U.S. History1st Quarter Project

1)This is worth 150 Points

2)This is Due ______

3)Your Group Topic is: ______

4)Your Individual Subject is: ______

5)You will be assigned a group by the teacher (4 Students Per Group)

6)You will be given a group topic by the teacher

7)You and your group are to pick different subjects to report on within your group projects topic.

8)(For example: Group 1 topic = American Revolution. Students within the group choose the following subjects to report on: Continental Army Vs. Militia Army, Strength Vs. Weaknesses of Continental Army / British Army, The Hessians, Battle of Trenton, Make-up of Patriots, Loyalists and Neutral in American Society and Battle of Yorktown)

9)No group member may do the same subject (I don’t want two projects done on the Jamestown).

10) Once you have decided within your group what your individual subject, you are to construct a poster that reports visually and informatively on your individual topic ONLY!!!

11) Your poster must have five pictures that visually display’s your individual subject.

12)Your poster must have three paragraphs (six sentences per paragraph) that explains your individual subject. (This must be written in your own words: do not take word from word from this class notes or word-for-word from the internet: I will google sentences at random from your paragraphs)

Topic’s Assigned By the Teacher

(Circle so you don’t forget your topic)

Topic 1: Pre-Columbus Native American Societies

Topic 2: Columbus, who else may have discovered America, Columbus’s treatment of Native Americans

Topic 3: The Roanoke Disaster, Jamestown, Salem Witch Trials, Colonial Way of Life, Agriculture of Colonists

Topic 4: French and Indian War and The Great Awakening

Topic 5: British Taxes against Colonists, Thomas Paine “Common Sense”, Lexington and Concord, Declaration of Independence

Topic 6: Continental Army Vs. Militia Army, Strength Vs. Weaknesses of Continental Army / British Army, The Hessians, Make-up of Patriots, Loyalists and Neutral in American Society

Topic 7: Articles of Confederation (and the problems with them) Drafting the Constitution of the United States, Ratifying the Constitution, Federalists Vs. Anti-Federalists

Topic 8: How the War of 1812 started, James Madison, Aftermath of the War of 1812, Writing of the Star Spangled Banner / Battle of Fort McHenry

Topic 9: Journey of a Slave to America, Slave Punishments, The Abolition Movement, The Underground Railroad

Topic 10: Manifest Destiny (Movement West), The Corrupt Bargain, The Alamo, The Mexican War