U.S. Research: Western Ranching and Farming

Directions: Research the following topics and figure out answers to the questions. Write your notes and answers on lined paper or your notebook paper. You are expected to use the time completely, be through and become knowledgeable. Write down any questions you have related to the material on your paper and bring them up during the class discussion. Warning: If you are found to be using your research time for other things, it will hurt your learning and grade. If you think or claim to be done, you are not! The class will research as much as time allows before discussion. Since there is always more to research and learn, Mr. Spitzer encourages you to look into the topic more on your own time.

Topics to Research

Texas Cattle Kingdom and Long Drive

Cattle rush and open range

Range Wars

1880s weather and end of open range

Ranches and fences, plus wells

Railroads, City Stockyards and refrigeration

Railroads and farm settlement

Plains fencing problems plus Joseph Glidden

Farm wells and dry farming

Railroad freight charging of farmers

Oklahoma Sooners

Questions to be able to discuss

  1. What was the relationship between the railroads and the “long drive?”
  2. What dangers did cowboys face on the long drives? Why did cowboy take these risks?
  3. Explain how cattle raisers used the open range of the Great Plains.
  4. Give the reason for the cattle rush of the 1870s. How did the cattle boom lead to economic prosperity for many new towns in the West?
  5. Why did the open range disappear?
  6. Show how the development of the railroads helped to bring about specialization in the cattle industry.
  7. Why does life on the open range still appeal to the imaginations of millions of Americans?
  8. How was western settlement speeded by the Homestead Act? The railroads?
  9. What was a homesteader? Why did only one of three homesteaders last the required five years?
  10. How did the farmers on the plains solve the problems of housing and fencing?
  11. Discuss the importance of the windmill to the Great Plains farmers.
  12. Who are the original Oklahoma Sooners? When did they rush and why? What impact on the Indians did their rush have?
  13. How did the surplus of grain contribute to low grain prices? How did the National Grange, the Farmers’ Alliance and the Populist party try to address the economic crisis caused by low prices?
  14. If you had been living on the Great Plains in the late 1800’s what problems and pleasures might you have experienced?
  15. How well do you think western stories and movies show life as it really was in the West between 1870 and 1890. Which aspects of ranch and farm life are overstressed? Which are neglected?
  16. In what ways did the federal government encourage the settlement and development of the West?
  17. Is scarcity of water still a problem in the West? Cite evidence to support your answer.
  18. Compare the problems of cattle raisers and farmers in settling the land west of the Mississippi River. What solutions did each find for their problems? Were these solution effective?