October 1, 2017
Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Respect Life Sunday
Mon No scheduled MassZec 8: 1-8/Mt 18:1-5, 10
Tue(SN)8:00am No Intention/Exposition/Closing 4pmZec 8: 20-23/Lk 9: 51-56
Wed(HF)8:00am No Intention/Exposition/Closing 8pmNeh 2: 1-8/Lk 9: 57-62
Thu(HF)6:30pm No IntentionNeh 8: 1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12/Lk 10: 1-12
Fri(SN)8:00am No IntentionBar 1: 15-22/Lk 10: 13-16
Sat(HF)1:00pm Wedding – Amy Franz & Ryan Schroeder
Sat(SN)4:00pm Charlie, Jerry & Amber Pester/Mel Wagner
Sat(HF)7:00pm For the ParishSunday Readings
Sun(HF)8:30am Bob SchroederIs 5: 1-7/Phil 4: 6-9/
Sun(SN) 10:30am John Siefker & the Liv & Dec’d of the Leis-Siefker fams. Mt 21: 33-43
From the Pastor’s Desk
Dear Parishioners,
I do not believe it is a matter of coincidence that Respect Life Sunday and the fact that October has traditionally been dedicated in our Catholic devotional life as the “month of the Rosary”. Indeed, the two go hand in hand with one another. Mary, the mother of our Lord and of us all, models the integrity of the precious gift of life given to every human being. Her own life, in being called by God to be the mother of the redeemer, and her gentle caress of a mother’s love toward her son Jesus and attending to his earthly life provide an unencumbered way to embrace life. Mary offers us the way in which we ourselves ought to approach the sacredness of life – with open arms, a willing and trusting heart, a kindness and gentleness always to sustain it.
It is saddening to see so many people around the world who are unhappy with their lives. I am not simply referring to people with smiles on faces, but the deep seeded sadness that prompts them to do regrettable acts against life and to think that such behaviors are justified. Anything from taunting and bullying to deliberately ending the life placed by God in the womb, and all the other acts that jeopardize the life God intended in between, these, I believe, are a result of this sadness in people’s hearts. What is it people seek to have in life? Has the Evil One duped us into thinking that true happiness is something we seek outside of ourselves? Have we succumbed to the fantasy world of virtual reality that false images control our every move in life? There is no doubt that the world anyone 50 years or older has experienced has come and gone.
I believe the cause for life and the efforts that help to raise our consciousness in promoting it is the successful equation in helping people transform the sadness found in their hearts into a lasting and attainable joy. We need to point out the good things about life with our children. We have to make every effort to sojourn with our youth in seeing the value of life and to see that all happiness comes from within our own hearts because God has placed it there. And should we need an image or a personality to enflesh the gift of human life call to mind the Blessed Mother Mary with the child Jesus in her arms. The mysteries of the holy rosary that we pray are a divine way we come to see God’s grace at work in our life. The Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous Mysteries of the rosary provide a touchstone from which we connect moments of our earthly life with those of Jesus and Mary. This connection helps us and guides us in knowing that above and beyond an external smile, our true happiness resides in the soul.
Monsignor Singler
September 23 & 24
St. Nicholas: Holy Family:
Regular: $2.637.00Regular: $2,307.00
Maintenance: $ 202.00Maintenance: $ 155.00
Fuel: $ 120.00
Holy Land $ 150.00
Total: $3,109.00Total: $2,462.00
September 23 & 24: $ 65.00
A KINDLY REMINDER that weekly Exposition at Holy Family Parish will change to Wednesday this week at the conclusion of the daily Mass at 8AM and will conclude with reposition at 8PM.
ST. NICHOLAS ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY will meet Monday, October 2 at the Parish Center at 7:00pm. We will celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversaries and 80th birthdays. If you would like to celebrate these milestones with us, contact Therese Niese or Marge Niese. We will also be joined by Nicole Sager, LSW from the Meadows of Leipsic and Ottawa to discuss important and useful information we need as our parents and we ourselves age. All ladies are invited to join us.
ST. NICHOLAS ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY is updating the nursing home volunteer list. If you would like to add your name to our volunteers or need a change to be made contact Dana Tobe, 419-876-3943.
CONGRATULATIONS TO FATHER ODO RECKER OSB on his 25th Anniversary as a Benedictine Monk. May God bless him with many more happy years at Mount Angel Abbey, Oregon.
IF YOU HAVE ANY CHANGES to be made on the Nov-Feb Liturgical Ministry Schedule, please contact the parish office or Jane Kuhlman. If anyone would like to volunteer for any of the Liturgical ministries, please contact the office or Jane Kuhlman.
MASS TO CELEBRATE THE DIGNITY OF LIFE with Bishop Daniel E. Thomas will be held at St. Catherine’s Parish, Toledo, 4555 N. Haven Ave, 9am, Saturday, October 14 and will be followed by a Eucharistic Procession to Capital Care, Toledo’s last remaining abortion facility. For more information, contact Peter Range at . or at 419-214-4933
WE ARE IN NEED of drivers to help transport youth for the Mass for Life on Saturday, Oct.14 in Toledo. We will leave around 7am and return early afternoon. If you are able to provide this service, call the office with the number of youth you can take with you.
PLEASE DONATE TO SAVE LIVES! Our Youth Group is sponsoring their blood drive on October 24 from noon until 6pm at the Parish Center. You may call the office to schedule an appointment or register online: type in our zip code (45864) to locate our site. We will be serving homemade soup, pie and ice cream to all potential donors. We are grateful for all those who are willing to donate.
THE YOUTH GROUP NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT! Please help us raise funds for the 24 people who are attending the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis in November.
