Two real medical cases of mystery (Lesson 2 & 3)
Time (min) / Teacher / Student / Remarks10 / Present two cases of medical mystery:
In both cases of mystery, a number of people was discovered to have nerve damages - neuropathy - they have weakness and pain in the arms and legs, some were even becoming paralyzed. / Students would be given the same kind of evidence that the real medical research team collected.
Although these are real mysteries that actually happened, all the people's names and some other details have been changed.
15 / Play the role of the victims. Answer students' questions as the victims would probably answer. (see victim information sheet)
Put on the name tags as you answer the questions. / Play the role of "medical detectives" and interview the victims to find out what might have caused the problem. / When the teacher is playing the role of the victims, put on the appropriate name tags for easy identification.
15 / Give students important clues:
Mystery #1
Chemical list from the fabric printing factoryList of workers with neuropathy
Map of the fabric printing factory
Mystery #2
List of activities of the 3 young people and the food they ate in the week before they get sick / Study the clues. / Always uses a color code for the 2 cases, e.g. white for mystery #1 and pink for mystery #2.Wong Kam-fat is one of the victims in mystery #1.
Vincent Chan is one of the victims in mystery #2.
15 / Put on the appropriate name tag while answering further questions from students.
After about 10 minutes have passed, announce to the whole class that Susan Kwok, the 17-year old, has just died. / Ask further questions as the teacher is going round the classroom.
Should only ask questions related to the mystery, to try to figure out what's going on, what's the cause of the problem and what could be done about it. / Answer not as a teacher but as the victims would probably answer.
10 / Pass out the 2 additional information sheets to each group at appropriate times.
Mystery #1
Job Descriptions of Workers in Print RoomMystery #2
Lacquer Thinner Ingredient SheetMake sure that every group receives both of these sheets eventually.
5 / Teacher takes off the name tag and plays the role of a teacher.
If some groups finish early, challenge them further with questions such as “What in the lacquer thinner causes the problem?”
10 / Give a five-minute warning before you end the discussion.
Ask students to write down what they think caused the nerve damage problems in each case.
N.B.Neuropathy - Pronounced as nur- AHHH-pa-thee
Meaning disease of the nerves - the nerves most severely affected are the peripheral nerves (the ones that run between the central nervous system (CNS) and the arms, hands and legs)