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Number: 01000-2/2015/13

Date: 29 July 2015


FOR THE PERIOD 2015–2016

July 2015

The vision of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia is to organise modern public administration which will observe the following principles and values of:

law and the rule of law;



transparency, integrity and corruption prevention;

responsiveness and user-orientation;

consensus-orientation and integration;

fairness and integration;

innovation, success and efficient use of resources;


as the basis for measures and indicators of effectiveness, observation of public interest, satisfaction of citizens, companies and other stakeholders with which it will achieve above-average results among EU Member States regarding high-quality service provision.

In order to achieve the abovementioned vision, key strategic goals have been defined, for whose attainment action plans have been created with measures for:

responsive, effective and efficient operation of user-oriented public administration;

efficient use of human, financial, spatial, environmental and energy resources;

responsible, open and transparent operation of public administration;

zero tolerance to corruption and enhancement of integrity;

professionalism and development of professional competence and employee innovation;

the system of flexible management of employees using mechanisms of responsibility, and the upgrading of the salary system with motivation mechanisms;

the modernisation of administrative procedural law and the inspection system;

improving quality systems, programme planning, operation review, measurable objectives and process indicators;

improving legislation, reducing legislative burdens, assessing impacts, and including key stakeholders;

efficient informatics, increased use of e-services, digitalisation and interoperability of information solutions.

Operationalisation of the said strategic objectives is defined in seven chapters below:

  1. Efficient organisation structure

With its organisation structure and functioning, the state must, among other things, also support higher competitiveness of the private sector. It is therefore necessary to create a quick, responsive and efficient administration. In order to take decisions and implement them efficiently, we also need an appropriately organised public administration and optimal budget planning and project-oriented manner of work, which will ensure that development activities are completely in compliance with national and other strategies.

  1. Efficient use of resources:

Efficient use of the increasingly limited resources in the public administration is of extreme importance for the stability of its functioning and the quality of public services. The main measures relate to the field of civil servants, including measures for improving the system of training, simplifications of the public procurement system and economical management of the tangible assets of the state.

What is aimed to be achieved in particular with efficient management of human resources is the strategic objective “system of flexible treatment of employees, with mechanisms of responsibility and upgrading of the wage system with incentive mechanisms for motivation”, namely with measures in the field of competences, civil servant system and wage system. Measures related to the wage system will be implemented for the entire public sector, while measures in the field of civil servant system will be implemented in state bodies and municipalities, with measures being focused on renewing and improving the civil servant system, professional administrative management and development of the human resource management function.

Strengthening of competences of civil servants is an objective directed towards creating conditions for the implementation of systematic training of civil servants, which will represent support for the attainment of other strategic objectives.

  1. Improving the regulatory environment

A strategic objective is to improve legislation, reduce legislative burdens, implementation of comprehensive impact assessmentsand include key stakeholders. With the respect of the adopted standards from the Resolution on Legislative Regulation, this field will contribute to the preparation of better, widely socially acceptable and in practice appropriately implemented regulations.

The updating of administrative procedural law primarily refers to the updating of the fundamental principles and legal rules of the general administrative procedure as the fundamental procedural framework for establishing administrative and legal relations between public authorities and holders of rights, legal benefits and obligations in the field of administrative law.

  1. Open and transparent functioning with zero tolerance for violations of integrity in the public sector

We will strengthen mechanisms for transparent functioning of the public administration and the wider public sector in all fields and ensure a higher level of transparency in the legislation adoption procedure and the use of public funds. At the same time we will encourage re-use of data from the public sector and development of open data. We will continue with the implementation of measures for limiting corruption risks.

  1. Quality management system in the public administration, where the objective is primarily to achieve the strategic objective “improving the quality systems, programme planning, business supervision, measurable targets and process indicators”. With the systematic use of quality control tools, this systemwill be expanded to all bodies of the public administration, to ministries, government offices, affiliated bodies etc. in addition to administrative units, in order to improve transparency and efficiency of the functioning of the public administration.
  2. Updating inspection supervision

The planned changes in the systemic regulation of inspection supervision and the provision of information support for the implementation of inspection procedures are in line with the strategic objective “updating inspection supervision”. The changes which are directed primarily to establishing appropriate legal bases to ensure efficiency and speed in the management of inspection supervision and to mutual connectivity and exchange of information obtained by inspectorates by means of modern information support, will relate to all inspection bodies in the Republic of Slovenia. Considering the emphasis on the preventive role of inspection services, positive effects will be achieved also with entities subject to inspection procedures, and with this the public interest will be protected and the preventive role of inspectorate or inspection services will be enhanced.

  1. Effective informatics, increased use of e-services and interoperability of information solutions, where we want to provide users with better and more accessible services and increase their actual use on the one hand, and ensure better management of informatics, higher efficiency and a higher level of digitalisation of processes and better utilisation of resources in the public administration on the other. Favourable effects on the quality of life and business are expected with users and higher flexibility, efficiency and openness and costs reduction are expected in the public administration.



