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Revalidation Steering Group

Monday 10 January 2011

Present:Robert Winter, NHS East of England

Claire Lawton, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS FT

Dr Thiagarajan, East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Geraldine O’Sullivan, Hertfordshire Partnership NHS FT

John Firth, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS FT

John Howard,NHS East of England Multi-Professional Deanery

Mark Sanderson, NHS Cambridgeshire

Neil Sellen, NHS East of England

Paul Tempest, Ramsay Health Care

Rob Harwood, British Medical Association

Yomi McEwen, NHS East of England Multi-Professional Deanery

Carly Schoepp, NHS East of England

1 / Welcome and introductions
RobertWinter welcomed the members of the steering group and thanked everyone for their participation and interest. He commented that the group’s membership may expand to include patient representation, junior doctor representation and/or other parties as the project progresses. Teleconferences and other electronic methods of communication may be arranged from time to time.
2 / Apologies
Apologies were received on behalf of Sandra Dimmock and Sarah Rann.
3 / National Update
Dr Thiagarajan updated the group on the progress of Revalidation following the last steering group meeting.
  1. The GMC published the ‘Response to Revalidation Consultation’ in November and will publish the final Consultation in due course.
  2. The Responsible Officers Regulationswere passed in November and came into force at the turn of 2011. There is some potential conflict between the Regulations and the White Paper around Primary Care.
  3. The Department of Health has cancelled any further support for the toolkit which was proving to be very time consuming. So far, the toolkit has yet to be replaced but trusts have started to use their own tools. It is expected that a final set of standards will come out of the final GMC consultation document which everyone will need to sign up to.
  4. The RST role and work profile has been reviewed in line with Revalidation moving into the delivery phase. There is a clearer line of accountability between the DH and the RST,
  5. The RST have drafted the AQMAR evaluation report which gives an overview of each of the SHAs involvement and response rate. Dr Thiagarajan commented that the report currently doesn’t include all of the NHS East of Englandresponses.
  6. Following on from AQMAR the RST has developed the Organisation Readiness Self Assessment (ORSA) tool. It is anticipated that the tool will be ready to circulate to trusts by the end of January. The tool will be used as an end of year report. There will be a two month lead in time for Trusts to complete the document. The assessment will be repeated in 2011/12. Dr Thiagarajan commented that trusts would need support completing the tool. Dr Thiagarajan and Carly Schoepp will provide this support and will be responsible for ensuring the process has been completed. Dr Thiagarajan welcomed comments from the group onthe content of the tool. A copy of the ORSA tool will be forwarded to the group for comment. Please forward comments to Carly Schoepp.
  7. Responsible Officer training will be organised during April/May. The RST have provided funding for the training which Responsible Officers will receive free of charge. Any additional staff who would like to take the training will be charged for attending. The training will be completed over three modular sessions lasting approximately 3-3.5 hours each. A copy of the RST training programme will be forwarded to the group.
/ All
4 / Terms of Reference of the Steering Group
The group discussed the updated terms of reference and agreed to sign them off.
Dr Winter agreed to take Revalidation as an item to the next Chairs and Chief Executives meeting. / RW
5 / Draft Action Plan
The group discussed the draft action plan and suggested that the plan needed to be revised in line with the preparation for transitional bodies after SHA/PCTs are abolished. It was also suggested that the plan needs to be clear around the definition of processes and structures. Carly Schoepp to forward a copy of the plan to the group for comment. / CS
6 / Next Steps
Copies of the Organisation Readiness Self Assessment tool, the RST Training Programme document and draft action plan to be circulated to the group for comment by Carly Schoepp. Please forward comments to by January 14.
7 / Any other business
  • The first Responsible Officer Network meeting will take place on Friday 25 March.
  • Dates for Responsible Officer training are to be confirmed.
  • John Firth invited steering group members to attend a meeting that is taking place at Addenbrookes on the 15 March where Revalidation will covered.

Carly Schoepp

Revalidation Project Manager

10 January 2011

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