UAND Annual Conference Agenda: Thursday, March 26, 2015

7:15-8:00 / - / Morning Social, Breakfast, and Registration
8:00-8:10 / - / Welcome & Announcements
8:10-9:20 / 1 / GENERAL SESSION Amy Myrdal Miller, Today’s Food Conversation
  • Provide an understanding of how people are talking about, understanding, and engaging with their food environment
  • Determine how best to reach people in order to share science-based nutrition information
  • Understand where the science stands regarding some major food trends and commonly held beliefs

9:20-10:30 / 1 / GENERAL SESSION Becky Sulik,
Reimbursement: New Game, New Rules
  • Describe what is happening in health care delivery and payment
  • List some of the new opportunities and how to take advantage of them.
  • List resources does the Academy has to help with reimbursement, coding, and payment.

10:30-11:30 / 1 / BREAK AND POSTER SESSION
11:30-12:30 / 1 / GENERAL SESSION Amy Gates,
Nutritional Strategies to Improve Outcomes in the Premature Infant
  • Describe common nutritionally related complications in the preterm infant
  • Discuss the role of human milk in the prevention and treatment of disease in the preterm infant
  • Describe the limiting nutrients and methods for supplementation for the preterm infant

12:30-2:00 / - / LUNCH WITH THE BOARD (Boxed Lunch)
2:00-3:00 / 1 / BREAK-OUT SESSION
1. Becky Sulik, Alphabet Soup: Understanding the Use of Coding/Billing Terminology
  • Identify procedure codes for nutrition and nutrition-related services that may be reimbursed by commercial third party payers.
  • Recognize coding use and payment trends among RDNs across the country.
  • Recognize opportunities to expand nutrition practice to receive payment for nutrition and nutrition-related services in multiple settings.
2. Amy Gates, Developing Enteral Feeding Protocols for the NICU patient
  • Describe common nutritionally related complications in the preterm infant
  • Discuss the role of human milk in the prevention and treatment of disease in the preterm infant
  • Describe the limiting nutrients and methods for supplementation for the preterm infant
3. Tyler Barker, Vitamin D and orthopedics
  • Identify the role of vitamin D on skeletal muscle function in orthopedics
  • Identify the role of vitamin D on circulating cytokines
4.Russel Kohler, Dairy Foods - From the Farm to your Table
  • Provide an understanding of how dairy foods are produced - from animal care through the process of making milk and ultimately (on our farm) cheese.
  • To give dietitians a more comprehensive understanding of agriculture in order to answer patient/client questions about farming and where food comes from.

3:00-3:15 / - / BREAK
3:15-4:30 / 1 / GENERAL SESSION Nancy Collins,
Nutrition Gems: Pearls for Wound Healing
  • Distinguish between sarcopenia, cachexia, and starvation.
  • Describe the catabolic and hypermetabolic state and their effect on caloric, protein, andfluid needs.
  • Understand the rationale for the use of targeted amino acids in wound healing.

4:30 / - / Closing Remarks
4:45-6:45 / 1 / Networking/ Social Amy Myrdal Miller & Dairy Farmer—Farm to Table
  • Understand the integration of science-based nutrition recommendations from the farm to the table.
  • Describe the science and art behind food pairings.

6:45 / - / Dr. Nancy Collins, Abbott sponsored evening presentation at the conference center

UAND Annual Conference Agenda: Friday, March 27, 2015

7:15-8:00 / - / Morning Social, Breakfast, and Registration
8:00-8:10 / - / Welcome & Announcements
8:10-9:20 / 1 / GENERAL SESSION TereseScollard, Malnutrition Alert! a Model to Reduce Iatrogenic Malnutrition
  • Describe the 2012 Academy/ASPEN international consensus and characteristics for adult disease related malnutrition and their application in acute and ambulatory care settings.
  • Demonstrate how interdisciplinary care is critical to identification, screening, documentation, treatment and avoidance of harmful consequences for adults with disease-related malnutrition.
Define future care models and tools that will reduce iatrogenic malnutrition, patient weight bias and minimize hospital and clinic contributions to declining nutritional status of patients with active disease.
9:20-10:30 / 1 / GENERAL SESSION Jill Castle,Infant Feeding Trends: Popular Craze or Crazy Whim?
  • List 3 ways to effectively help the public decrease food allergy risk, maximize nutrition and increase food acceptance.
  • Name two feeding recommendations to promote self-regulation, normal development, and reduce the risk for obesity throughout life.
  • Identify two or three key nutrients needed in the first two years of life when developing a plan to start solids and how trends such as baby-led weaning affect nutrition.