1.1. Efficient organisation of the central level of the state administration / 75: Making an analysis of the implementation of functions of public administration subjects and making and applying comparability indicators / / / / / / / EUR 150,000 (85% of which is EU funds for 2007-2013) / 30.11.2015 / MJU
Making a proposal for optimisation and rationalisation of bodies at the central level of state administration / Number of doubled processes / No data available.
Data for 2015 is expected to be available in 2016. / lower than in the base year 2015 / / / 31.12.2016 / MJU
1.1. Efficient territorial organisation of the public administration / 75: Making an analysis of the implementation of functions of public administration subjects and making and applying comparability indicators / / / / / / / EUR 150,000 (85% of which is EU funds for 2007-2013) / 30.11.2015 / MJU
An in-depth analysis of the implementation of administrative tasks of the state administration at the local and regional levels and a proposal for optimisation and reorganisation of the public administration structures at these levels / Number of doubled processes / No data available. Data for 2015 is expected to be available in 2016. / lower than in the base year 2015 / / / 31.12.2016 / MJU
Number of administrative bodies at the local level
Number of administrative bodies at the local level / 648 (excluding police stations), 758 (including police stations) / adjustment of the territorial coverage of the functioning of individual public administration bodies for 80% of the public administration bodies at the local level
Number of administrative bodies (or their organisational units) operating at one address / 251
Number of performed administrative tasks per civil servant / 1.359[1] / 10%
Number of performed administrative tasks relative to funds spent / 0,047[2] / 10%
Material costs per civil servant / EUR 3,178 [3] / lowering the operating costs of the public administration at the local level by 5%
1.2. Program budgeting / Initial analysis of the current situation and necessary changes in the field of legal framework for the creation of a program budgeting, information solutions supporting the preparation and implementation of budgets and organisation of work in individual groups of institutional units of the general government sector. / / / / / 31. 12. 2015 / MF
Preparation of legal bases for the introduction of a program budgeting in all institutional units of the general government sector and strengthening of internal supervision (a new Public Finance Law, implementing acts), including with a definition of key timetable points for individual steps in the introduction of a program budgeting. / Preparing changes to the Public Finance Act / / / / / 31. 12. 2015 / MF
Entry into force of the changes to the Public Finance Act / / / / / 30.6.2016
Entry into force of individual implementing regulations / / / / / In accordance with the agreed timetable
Measure for increasing the awareness and knowledge about a program budgeting for all levels of the general government sector. / / / / / During the entire 2016 / MF
All units of the general government sector
An in-depth analysis of the existing system of information support for the preparation and implementation of a program budgeting and making necessary changes in individual levels of the general government sector. / / / / / 31.12.2016 / MF
1.3 Managing projects in the public administration; efficient and economical implementation of strategic and development objectives / Creating a methodology for project work in the public administration / Number of prepared initial studies of projects in accordance with the created methodology / 0 / 20 / 0 / 30.11.2016 / MJU
Establishing an organisational structure for umbrella supervision, harmonisation and steering of strategic projects of the government / Number of attained strategic and programming objectives (measures from the programming part of the coalition agreement) / 0 / 30 (100) / 0 / 31.12.2016 / SVRK,
Establishing a tool for IT-supported planning and implementation, monitoring and reporting on projects / Number of civil servants trained for the use of programme solutions for the preparation and management of projects / 0 / 0 (150) / 0 / 31.12.2020 / MJU
Creating training programmes for employees in the public administration / Number of civil servants trained for the preparation of initial studies of projects and management of projects / 0 / 40 (300) / 10.000 / 31.12.2016 / MJU


