NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards

Classroom Application Document – World Languages

Presentational – Novice-High

Standard 7.1 World Languages: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities. / Proficiency Level:
Strand C. Presentational
Essential Questions / Enduring Understandings
How do I make my message understandable and interesting to my classmates, teacher, and others?
How do I make my message understandable and interesting to my audience? / K-5:
I have to think about what I want to say before I say it or write it so that my classmates, teacher, and others can understand me and are interested in what I have to say.
The choices I make in how I organize, edit, rehearse and deliver my message will affect how the message is understood and received.
Content and Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) / Classroom Applications
Learning about age- and developmentally appropriate content that is of high interest to students and has a direct connection to the cultural contexts of the target language cultivates an awareness of the shared human experience. / Instructional Guidance
To assist in meeting this CPI, students may:
·  Create a multimedia presentation that shows good general hygiene habits at school and home. (4-8)
·  Use data related to the H1N1 virus to determine its impact on different parts of the world and create a multimedia presentation that presents the data in an understandable way. (9-12)
Recombine basic information at the word and sentence level related to self and targeted themes to create a multimedia-rich presentation to be shared virtually with a target language audience. / Sample Assessments
To show evidence of meeting this CPI, students may complete the following performance assessment:
Create a public service electronic poster that includes the “dos” and “don’ts” as they relate to H1N1 virus and post it on a class wiki or webpage. (4-12)
·  Students create their own presentations using the applications below:
o  www.voicethread.com allows students to respond to a question or comment posted by their teacher or another student.
o  http://www.voki.com/ allows students to create their own speaking avatar by typing in text.
o  http://comiqs.com/editor/ allows students to create comics while pulling in flickr photos.
o  http://edu.glogster.com/ allows students to create posters and embed sound and video files.
o  http://www.pikistrips.com/ allows students to create comic strips from their photos.
o  http://www.scrapblog.com/ allows students to create an online scrap book.
o  http://www.toondoo.com/ allows students to create their own comic characters and comic strips.
o  http://www.xtranormal.com/ allows students to create a web-based animated movie.
o  http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/ allows students to create their own comic strips.
o  http://www.bubbleply.com/default.aspx allows students to add text bubbles to a video clip.
o  http://prezi.com/ allows students to create an online presentation.
o  http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/digitalphotography/PhotoStory/default.mspx allows students to create a multimedia presentation.
·  Teacher creates a class wiki where teacher and students can post content. The link below is for educators
·  Click Teaching Foreign Languages K-12 Workshop to view a video on the Presentational Modes. Scroll down to video #3.
·  Click Wisconsin Project: Modes of Communication for information related to the modes of communication.
Content and Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) / Classroom Applications
Human and animal migration are often related to the availability of resources and the ability to adapt to the environment.
Due to globalization and advances in technology, the products and practices of a culture change over time, and these changes may impact cultural perspectives. / Instructional Guidance
To assist in meeting this CPI, students may:
·  Prepare a(n) (electronic) poster that shows which animals are found in the target culture and the home culture and which are found in both cultures. (4-8)
·  Prepare a time line to share with a target culture class that depicts how communication has changed over the past 25 years in the United States and compare with changes in the target culture. (6-12)
ü  Note: In a previous interpretive task students may have reviewed a time line presentation created by peers in the target culture that showed how communication has changed over the past 25 years in their country.
Create and present brief messages, poems, rhymes, songs, short plays, or role-plays-not evident in tasks using familiar vocabulary orally or in writing. / Sample Assessments
To show evidence of meeting this CPI, students may complete the following performance assessment:
1.  Prepare a digital presentation that shows the results of the animals in my backyard survey you conducted with students in the target culture. (4-8)
2.  Your e-pal from a target language country has an idea of what life in America is like based on American movies he/she has seen. Help him/her understand what a typical day in your life is like and compare it with that of the life of a character depicted in an American movie. (6-12)
·  Go to http://www.state.nj.us/education/atoz.htm#W and click on World Languages Standard in Action. The following documents provide additional guidance for integration of the three modes at the Novice-High Proficiency level: Ecotourism, Going Green, School Life and Where We Live.
