Kvinnosjukvården Norrbotten
Gynmott daytime, phone0920-26 12 20
Other time: Gynavd 49, phone0920-28 20 49
Sjukvårdsrådgivning phone: 1177
Ansvarig för informationen: Dr Anna Pohjanen

Information for you who will have
a medical abortion ”at home”

You are welcome to Gynmottagningen (the Gynaecological reception, staircase I, 5th floor)/Gynavdelning 49 (the Gynaecological ward 49, staircase A, 6th floor) ……./…… at ……….

We will give you 1 tablet Mifegyne® orally. If you are sick/vomit within 1 ½ hour after taking the tablet you must have another one – please contact us!Common side effects are nausea, cramps, slight and sometimes more heavy bleeding.

Two days later ……../…….. you complete the abortion at home.

You start by inserting 4 tablets of Cytotec®into the vagina early in the morning. Cytotec® causes uterine contractions (“cramps”). When you have inserted the pills you must lay down for 1 hour.
Bleeding and cramps (similar to menstrual pain) will start within a few hours. Sometimes the bleeding can be heavier than menstruation, with blood clots.
When the effect of Cytotec® declines approx. 6 hours after administration, the pain will decrease.
We will give you 2 tabl Pamol á 1 g and 2 sup Diklofenak á 50 mg for pain relief. Take 1 t Pamol1 g at the time of inserting Cytotec®. If you need more pain relief you can use the other t Pamol and the Diklofenak during the day.The treatment will not be totally without pain.
Pain relief may impair your ability to concentrate so you should refrain from driving on the day of treatment.

We will telephone you during the afternoon, by appointment.

If the bleeding gets extremely heavy or if the pain relief is insufficient you are welcome to call us.
If you feel nauseous you can take supp Primperan®.

Common side effects of Cytote®c are nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, vertigo, headache, trembling. In most cases the side effects are mild and well tolerated.


Bleeding similar to menstruation, heavier at first, successively slighter, will occur for up to three weeks. Avoid intercourse, bathing (showering is o k), tampons while you are still bleeding, due to the risk of infection.The menstruation willreturn 4-6 weeks after the abortion.


Appointment at Gynmottagningen (the Gynaecological reception)………../……… at ………..
to ensure that the abortion is complete. A pregnancy test will be performed.

Contact Gynmottagningen (the Gynaecological reception) if you experience any of the symptoms below:

  • fever and/or pain in the lower abdomen
  • no bleeding during the Cytotec® treatment
  • continuous heavy bleeding
  • “feeling pregnant” – morning sickness, swollen breasts
  • failure of the menstruation to return within 6 weeks

Contraceptive pills, vaginal rings, patches, injections and subcutaneous implants: start on the day of the abortion or the day after. Make an arrangement with the midwife at your healthcare central for implants/injections. If you don’t start on the day of or the day after the abortion you should wait until the following menstruation.
IUD (copper or Mirena®)can be inserted at the first menstruation following the abortion. Make an arrangement with the midwife at your healthcare central.

Visit day 1: ……………Skr
Follow-up visit 4 weeks after the abortion: ……………Skr

If you miss your appointment without notifying us beforehand you still will be charged with the cost for the visit.
Counsellor: phone: 0920-28 38 44 (mon - fri 8:30-9:00)

Ansvarig för medicinsk information:Anna Pohjanen Uppdaterad 2012-10-02