. Forms are available on the website. Contact the Athletic Department to reserve your date.

-$300 Participation Award (Attend 4 out of 5 meetings to qualify for drawing)

-2013-14 UBO Presentation Schedule: A reminder will be sent a few days prior to meeting. Provide a written copy of your report to the secretary.

-Varsity Interscholastic Sports 2012-13 Report: Bob added that the PIAA does not regulate club sports. Beyond State Competition is not included in this report.

-Scholar Athlete Award Programs

-Sample format of Rosters to be turned in for Scholar Athlete Program.

-Award format for Scholar Athlete Program

-2013 Kennywood Ticket Sale Results: Total Kennywood ticket sales increased slightly. Raffle ticket sales for Basket Auction also increased.

-In-School Sales for Kennywood Ticket Results: Sales on this day were lower than last year.

On-going Committees


There was a discussion about the low number of tickets being sold on the In-School ticket sale date. Kennywood employees sell the tickets for us on this day.

The membership further discussed the limited schedules with an idea to sell tickets in the evenings during large events (concerts). Bob said that he will send people to sell tickets, if the building principals and band/orchestra directors approve. Another idea was to sell tickets at concession stands.

Kennywood Day is June 19, 2014. The ticket price is $28. Tickets will be sold on May 15th in all schools.

Specific Kennywood Day committees will be assigned in November. The fundraising committees were discussed in UBO Representative Responsibilities.


Twilley Delligatti (Membership) reported that a representative is still needed for Bowling.


Bob asked Kathleen Nachazel (Scholarship) to form a committee to revise the applications for UBO Scholarships. Kristen Heckert, Twilley Delligatti, and Ceil Atwater volunteered. Bob stated that the revisions should be complete by October 1st.

The following scholarship and award applications will be available on the UBO website:

Georgiana Thomas Scholarship-Two $1000 scholarships available for senior athletes or marching band members. Applications are due March 31st by noon.

Don Vandergrift Memorial Scholarship– One $700 award is available for senior athletesor marching band members. Applications are due March 31st by noon.

Tiger Team of Merit- One $500 award for a varsity sports team. Applications are due June 2nd by noon.

Old Business

UBO Pamphlet– Bob told the membership that a pamphlet that gives UBO information will be available soon for each group.

Facebook/Twitter- The UBO is currently seeking a coordinator. If you are interested in managing this task, please contact Bob.

Elementary Pep Assemblies – Bob informed the membership that the next pep assemblies are scheduled for Friday September 20th at the following schools:

Group 3: Bradford Woods Elementary - 1:15 PM, Marshall Elementary – 2:00 PM

Group 4: McKnight Elementary – 2:15 PM

The first two groups went to Peebles, Hosack, Ingomar, and Franklin on September 6th. The assemblies had great participation and were an overall success. This year we had 9th and 10th graders for the first time. Bob feels that this is an upper classman project, but will allow the younger students to participate on the 20th. There were some problems with space on the bus and students were left behind. Bob prefers that students ride the bus and will look into a second bus. Students may drive ifnecessary.

Bob asked the representatives to please get involved in getting your sports to participate. Athletes must sign up with their coach. Pep Assemblies require band, cheerleaders, and athletes to be a success.

New Business

Proposed By-Law changes-Bob provided the membership with a copy of the By-Laws and a copy of the Proposed By-Law changes. He discussedthe changes under Article IV- Organization. The changes included the following:

B) The Executive Board will be appointed by the Athletic Director and current UBO President.

D) Executive Board has the right to approve projects, etc, monies up to $1500 without membership approval.

A motion to approve the Proposed By-Law Changes was made by Tom Weirs and seconded by Kathy Brown. Motion passed.

Hall of Fame Banquet- Bob informed the membership that the 17th Annual Hall of Fame Banquet is Thursday, October 3rd at the Chadwick in Wexford.Tickets are $40/person for Hall of Fame Members and $45/person for Non-members. A table of 8 is $320($40/person). All of the candidates have a strong passion for our school district. Jill Guthrie (Past President of UBO) is being honored with the Bob Miller Award.See the website for more information and the form to make a reservation.

Athletic Director’s Report

2012-13 Scholar Athlete Report – Bob reported that over 70% of our student athletes had a GPA over 3.4.

MSA Sports Challenge Cup–North Allegheny won the 10thannual MSA cup. We won this cup every year.

Trib Live Sports Challenge Cup- North Allegheny won this award in the 2012-13 school year.

Mooseheart Awards Night– Bob won the 2013 Mooseheart Award for his service to youth in the community. He thanked the membership and booster groups for their support and attendance at the Awards Dinner.

Capital Improvements-

-A paved path to the softball field was completed this past summer.

-The filter system was replaced in the pool this past summer.

-A new video scoreboard for the pool will be installed in November. $40,000 in funds were raised by the Athletic Department, Water Polo, and Swimming.

-The NASH gym floor was renovated (floor sanded, new design in center).

Website- This newly renovated website was professionally done for a more modernlook. We now have the capability to install video. The best part of the website is the Pre-Participation Packet. All forms that the athlete will need are located in one place.

If you have any ideas or suggestions for the website, contact Bob.

Rosters for the website should be sent to Randy Gore ().

Breast Cancer Awareness Week – This event will take place the week of October 14th. There is something special planned this year that has never been done before. Bob stated that he is not able to give out the details just yet. Coachesvs. Cancer is another event that is currently in the planning stages.

Department of Education High School Athletics Accountability Act (October 15th)- The Athletic Department and booster groups must report theirfinancials. Every dollar must be reported.

UBO Beautification Project – The UBO is saving to purchase a new stadium entrance for Newman Stadium at NASH. The new entrance will have a cast iron looking fence with a marble tiger head. Bob plans to bring pictures in a power point presentation to the next meeting.

PIAA 100th Anniversary - December 29th is the 100th anniversary for the PIAA. There will be a Logo Contest for students to win $1,000 and an Apple IPAD. See for more information.

Youth Sports Concussion Committee - This committee was formed last year by local sports groups to develop protocols for concussions. We are now working with the state government and Mike Turzai to create a television piece.

The North Allegheny Association for the Advancement of Sports and Education (NAAASE)–A group of citizens in our school district formed this committee tobuild theBaierl Center.This association will be meeting in a few weeks to discuss fundraising and additional capital improvements.

Winter Sports– IMPACT test dates are listed on the website.

In closing, Bob stated that he appreciates all that this group does for athletics. Please keep the communication open by calling or sending him an email.

A UBO member announced that USA Today is developing a website for high school students to use to find out information on all schools. Dave West is involved in this project for North Allegheny.

Yvonne Dominicktold the membership that Football is selling Tiger Tails for $3.00 as a fundraiser.

Jeff Haus mentioned that the Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball teamsare holding a Car Wash as a fundraiser on Sunday, September 15th at the Coldwell Banker Building (Perry Park Lanes) on Route 19 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:40PM.

Next Meeting:

Wednesday, November 13th at 7:00PM

The Ponce Room at the Baierl Center