·  Click Teaching Foreign Languages K-12 Workshop to view a video on the Presentational Modes. Scroll down to video #3.
·  Click Wisconsin Project: Modes of Communication for information related to the modes of communication.
Content and Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) / Classroom Applications
Personal identity is developed through experiences that occur within one’s family, one’s community, and the culture at large.
Personal preferences and skills are key factors to consider when making decisions about postsecondary plans. / Instructional Guidance
To assist in meeting this CPI, students may:
·  Share with a target language class how life in an American school is similar to and different from life in their school. (4-12)
Describe in writing people and things from the home and school environment. / Sample Assessments
To show evidence of meeting this CPI, students may complete the following performance assessments:
1.  In an effort to get to know each other better, your teacher has created a survey. Some of the questions require you to select a response. Others require you to provide short responses. (4-8)
ü  Note: To find survey questions, search “personality survey” in the target language.
2.  Your guidance counselor has told you about a scholarship available for students who are studying a world language. In order to apply, you must fill out an application in which you respond to the following questions in the target language: Why are you studying the language? Which classes do you enjoy most? Which career pathways are you considering? How do you see language fitting into your future plans? (6-12)
·  Click Teaching Foreign Languages K-12 Workshop to view a video on the Presentational Modes. Scroll down to video #3.
·  Click Wisconsin Project: Modes of Communication for information related to the modes of communication.
Content and Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) / Classroom Applications
Learning about age- and developmentally appropriate content that is of high interest to students and has a direct connection to the cultural contexts of the target language cultivates an awareness of the shared human experience. / Instructional Guidance
To assist in meeting this CPI, students may:
·  Retell a children’s story using visuals that help to bring meaning to text. (4-12)
Tell or retell stories from age- and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials orally or in writing. / Sample Assessments
To show evidence of meeting this CPI, students may complete the following performance assessments:
1.  FLENJ (Foreign Language Educators of New Jersey has announced a storytelling contest. Retell a traditional story from (country) in electronic format in which you use visuals and actions to bring meaning to text.
ü  Note: You may choose to have students retell the story to their classmates or the entire school and record their presentation.
2.  As part of a service learning project, your class is providing tutoring to students who speak the language you are studying. During one of your sessions, you and your classmates decide to reenact a culturally authentic story for the students. (6-12)
·  Click Teaching Foreign Languages K-12 Workshop to view a video on the Presentational Modes. Scroll down to video #3.
·  Click Wisconsin Project: Modes of Communication for information related to the modes of communication.
Content and Cumulative Progress Indicators (CPIs) / Classroom Applications
Personal identity is developed through experiences that occur within one’s family, one’s community, and the culture at large.
Observing and participating in culturally authentic activities contribute to familiarization with cultural products and practices. / Instructional Guidance
To assist in meeting this CPI, students may:
·  Examine money from the target culture, identify symbols found in the money and describe what the symbols represent. (4-8)
·  Record their performance of a dance from the target culture for a presentation for the school community sponsored by the world languages and arts departments. Post on the class wiki or website and provide an explanation of the origin of the dance. (4-8)
ü  Note: If you have already established a collaborative relationship with a class in the target culture, ask those students to comment on the presentations.
Tell or write about cultural products associated with the target culture(s), and simulate common cultural practices. / Sample Assessments
To show evidence of meeting this CPI, students may complete the following performance assessment:
1.  Choose a cultural product related to celebrations in the target culture and prepare a presentation in which you compare it to a cultural product in your culture or another world culture. Share your findings on a class wiki or webpage. (4-12)
ü  Note: This assessment may be done in collaboration with a school in the target culture.
2.  In your class, you have read several fables from the target culture. Your teacher asks you to select your favorite one and tell how cultural products and practices are presented in that story. (6-12)
·  Click Teaching Foreign Languages K-12 Workshop to view a video on the Presentational Modes. Scroll down to video #3.
·  Click Wisconsin Project: Modes of Communication for information related to the modes of communication.