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  1. Joint US History II and English Research Project (3 Days)
  2. Unit One (Social Justice Movements) (3 Weeks)
  3. Civil Rights
  4. Key Civil Rights Events
  5. Brown v. Board of Education
  6. Montgomery Bus Boycott
  7. Sit-ins
  8. Freedom Rides
  9. Birmingham Protests
  10. March on Washington
  11. Selma
  12. Civil Rights Act of 1964
  13. Voting Rights Act of 1965
  14. Key Civil Rights People and Groups
  15. Martin Luther King Jr.
  16. Malcolm X
  17. Elijah Muhammad
  18. CORE
  19. SNCC
  20. SCLC
  21. Black Panthers
  22. Nation of Islam
  23. Other Social Justice Movements
  24. Women’s Rights
  25. Hispanic Rights
  26. Native American Rights
  27. Environmental Rights
  28. LGBT Rights
  29. Elderly Rights
  30. Warren Court
  31. 1960’s Counter Culture
  32. Unit Two (American Domestic Policy 1963-1991) (1 Week)
  33. The Johnson Administration
  34. The Great Society
  35. Nixon Administration
  36. Ford Administration
  37. Carter Administration
  38. The Reagan Administration
  39. Unit Three (The Cold War and American Foreign Policy 1963-1991) (3 Weeks)
  40. Vietnam
  41. Foreign Treaties and policies
  42. Détente
  43. Salt I and II
  44. War Powers Act
  45. Helsinki Accords
  46. Israel and Camp David accords
  47. Panama Canal being turned back over to Panama
  48. Iran-Contra Scandal
  49. War on Drugs
  50. Foreign Conflicts
  51. Iran Hostage Crisis
  52. Beirut
  53. Afghanistan
  54. Grenada
  55. Collapse of Soviet Union
  56. Causes
  57. Fall of Berlin Wall
  58. Reagan
  59. Gorbachev
  60. Glasnost
  61. Perestroika
  62. Effects
  63. Break-up of USSR
  64. Loss of Power
  65. START I
  66. Securing of Nuclear Materials
  67. Unit 4 (Modern Foreign Policy and Interventions) (2 weeks)
  68. Middle East Relations
  69. First Gulf War
  70. Panama and Noriega
  71. Bosnia
  72. Kosovo
  73. Rwanda
  74. Terrorist Attacks on the US and their affect
  75. First World Trade Center Bombing
  76. Oklahoma City
  77. US Embassy Bombings in Kenya and Tanzania
  78. U.S.S. Cole
  79. September 11th
  80. World Trade Center and Pentagon
  81. Causes
  82. Effects
  83. Patriot Act
  84. Department of Homeland Security
  85. Airport Security
  86. War in Afghanistan
  87. Bush Doctrine
  88. Axis of Evil
  89. Second Gulf War
  90. Current NATO and UN Commitments
  91. Libya
  92. Humanitarian Aid
  93. Natural Disaster Relief
  94. Tsunami
  95. Haiti
  96. Unit 5 (The Economy, Globalization, and Modern Domestic Issues) (2 Weeks)
  97. Economic Trends
  98. Globalization
  99. Silicon Valley
  100. Outsourcing
  101. NAFTA
  102. Bush and “No new Taxes”
  103. Telecommunications and their impact on the US
  104. Cell Phones
  105. Internet
  106. Bill Gates
  107. Social Networking
  108. Energy Concerns
  109. Development of Renewable Energy Resources
  110. Migration and Immigration
  111. Current Immigration
  112. Sun Belt
  113. Frost Belt
  114. Rust Belt
  115. Bill Clinton
  116. Whitewater
  117. Impeachment
  118. Hilary Clinton
  119. Health Care
  120. Election of 2000
  121. George W. Bush
  122. No Child Left Behind
  123. Health Care and Social Services
  124. Economy
  125. Week 12 = ECA and Review