JANUARY 28, 2018

MARK THE DATES!!!!! Here’s just a few things St. Ann’s has coming up in 2018!

February 3/4 Blessing of Throats – NEXT WEEKEND at all masses

February 5th School Open House Week

February 14 Ash Wednesday

March 10 Pasta Night

March 23/24 Musical – Disney’s Beauty and the Beast Jr.

March 25 Holy Week

Check the website ( and bulletin for details as they become available.

School Open House Week of February 5th, 2018 - If you are thinking about registering your child or children for the 2018/19 school year, now’s the time to tour the school, talk with faculty and talk with existing school parents. Spots do fill up quickly. The school will be open from 9am-2pm the week of February 5th with personal tours offered during the week. A special open house for our Prek3, Prek4 and Kindergarten classes will be held on Tuesday, February 6th at 9am. Come learn more about these nurturing and foundational programs. For more info on any grade in our school or to schedule a time to visit the school during that week, call 652-6567 or visit You may also email . Of course, walk-ins are always welcome!

NOTICE OF RETREAT - 33 DAYS TO MORNING GLORY - St. Ann’s Parish is offering a small group retreat with Fr. Gaitley’s materials and videos: 33 Days to Morning Glory in Preparation for Marian Consecration. The retreat will be offered on Mondays at 5 pm to 6:30 pm in the Social Hall beginning February 12, 2018, and continue to March 26 (no session on President’s Day, Feb. 19) with consecration on Holy Saturday, the feast of Our Lady of the Holy Cross on March 31. Two of the textbooks are located in the Chapel of Divine Mercy for you to review and ponder your participation. Pp. 15 – 27 are most helpful. Please leave the texts in Chapel for others. For more information or to register for the retreat, call Connie Winner-Varone at 302-765-9864 or email: .

Attend Catholics in Annapolis on February 22 - Please join Maryland’s bishops and hundreds of fellow Catholics for the Maryland Catholic Conference’s 34th Annual Catholics in Annapolis on Thursday, February 22. Catholics in Annapolis provides parishioners the opportunity to speak in person with elected officials about issues important to our faith, such as caring for the poor, supporting low-income students in Catholic schools, and physician-assisted suicide. It is one of the best attended advocacy events in Annapolis, and the format, which includes an evening reception with legislators, allows everyone to gather in one place and convey the strong

engagement of Catholics in matters of public policy. The event begins at St. John Neumann Mission Church (620 N. Bestgate Road) from 3-4:30 p.m. with briefings on the relevant issues considered by the General Assembly from a faith perspective. Shuttles will be provided to downtown Annapolis where you can meet your legislators from 5-6:30 p.m. We will provide instructions on how

to set up appointments with your legislators when you register. Your legislators will be alerted that you will be visiting their offices between 5-6:30 p.m. If you don’t see them in their offices, you will at the reception! Then, join members of the General Assembly, the Maryland bishops, and other Church leaders at 6:30-8 p.m. for a reception in the Miller Senate Office Building. Participants are welcome to attend the reception even if they can’t participate in the briefings/ legislator meetings earlier. The event is free but registration is required. Visit or call the Maryland Catholic Conference at 410-269-1155 or 301-261-1979 to register or for more information. 1

Saturday January 27

8:00 A.M. Richard Geruson

5:00 P.M. Bernie Barrish

Sunday January 28

7:30 A.M. Parishioners

9:30 A.M. Thomas & Anita McBride

11:30 A.M. William Selvaggi

Monday January 29

6:30 A.M. John C. Volk, Jr.

8:00 A.M. Doreen Webb

Tuesday January 30

6:30 A.M. Loretta Kelly

8:00 A.M. William Boeck

Wednesday January 31

6:30 A.M. Msgr. Patrick Brady

8:00 A.M. Ramon Navarro

Thursday, February 1

6:30 A.M. Bridgit Gallagher

8:00 A.M. Patrick J. DeLuca

Friday, February 2

6:30 A.M. Louis Rinaldi

8:00 A.M. Georgina Sheing & Henry Salacki

Saturday February 3

8:00 P.M. Loretta Kelly

5:00 P.M. Theresa Anne Faulkner

Sunday, February 4

7:30 A.M. Stephen & Anna Smith

9:30 A.M. Lodie Lamborn

11:30 A.M. Parishioners

Pray for the sick, shut-ins and elderly of our Parish.

The Chapel of Divine Mercy is open 6am to 10pm, 7 days a week with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Can you offer an hour of your time? Visit to sign up. You can also call Chris at 584-1422 or Nan at 656-8438.

ST. ANN’S PRAYER LINE – to place a name or special request on the prayer line call Joe or Shirley Ackerman at 384-7513 or email .

Hospital Visitations – Make sure to call the Rectory at 654-5519 if you are in the hospital and would like a priest to visit.

St. Blaise - Blessing of throats will be offered at every mass next weekend.