10:30-11:00 / - / BREAK & EXHIBITS
11:00-12:00p / 1 / GENERAL SESSION Katherine Beals & Maureen Murtaugh,
The Basics of Epidemiology: Understanding research so you can talk to your clients
•Introduce and provide a historical perspective on nutrition epidemiology
•Describe Basic aspects of Methods in Nutrition Epidemiology
•Provide examples of nutritional epidemiology in practice.
•Effectively communicate nutrition epidemiology to clients and the media
12:00-1:30 / AWARDS LUNCHEON (Served Lunch) & EXHIBITS
1:30-2:15p / 1 / BREAK-OUT SESSION
1. TereseScollard, Nutrition-Focused Physical Assessment: Practical Methods to Start and Move Your Clinical Practice Forward
  • Demonstrate how dietitians can move forward to create and increase their skills and confidence to provide nutrition-focused physical assessment as one part of a nutritional assessment.
  • Provide examples and model ways to support clinical staff engagement and resources for dietitians to start and grow in physical assessment skills.
  • Demonstrate the strength of evidence that nutrition-focused physical assessment contributes to daily interdisciplinary patient care and the Nutrition Diagnosis of adult disease-related malnutrition.
2. Shannon Jones, Nutrition Advice, Food Services and Sustainability
  • Describe current research relating to environmental sustainability efforts within interpersonal, clinical, and institutional food service settings.
  • Evaluateyour communication surrounding food and nutrition with the goal of explicitly making connections between food choices and broader public, environmental and food system health.
  • Describestrategies to minimize food waste through betterpractices.
3. Jill Castle, How Feeding StylesandPractices Influence Childhood Obesity
  • Identify parenting skills, feeding practices, and child developmental stages that nurture, and hinder, the parent-child feeding relationship and process.
  • Changethe healthcare provider counseling approach to include positive feeding practices, parenting skills, child development, and the parent-child connection in normalizing eating and weight.
  • Incorporate authoritative feeding approaches, positive feeding skills, sensitivity to child temperament, and child developmental stages into prevention and treatment strategies for childhood obesity.

2:15-2:45p / BREAK & EXHIBITS
2:45-3:30 / 1 / BREAK-OUT SESSION
1.Carin Hadley, Clues to identify problem vs picky eaters and beginning Food Chaining
  • Identify differences between a ‘picky eater’ and a ‘problem eater’
  • Identify sensory aspects required for successful feeding
  • Identify red flags requiring referral to members of a Feeding Team
  • List 2-3 changes to 3 preferred foods in a basic food chain.
2.Katherine Beals, Beyond the Female Athlete Triad: Is There a Male Equivalent?
  • Describe the prevalence of low energy availability, endocrine disturbances and low bone mineral density in male athletes.
  • Identify male athletes who are at greatest risk for the “male athlete triad”
  • Provide prevention/intervention and treatment strategies for male athletes suffering the disorders of the “male athlete triad”
3.Thunder Jalili, Flavonoids and vascular health: from cells to humans
  • Describe flavonoids and the common sources of flavonoids in the American diet; food and supplements.
  • Understand the potential of flavonoids to reduce blood pressure and reverse endothelial cell dysfunction caused by hyperglycemia.
  • Review potential mechanisms of action.

3:30-4:40 / 1 / GENERAL SESSION Mental Health Integration
4:40-5:00 / - / Closing Remarks; Conference adjourns for the year