„Civil Engineering Design and Construction“ (Science and Practice), Sept. 20-22, 2018, Varna, Bulgaria
Указания за подготовка на доклада
за сборника с доклади на DCB
(If necessary, the Editors will translate
from the English versions)
Първи Автор, Име Фамилия (The editors will translateyour name)
DCB Proceedings Manuscript Sample (Template)
First Author[1], Second Author[2]
This manuscript will be published in a CD, therefore it is necessary to follow the instructions given here in order to ensure a uniform layout. The text of the accepted for publication reports or posters should be written in English (International or United Kingdom) and should not exceed 10 (ten) pages, including title, equations, figures, tables and references. These guidelines can be downloaded from the website as an MSWord template or as a PDF-file (instructions only).
Begin the abstract two lines below author names. The abstract summarizes key findings in the paper. It is one or two paragraphs of 250 words or less. For the keywords, select up to 8 key terms for a search on your manuscript's subject.
Template, Formats, Instructions, Times New Roman, Left Justified
The manuscript should be in a one-column format and it should not have page numbers. Begin the introduction two lines below the Keywords. References are noted in the textand cited at the end of the manuscript.
1.1. Paper Size and Margins
The page settings are shown in Table 1. If the paper does not have the margins it will not upload properly.
1.2. Fonts
Use Times New Roman to avoid font errors. Table 2 shows the font sizes and highlighting in a manuscript. These font "styles" are contained with this sample manuscript and Section 4 below explains how to use them.
Table 1. Paper Size, margins and print area specifications.
Paper Size / 210 × 297 mm (A4)Top, Right Margin / 20 mm
Left, Bottom Margin / 25 mm
Printable area – all text, figures and footnotes: / 165×250 m
Header and Footer / 10 mm (from edge)
Table 2. Manuscript font sizes and formatting. This Microsoft Word template includes these formats as automated "styles", which can be selected in the Format menu/Styles
Manuscript component / style / DescriptionDCB Abstract and Keywords (text) / Times New Roman (TNR) 12 pt, Italic, Left Alignment
DCB Authors / TNR 12 pt, Bold, Centre
DCB Equation(1) / TNR 12 pt, Centred, double tabbed; Spacing 6 pt before and after, optionally right-numbered
DCB Figure (caption) / TNR 12 pt, Centre Alignment, justify, below figure; Spacing 6 pt before and after
DCB Footnote (text) / TNR 10 pt, Left Alignment
DCB HEADING / TNR 12 pt, All Caps, Bold, Left Alignment; Spacing 6 pt before
DCB Main (body text) / TNR 12 pt, justified alignment, 1 cm First line Indentation
[1] DCB Reference / TNR 12 pt, left alignment, numbered in brackets
DCB Subheading / TNR 12 pt, Bold, Left Alignment; Spacing 6 pt before
DCB Title / TNR 16 pt; All Caps, Bold, Centre Alignment
DCB Table (caption) / as DCB Figure, but above table
2. Formatting of manuscript components
The manuscript title is centered at the top of the page in 16pt bold, all caps. Keep titles brief and descriptive. Spell out acronyms unless they are widely known. Avoid starting with articles or prepositions, e.g., “The study of … ,” or, “On the ….”
2.2. Author affiliations
The author list is in 12pt regular, centered. Do not use titles and degrees such as Dr., Prof., Ph.D., etc. The author's affiliation and address for correspondence should be clearly noted in the Footnote.
2.3. Section headings
Section headings are 12 pt bold capitals, left justified. Sections numbers have whole numbers, e.g., 1, 2, 3… Don't number the "Acknowledgements" and "References." Headings often used are: 1. Introduction, 2. Methodology, 3. Data,4. Results, and 5. Conclusions.
2.4. Subsection heading
Subsection headings are left-justified, 12 pt, bold. The first word, acronyms, and proper nouns are capitalized.
2.5. Text and paragraphs
Text is 12 points and justified. It is recommended to use the "DCB Main" style. Each sentence ends with a period and a single space before the next sentence. Do not add a blank line above and below section headings and between paragraphs. Avoid headings or one-line paragraphs at the top or bottom of a page by using page breaks or extra blank lines.
2.6. Figures andtables
Both figures and tables are centred. For figures use and insert .jpg, .tiff, or .gif illustrations instead of PowerPoint or graphic constructions.The captions of figures are below and the caption of table are above the table. Figure and table examples are on page 2 and below.
a) b)
Figure 1. Reinforced concrete beams (a) and test specimens (b).(photo by I. Ivanchev) [3]
3. Equations
It is recommended to use the MS Equation Editor, built-in MS Word, without changing its default settings – font Times New Roman, size 12 pt.A math reference in a paragraph sentence such as is not numbered. When an equation is placed in one row it is centredby using right-aligned tab, optionally numbered. Leave one blank line before and after the equation/expression/formula. Using the DCB Equation style is the easiest method for making equation. For example
where variables or symbols should be defined, unless obvious; here Kinc is the incremental stiffness matrix of shell; Fint is the internal force vector of shell, Fext is the external load of shell and ΔFext is the increment of the external load of shell.
4. using THIS TEMPLATE AND ITS Automatic formatting
4.1. General information
This document template and more information is available on site NTSSB.bg: by emailing:.
This Microsoft Word template includes automated "styles", which shown in Table 2. To see the formats available with this manuscript, go to the Format menu and choose "Styles" (Fig. 2). To view which style is being used in any part of this document, place your cursor on the line and look in the Styles and Formatting display.
Figure 2. Display and use of automated "styles" in this file.
4.2. Using DCB styles
To use this template in Microsoft Word, open this file and save it to a new file name. Type over the existing text with your manuscript. Alternately, you can delete all text, and select the DCB style for each paragraph from the Styles and Formatting menu.
The acknowledgement, if any, is placed at the end of the manuscript text, without numbering. This is the correct place for sponsor and financial support acknowledgments.
[1]Guo Z., Principles of Reinforced Concrete, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014, 606 p. (book).
[2]Zhang S., A. Keulen, K. Arbi, G.Ye, Waste glass as partial mineral precursor in alkali-activated slag/fly ash system, Cem. Conc. Res., 102, 2017, 29-40. (journal paper)
[3]Ivanchev I., Experimental determination of the crack widths in RC elements, subjected to bending. In: Proc. ХVII Int. Sci Conf. VSU'2017, June 8-9, 2017, Sofia, (Eds. V. Stoyanov and D. Partov), VSU „L. Karavelov“, Sofia, Vol. 1, 2017, 207-212. (paper in proceedings)
[4]Mara V., Fibre reinforced polymer bridge decks: Sustainability and a novel panel-level connection, PhD Thesis, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014[Retrieved from
[5]Tchobanov V., K. Ishtev, P. Philipoff. Investigation of the Structural Dynamic Behaviour in Complex Domain, Stroitelstvo, Sofia, 6-7, 1994, 13-21. (in Bulgarian)
[6]Russian National Standard 13015-2003. Ferro-concrete and concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules for acceptance, marking, transportation and storage. (in Russian)
[7]„Assainissement Durable,“. Available: [last visited Aug. 31,2018].
[1] First Author, Academic Degree/Title, Department, Faculty, University/Organization/Company, Address,
E-mail, Times New Roman (TNR) 10 pt. Left Alignment, (use References →Insert Footnote);
[2] Second Author, Academic Degree/Title, Department, Faculty, University, Address, Address, E-mail, TNR 10 pt;