What’s new at St. Ann’s School

Happy New Year from the PreK-4 Class at St. Ann School. We hope you all had a Blessed Christmas. The children had a wonderful December and learned all about the birth of Jesus. January brought excitement with many new exciting experiences. The children are learning about winter weather. They certainly have experienced many winter weather conditions…the snow, the ice and wind just to name a few. The children were amazed to learn that many years ago, a man named Wilson Bentley took pictures of snowflakes. He discovered that there are thousands of snowflakes and none of them are the same. God has designed these snowflakes uniquely just as he has designed each one of us uniquely. We are learning to appreciate the “uniqueness” of each other as God would want us to do. Warm winter wishes to you all! Come visit our class anytime.

From Religious Education – Yikes! It is only about two weeks until Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. Where does the time go? Are you ready? Here is one quick and easy way to keep on track spiritually this Lenten season. “Best LENT Ever” is a free email program that will guide you on a 40-day Lenten journey to help you become the best version of yourself and make this a truly life-changing Lent. Starting Ash Wednesday, participants receive daily emails with short inspirational videos, practical tips to incorporate into their everyday lives, and encouraging stories for motivation. Throughout Lent participants will discover how to open their heart to God and to do more than just give up chocolate for Lent (although you are certainly welcome to do that as well!!). Are you up for the challenge? Sign up at and join thousands of other Catholics having the best Lent ever!

Religious Vocations –Through Moses, the Lord promised to raise up additional prophets from among the people. Today’ the Lord calls religious sisters and brothers as well as priests and deacons from among the people. Could He be calling you to serve in one of these exciting vocations? If you think so, please speak with your pastor or call or write Father Norm Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations at or 573-3113.


SACRED – Saturday February 24th (Snow date is Saturday March 3, 2017) from 8am-3pm at Salesianum High School. Celebrate our Catholic faith with a day of spiritual renewal. The price of $40 per person if paid by January 31st and $45 starting February 1st. Includes coffee, light breakfast items, a hot lunch and all day beverages plus over 15 courses in adult religious education. Reconciliation will be offered at 8am, 12 noon and 3pm with Sunday Mass at 4pm. Visit to register.

Rediscover the Love in Your Marriage - Does the distance between you seem wide? Are you already separated? Retrouvaille can help and offers hope for a better relationship. Retrouvaille is a peer ministry of volunteer couples that can help you to learn the tools of communication, build intimacy and heal, just as they have done in their own marriages. Retrouvaille is Christian-based, and Catholic, but welcomes couples of all faiths as well as non-religious couples. Retrouvaille can help get your relationship back on track. The next program begins the weekend of February 16 at the Family Life Center in Malvern, PA. For more info visit www.HelpOurMarriage.comor call 1-800-470-2230. All inquiries are confidential.

PASS THE WORD – Tuesday February 27th at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, MD. It’s an Annual Diocesan Vocation initiative that seeks to introduce our young men in high school to the possibility of a vocation to the Priesthood through a day long program with the Bishop, priests and seminarians. More info to follow in January of 2018.

Worldwide Marriage encounter (WWME) – “”Samuel answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” Let us practice listening better to God and our spouse by participating in a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. The next weekends are March 2-4 and November 2-4, 2018 in Rehoboth Beach, De. For more in visit or call Tony/Linda Massino at 302-220-9833.

Catholic Forum – Listen to Catholic Forum every Sunday morning at 10:05am on WDEL 101.7FM, 1150AM and Next Sunday, February 4th, Sister Ann David Strohminger, Diocesan Delegate for Religious, will discuss the World Day for Consecrated Life. Listen to past episodes Catholic forum online -

February is Stock the Pantry Month for Catholic Charities - Participate in Catholic Charities semi-annual “Stock the Pantry” project throughout the month of February! One in five families often must choose between making a rent or utility payment and buying food. In a single month, Catholic Charities distributes approximately 15,000 pounds of food throughout the Diocese! You can support our most vulnerable neighbors by making a donation of non-perishable food items. Drop off items like canned meats, soups, fruits, and vegetables; boxes of pasta, cereal, baking mixes; jars of peanut butter and jelly; coffee, tea, and powdered milk at any Catholic Charities location. Catholic Charities will also accept gift cards to local grocery stores or cash donations. You can find the nearest Catholic Charities service center at, or call 302-655-9624. Those in need of food assistance should call the nearest Catholic Charities location.

Employment Opportunity from the Diocese of Wilmington – Part-time Accounts Payable Clerk – The Diocese is seeking a part-time clerk to work up to two days per week (flexible schedule) to process payments for vendors for the Delaware Energy Assistance Program. Responsibilities include entering invoices into accounting system, processing check requests, handling petty cash and postage fund, etc. Qualifications include an Associate’s degree in Accounting or comparable degree from a recognized business program. For more info, see or apply at .

Coming Up:

1/28 PREP

1/28 Coffee and Donuts

1/28 6pm Confirmation Session

1/29-2/2 Cath. Schools Week

1/30 4pm Musical Practice

1/31 7pm Choir

1/31 7pm RCIA

2/1 9:15am Cath. School Week Prayer


2/1 4pm Musical Practice

2/4 1pm First Eucharist Parent Mtg.

2/5-2/9 St. Ann’s School Open

House Week

2/5 7pm Athletic Assn. Mtg.

2/6 9am Prek 3 & 4, Kindergarten

Open House

2/6 4pm Musical practice