October 18, 2009

Twenty-NinthSunday in Ordinary Time

Isaiah 53:10-11; Hebrews 4:14-16; Mark 10:35-45 [146B]

The Gospel reading for today follows a pattern that Mark established in the central section of his Gospel (8:27—10:52) and where we find Jesus’ three passion predictions (8:31-33; 9:30-32; 10:32-34). With each Passion prediction, Mark inserts an episode that presents the apostles in an unfavorable light. Although the disciples recognize Jesus as the Christ, they try to define discipleship in their terms.

With the first Passion prediction, Jesus rebukes Peter, stressing to Peter and the apostles that discipleship is about denying oneself, taking up the cross, and following Jesus (8:34-38). In the second Passion prediction, Jesus teaches the apostles about the importance of humility for discipleship (9:33-37). And in the third Passion prediction, Jesus teaches the apostles about the centrality of suffering and sacrifice (today’s Gospel reading). Jesus consistently presents discipleship in terms of humility, suffering and sacrifice. Ultimately, it is Jesus’ own suffering and death that provides the model for the disciples to follow.


We all love honors. In first grade it was the gold star that gave rise to a feeling of pride and accomplishment. Later, it might have been a trophy or a certificate. When we entered the workforce a promotion and a raise were the honors that suggested we were doing well. In a way, James and John were seeking a promotion. They come to Jesus knowing that they’ve been with him from the beginning (they were half of the first four). They witnessed his first preaching and his earliest miracles. With his commission they were sent out to preach in his name. And, along with Peter (Andrew gets left out) they had just witnessed Jesus’ transfiguration. It’s no wonder that James and John believe that they’re on the inside track to greatness. But greatness with Jesus is not what we expect. The honor is to serve the needs of all.

/ Come and join us for an hour of prayer and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Wednesdays, 8:00 – 9:00 PM
All are welcome!

Let’s welcome Fr. Gillen to St. Joseph’s

Fr. Gabriel Gillen was raised in Rockaway Beach, NY, the third of 4 children. In 1989 he received a B.A. in liberal Arts and a minor inBusiness Management from the State University of New York at StonyBrook and worked several years as a stock broker on Wall Street.
In1993 he began discerning a priestly vocation and studied philosophy atFranciscan University of Steubenville. In 1996 chose to enter theSociety of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (S.O.L.T.) and studied
Theology in Kenya and Italy. He was ordained in Subiaco, Italy on June24, 2000.
He studied under Dominicans at the Angelicum in Rome wherehe obtained the S.T.B., M.A.. While in Rome, he discerned a call totransfer to the Order of Preachers. After completing the novitiate in2006 he spent one year at the Dominican House of Studies in D.C. anden was assigned as a Parochial Vicar at Saint Catherine of Siena
Church in New York City. He was a part time chaplain at MemorialSloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New YorkPresbyterian-WeillCornellMedicalCenter, and the Hospital for Special Surgery and RockefellerUniversityHospital.
Fr. Gillen is also the webmaster for theVocations and Provincial websites, and both hosts and co-hosts the
XM/Sirius Radio's Catholic Channel: Word to Life Program.

On September 28thSt. Joseph welcomed a very distinguished visitor, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue. He met with the Islamic students in Casserly Hall. Cardinal Tauran emphasized the need for inter-religious cooperation at the community level citing Fr. McGuire and Imam Khalid's positive and long-lasting friendship.

Imam Khalid and the Islamic Center's PR director, Haroon Moghul, offered to help in furthering the Cardinal's mission of strengthening inter-religious relationships that go beyond mere tolerance. Cardinal Tauran went further to say that true friendship is when we acknowledge the good in others—that’s the basis of true and lasting peace between people of different faiths and cultures.

Our kitchen stove needs an upgrade!

The soup kitchen is holding a fundraising receptiononThursday, October 22nd at the home of Bill Derrough and Alvaro Salas, long time parishioners of the St Joseph’s.
Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served from 6 to 8 pm at 362 West Broadway apt 6 (@ Broome Street)
RSVP to Connie Fitzgerald at

Your donation of $100.00 per person will help towards the purchase of a multi-level convection oven. We’ll prepare more and tastier meals, keep food hot for our guests, and enhance the safety of the soup kitchen.

RSVP to Connie Fitzgerald at

Please make checks payable to St. Joseph's Soup Kitchen. You can also donate online through ParishPay ( and click on the St JosephWestVillage link.

Thank you.

Last weekend’s collection October 10 was $5,790.
We encourage use to enroll via the ParishPay website and click on the St JosephWestVillage link. Use the paperless way to help our ministry, and that of the St. Joe’s Soup Kitchen

Saturday, October 24th, 7:30pm, Music Recital
Celina Charlier- Flute and Eshantha Peiris- Piano
Repertoire: Brazilian Classical Music
About one hour long, Free admission



SATURDAY,October 17 Ignatius of Antioch, bishop & martyr

Rom 4:13, 16-18/Lk 12:8-12

12:10 PM

5:30 PM Etta Ditrio

SUNDAY, October 18

9:00 AM Ira Studley

11:30 AM William Mazza

6:00 PM

MONDAY, October 19John de Brébeuf & Isaac Jogues, priests & martyrs, & their companions, martyrs

Rom 1:1-7/Lk 11:29-32

12:10 PM Deceased members of the Burns and Reynolds Family

5:30 PM Josephine Motto (1st anniversary)

TUESDAY, October 20Paul of the Cross, priest

Rom 1:16-25/Lk 11:37-41

12:10 PM Dan Goven

5:30 PM

WEDNESDAY, October 21

Rom 2:1-11/Lk 11:42-4

12:10 PM Kelly Fair (living)

5:30 PM

TURSDAY,October 22

Rom 3:21-30/Lk 11:47-54

12:10PM Christopher Hernandez

5:30 PM

FRIDAY, October 23John of Capistrano, priest

Rom 4:1-8/Lk 12:1-7

12:10 PM Lucy Kluska

5:30 PM

SATURDAY,October 24Anthony Mary Claret

Rom 4:13, 16-18/Lk 12:8-12

12:10 PM Lucy Kluska

5:30 PM


10:00 AM / Children’s Religious Studies / Casserly
10:00 AM / Sunday Scripture Discussion / Library
2:30 PM / Roman Forum Lectures / Casserly
7:00 PM / Grad Law / Casserly/Rectory
6:30 PM / Centering Prayer / Church
6:30 PM / YACHT Club for Young Adults / Casserly/Library
6:30 PM 1st /mo / Pax Christi Bd Mtg / PCYMNY
7:00 PM / Aquinas Circle of Undergraduates / Casserly/Library
6:30 PM / Korean Catholic Students / Casserly/Library
7:00 PM 2nd /mo / Altar Rosary / Library
7:00 PM / Newman Club / Casserly/Library
6:00 PM 1st/mo / Novena/ Sacred Heart
6:15 PM / St. Egidio Prayer / Church
10:00-3:00 PM / Soup Kitchen / Casserly
12:30 PM 1st/mo / Blessing of the Sick / Church
6:00 PM / Alcoholics Anonymous / Casserly