2.1: Improving human resources management (competences, civil servant system, wage system) / 27: Adoption or changes of the Civil Servants Act / Number of implemented changes (changes, improvements and simplifications) in the field of civil servant system / / / At least 5 / / / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJS
Number of justified complaints, reports and applications from civil servants in inspection procedures / 63.6 % (share of cases in which irregularities have been found) / A decrease of 10% / / / / / /
31: Preparation of recommendations– guidelines for managing human resources in the public administration / 30.6.2016 / MJU, DJS
32a: Establishing a unified competence model in the public administration / Number of jobs where competence model is established / / / At least 80% of jobs / ESF funds (EUR 2,520,000) / 31.12.2020 / MJU, DJS
Preparation of an initial study for the project of the establishment of a competence model / / / / / / / 31.12.2015 / MJU, DJS
Preparing documentation for the implementation of low-value public procurement for the preparation of investment documentation for the competence model project / / / / / / / 31.12.2015 / MJU, DJS
Preparation of public procurement for the competence model project, selection of an outsourcer and signing of contract / / / / / / / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJS
32b: Upgrading the information system of the human resource management system / Number of new functions/
types of tools provided by the upgraded information system / / / At least 3 / 31.12.2020 / MJU, DJS
Preparing documentation for the implementation of low-value public procurement for the preparation of investment documentation for the project of upgrading of the information system of UČV / / / / / / / 31.12.2015 / MJU, DJS
Preparation of an initial study for the project of upgrading of the information system of UČV / / / / / / / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJS
28a: Preparing changes and amendments to the Public Sector Salary System Act, implementing regulations and the Collective agreement for the public sector to ensure higher flexibility in determining salaries depending on performance on the basis of criteria agreed on in advance / Number of implemented changes (changes, improvements and simplifications) in the field of the wage system / / / At least 5 / / / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJS
Share of employees whose salary increased due to above-average performance / / / Up to 20% of employees / / / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJS
Average ratio between the fixed and variable part of salary in the public sector / / / Increase compared to the period before the introduction of changes / / / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJS
28a: Preparation of an analysis and starting points for changes to the salary system / Analysis and starting points for negotiations adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia / / / / / / / 30.6.2015 / MJU, DJS
2.1.1. Strengthening of competences of civil servantsImproving competences of civil servants / 31: Strengthening of competences of civil servants / Average number of training days per civil servant a year / 4 days / 5 days / ESF- EUR 2,000,000 and own activity / Continuous until 31 December 2023 / MJU, DJS
Purchasing the application for the support of the system of training and professional examinations / / / / / / / ESF / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJS
Preparation of new training programmes / / / / / / / / / 31.12.2015 / MJU, DJS
Preparation of methodology for evaluation of training at training provider and on the job / / / / / / / / / 31.12.2015 / MJU, DJS
Implementation of training / Share of participants in training in key fields / 15 % of all participants / 30% / ESF / Continuous until the end of 2023 / MJU, DJS
2.2. Public procurement: Simplifications, higher flexibility, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of public procurement and, consequently, direct and indirect savings / Implementation of joint public procurement (including with health care) / Savings and number of subjects of joint public procurement / / / Increase of subjects by 10% at the most / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJN
Changes to public procurement legislation / Adopted law and implementing acts / / / Adopted law and implementing acts / 18.4.2016 / MJU, DJN
A comparative review of systems of legal protection in public procurement and preparation of starting points for the development of the system / Created starting points / / / Created starting points / 30.6.2016 / MJU, DJN
Education in the field of public procurement legislation and guidelines for the implementation of public procurement legislation / Number of trainings implemented / / / 20 / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJN
2.2.1. E-public procurement / Adding new functions which will contribute to an even higher transparency of public procurement / Implementation of the e-public procurement project in practice / / / E-public procurement project implemented 100% / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJN
Higher informatisation of the procedure of awarding of public contracts / / / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJN
Clarity and adequacy of forms on the public procurement portal (compliance of forms with the legislation) / Level of compliance of forms with the legislation / / / 100% compliance of forms with the legislation / 18.4.2016 / MJU, DJN
Updating of forms on the public procurement portal / / / 6500 / 18.4.2016 / MJU, DJN
Updated public procurement portal / / / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DJN
2.3. Management of tangible assets / Establishing a centralised registry of real estate of the state and its functional integration with other registries / Number of items of real estate entered in registries / 50% / 100% / 1.120.000 / 31.12.2016 / MJU, DSP
Centralisation of management of tangible assets with an emphasis on optimisation of operation / Reducing rental costs / 0 / 30% / Savings of EUR 1 million and revenue from management / 1.1.2017 / MJU, DSP
Reducing operating costs / 0 / 40%
Divestment of unnecessary properties / 0 / 20%
2.3.1. A unified web portal / Establishing a unified web portal of tangible assets / Number of real estate with regulated legal status / 60% / 100% / 40.000 / 31.12.2015 / MJU, DSP
Establishing a unified web portal of tangible assets / Number of publications related to management of tangible assets / 0 / 100% / 40.000 / 31.12.2015 / MJU, DSP


3. 1. Improving the regulatory environment / 62d: Better administration: e-Regulations – Modernisation of electronic support for the preparation of regulations and measuring of their effects on the economy (SMEtest) / Share of ministries where the measuring system and the use of SCMmethodology is established / 1 / 87,50% / EU funds, integral funds
EUR 70.000,00 / 30.6.2016 / MJU, SBZUPK SVZ MGRT
Share of adopted regulations with a comprehensive impact assessment (including a MSP test) / 0 / 50%
62h: Better administration: Development and introduction of an evaluation module / Share of evaluated regulations / 0 / 50% / EU funds, integral funds
EUR 250,000 / 31.12.2020 / MJU, SBZUPK
62a: Management and coordination of the realisation of measures from the Single document / Share/effects of the adopted and implemented measures / 1.5 billion / - 5 % annually / Permanent task / MJU, SBZUPK
62c: Better administration: Implementation of the project STOP bureaucracy / Reducing the volume of legislation / 18.000 / - 10% until 2020 / EU funds, integral funds
EUR 96,000 / 31.12.2020 / MJU, SBZUPK SVZ MGRT
3.1.1. Improving the business environment / 63e: Single Business Point (EPT): Establishing a Single Business Point / Standardisation, reduction of the number and volume of data needed for reporting / 590 / -20% / EU funds, integral funds
EUR 10 million / 31.12.2020 / MJU, SBZUPK
63b: Single Business Point (EPT): Listing all entry conditions and their publication on the internet / Share of listed regulatory conditions / 1.000 / 75% / EU funds, integral funds
EUR 152,000 / 30.11.2015 / MJU, SBZUPK