The preparation of your files using the following sizes and file names will enable photographs to be pre-loaded onto a laptop for showing to the group without having to spend time downloading from a Memory Stick.
Additionally resizing to a smaller file size will enable your picture to be uploaded to the U3A website without requiring any additional work on your image.
Resizing Steps for a .jpg image
Open image in Photoshop or Elements.
You should be able to perform this function in other versions of imaging software.
In PhotoshopIn Elements
- SelectImage>Image SizeSelect Image>Resize>Image Size
Then In Photoshop or Elements
- Ensure that “Constrain Proportions” and “Resample Image” check boxes are ticked
- In the “Document Size” Box set the Resolution to 72 pixels/inch
- In the “Pixels Dimensions” box change the pixel width or height
- Change the width to 1024 pixels (max) or the heightto 768 pixels (max).
- Provided Constrain Proportions is ticked whichever you change (width or height) the other will change automatically and the proportions of your image will not be affected.
- At the bottom of the window (immediately below Resample Image) you will see a box with an arrow to the right of it.
- Click the arrow and, from the drop down list selectBicubic Sharper (best for reduction)
- Click OK
In Photoshop or Elements
- Select File>save as
- Give it a file name (see below for conventions)
- Select JPEG as file format
- Look further down the window and you should see a box labelled “colour”
- The box should be ticked and it should say
- ICC Profile: sRGBIEC61966-2.1
- Click on “SAVE”
- In the next box ensure quality is set to the highest (12)
- In the Format Options box “baseline standard” is the preferred setting
- Click OK
File Name format -
SUBJECT _ Author Name _ Title.jpg
An image submitted for the subject of PEOPLE called Caribbean People by John Smith should have the following file name
People _ John Smith _ Caribbean People.jpg
The smaller file size will enable you to attach your file to an email without “file-size” problems
Send your images by email to Colin Brenchley
Add as a “file attachment” to your e-mail
U3a Photo Group/Tutorial /Resizing and preparing files/2015 Feb