Currently, we have raised $8000 of our $12,400 goal. We greatly appreciate all of your support.
Raffle Tickets are still available for an Exquisite Dinner for Six at the rectory prepared by Monsignor Singler for $125; the winning ticket will be drawn on Oct. 22.
The Chicken Barbeque Dinner on October 28 includes ½ chicken prepared by Uncle Buck’s, cheesy potatoes, green beans and your choice of cake. You may eat in the hall or take out your dinner. Tickets are $8 each and need to be purchased by Oct. 15. There will be someone selling tickets after each of the Masses the next two weekends.
If you still want to order any Yankee Candles, you may go to Yankee Candle Fundraising and on the left side of the page type in customer number 999970831. That will put you on our fundraising page; orders may be place through December and our Youth Group will benefit.
Call the office if you wish to assist our youth group or need further information regarding any of these fundraisers. If anyone feels extremely generous and wishes to sponsor a youth’s entire trip to NCYC, the cost is $500. Thank you so very much!
Parent Meeting for 1st Reconciliation is today, Sunday October 1 at 1pm in the Parish Center in Miller City.
Junior High Christian Formation meet this Wednesday evening; grades 6-7 from 7-8pm and all 8th graders from 6-7:30pm with Adoration following until 8pm. Thanks for your great attendance!
Juniors (SN, 8:30am) and Seniors (HF, 9:30am) meet this Sunday, October 1. Freshmen (HF, 9:30am) and Sophomores (SN, 8:30am) meet next Sunday, October 8.
All NCYC attendees are asked to meet again with others from St. George Deanery at St. Nicholas Parish Center this Sunday, October 1 at 3pm.
Parents of Confirmation Candidates: you will find information concerning small group leaders, important dates and times available for the student interview on our parish website: Click on “Home” and then Confirmation. Please contact the office with the times and dates you are available to meet with Monsignor Singler in your home for the interview with your child. At least one parent must be present for the interview.
HURRICANE RELIEF THIS WEEKEND. Our parishes are taking another collection to support the victims in one of the most devastated areas affected by Hurricanes Irma and Maria – the Diocese of St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands this weekend. These islands have been almost completely wiped out, left with virtually no infrastructure and few surviving services. Our prayers go out to all those who perished, their families and untold numbers of injured and homeless. Special marked envelopes are available in the pews. Simply drop the envelope in the collection basket or bring to the parish office.
FIGHTING THE NEW DRUG is an information program on the addiction of pornography for our times sponsored by the St. George Deanery of Putnam County. An organization called Porn Kills Love will provide important information in raising awareness on the harmful effects of pornography. This event will be held at Immaculate Conception Center Gym in Ottoville this Wednesday, October 4. Three sessions are planned for various groups: Jr High youth (with parental approval) will be meeting at IC gym with teachers/parent chaperones at 4:00pm. A second session for parents (adults only) will be at 5:30pm. A third session for high school youth (a youth rally) will begin at 6:00pm with food, faith and knowledge followed by a presentation at 7:00pm. For more information contact Fr. Jerry Schetter at Immaculate Conception Parish: 419-453-3513.
IS YOUR MARRIAGE GOING down the right road . . . or is it a little off track? Life can be difficult, and so can the challenges you face in marriage. Does the distance between you seem wide? Are you already separated? Looking for a better way? Retrouvaille is a peer ministry of volunteer couples that can help you learn the tools of healthy communication, build intimacy and heal, just as they have done in their own marriages. Retrouvaille is Christian-based, and Catholic in origin. For more information about our October 6-8Retrouvaille Weekend program for couples, contact our registration team: Joe and Arlene @ 419-841-1116 or visit our website: HelpOurMarriage.com.
40 DAYS FOR LIFE FALL CAMPAIGN. Catholic Charities is hosting the 40 Days for Life in Northwest Ohio through Sunday, November 5. You can participate in three ways: prayer and fasting, community outreach and peaceful vigil. We pray for the end of abortion on the sidewalk of Capital Care abortion facility, Toledo. May our prayer bring the light of Christ Jesus to move the hearts and minds of all present to a deeper appreciation of the dignity of human life. For more info visit or contact Office for Life and Justice Director Peter Range at or call 419-214-4933.
WORLD MISSION SUNDAY is October 21/22, 2017 and is a special moment of encounter with the Pope’s mission throughout the world. Meeting the priests, religious and lay leaders who, day in and day out, witness to the Gospel and serve the poor, will as Pope Francis says, “enable the missionary heart of Christian communities to join in prayer, testimony of life and communion of goods, in responding to the vast pressing needs of evangelization.”
OTTAWA KOFC Chicken & Fish Fry will be held Fridays October 6, 13, 20, 27, November 3, 10 & 17 at the KofC Hall. All are welcome.
WILDCATS ROAR TALENT SHOWCASEwill be held this Saturday, September 30 at 7:00pm in the MCHS cafetorium. We
will be showcasing the many talents of MCHS students and staff. All proceeds benefit the MCHS Road Scholars' 2018 trip to the British Isles. $5 per person. Complimentary snacks will be provided. Drinks will be available for purchase.
MILLER CITY VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT will host its Annual Pork Chop Supper next Saturday, October 7 from 5-? at the Miller City Sportsman’s Club. Meal includes 2 pork chops, baked potato, applesauce, cole slaw and roll. Carry-out is available. Proceeds will help purchase equipment for MCVFD.
BULLETIN SPONSOR OF THE WEEK: NIESE SHEET METAL & ROOFING: We feature seamless gutters. Sales and service. Call the office at 264-3242 or Nick at 643-4221 or Kevin at 943-2094.