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MoU/MG/08, N 351

Status: Draft

Date: 18 August 2008

Source: MoU/MG secretariat





16-17 September 2008

ISO premises (room to be clarified..)

Geneva, Switzerland

(Preliminary timing for the meeting. 16 September from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.;

17 September : from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

Note: An updated agenda (with foreseen reference and update documents) will be

issued in advance of the meeting.

OPENING 14:00 on 16 SeptemberDocument

1Welcome and administrative details

2Adoption of the draft agendaMoU/MG/08 N …

3Approval of the minutes of the previous meetingMoU/MG/07 N

4Matters arising from the minutes and previous resolutions

To be addressed under relevant agenda items

5Updates from organizations

5.1UN/CEFACT Plenary MoU/MG/08 N …

The representative of UNCEFACT will provide information on its Plenary

(Geneva, 16-17 September 2008) and on the forthcoming Forum (Senegal, 10-14 November 2008)

5.2ITU-TMoU/MG/08 N …

ITU-T Focus group on Identity Management

5.3OASISMoU/MG/08 N ..

5.4OAGiMoU/MG/08 N …

5.5GS1MoU/MG/08 N ..


5.7CEN/ISSS MoU/MG/08 N ..

Resolution 07/19: The MoU/MG notes the EU requirement for e-Invoicing and encourages its members to support the definition of business requirements by the proposed EU Expert Group, and to contribute solutions to those requirements.

5.8ISO/TC 37

5.9ISO/TC 46MoU/MG/08 N …

Resolution 07/20: MoU/MG recommends TC 46 to terminate this project or expand the scope to include the activities in other organizations which work on Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and communicate with them.

Resolution 08/01:The MoU/MG notes the plan of ISO TC46 to review its range of identification standards at its next plenary meeting, and will review Resolution 07/20 in the light of the conclusions of that meeting.

Resolution 07/20 to be reviewed in the light of the report of the plenary meeting

5.10ISO/TC 68MoU/MG/08 N …

Resolution 08/02: The MoU/MG notes the NP from ISO TC68 on mobile banking and encourages the group to work with ITU-T to ensure that their requirements are met.

5.11ISO/TC 154Joint ISO 7572-UN/ECE UNTDED Maintenance Agency Secretariat report

Resolution 08/03: The MoU/MG notes the Joint UNTDED/ISO 7372 Maintenance Agency discussion on the requirement for federation of multiple registries of core components conforming to ISO 15000-5, and the need for consistent attributes, and welcomes the proposal to involve other groups such as ISO TC 68, UN/CEFACT, ISO/TC 215, OASIS, WCO and ISO TC 184/SC 4.

Action 07/02: ITU-T will clarify the need for a revised version of ISO 8601

5.12ISO/TC 184/SC 4MoU/MG/08 N…

5.13ISO/TC 215MoU/MG/08 N …

Resolution 08/04: The MoU/MG recognises the potential synergy on telehealth between ITU-T SG.17, IEC TC25, ISO TC12 and the existing TC215 standards, and encourages active liaison between the groups to make maximum use of existing standards.

Resolution 07/23: MoU/MG welcomes the coordinated approach on healthcare being taken by ISO TC215, CEN TC251 and HL7, and encourages continued collaboration

5.14UPUMoU/MG/08 N …

Resolution 07/24: MoU/MG welcomes the UPU for future cooperation within the MoU/MG.

Resolution 08/05: The MoU/MG notes the UPU requirements for RFID standards and encourages collaboration with JTC1, JTC1/SC31 and GS1 to ensure that full use is made of existing standards.

Action 08/01: UPU and ISO to explore references to individual clauses from other organisations.

5.15ISO/IEC JTC1MoU/MG/08 N …

5.16IEC TC 3MoU/MG/08 N …

5.17Other organizations

6Presentations and discussions

6.1Archiving for legal purposes

Resolution 08/06Further to resolution 07/26, the MoU/MG notes the work in JTC1 and other groups to ensure the effective long-term archiving, preservation and retrieval of the information used in the creation of standards, and requests its signatory member bodies to provide information on their current strategy and guidance on retention policy.

Action 06/32: All MoU members to send information on legal archiving before the next MoU meeting.— both long-term archiving of general/business information, according to rules & techniques contained in the relevant standards, and information related to the creation of standards

Resolution 07/26: MoU/MG requests ISO to clarify the legal opinion of document archival mechanism, in order to have a better guidance for long term archiving.e.g. how many years ISO has to keep the development documents.

Action 07/27: MoU/MG invites the JTC 1/SWG to publish their procedures to maintain the documents related to standardization. This may be used by a committee secretary to maintain the documents.

Action 07/28: TC 46 will provide the information related to the "archiving documents" which was developed by TC 46 and the liaison with TC 171, for further consideration.

6.2Conference on public-private partnerships for eBsuiness standards deployment (Geneva, 18-19 September 2008)

Resolution 07/29: Members will be invited to contribute to the conference.

Action 07/30: MoU/MG request Mr. Gerundino to provide the circulation letter and the related provisional information regarding the conference to MoU/MG

ISO will provide latest information on the conference.

7Co-ordination of existing actions

7.1MoU/MG Framework

7.1.1Complete the new version of MoU Annex A

Action 05/22: Mr Mason to distribute the new diagram developed by the MoU, eBSC Forum and AIA representing the e-business standards landscape and the mapping from the eBSC matrix.

7.1.2Expectations on signatories/user groups with respect to coordination

Action 05/23: MoU organizations are requested permanently to provide brief descriptions of all their relevant new work to the MoU/MG Secretariat (see also Action 05/24).

Action 05/24: ITU and ISO are requested to explore storing the results received in response to Action 05/23 on the “MoU/MG” web site and/or document server.

7.2Metadata for standards registries

Resolution 07/31: MoU/MG welcomes the launch of the project and encourages the members to participate in it.

7.3Semantic harmonization

Resolution 05/18 — Reporting on rules for & harmonization of core components. All organizations developing or using “core components” are requested to prepare a report for the MoU/MG meeting, outlining their definitions of, their rules for what qualifies as, and their rules for harmonizing core components.

Action 06/38: The MoU/MG invites UN/CEFACT to circulate the revised version of the proposal on Core Components and infrastructure to the MoU/MG members once all comments have been received and compiled by the 30 May 2006.

Resolution 06/51 — Semantic harmonization-CC and infrastructure. The MoU/MG invites its members to review the proposed processes for Core Components development, maintenance and infrastructure with the view to implementing them across multiple organizations to deliver a consistent set of core components and making these widely available to users and developers. MoU/MG also invites contributions on method and tools for migration of legacy information.

Resolution 07/06: MoU/MG welcomes the prioritization process of UN/CEFACT, encourages UN/CEFACT to publish its development plan and encourages SDOs to submit their components and participate in TBG harmonization activities.

Resolution 07/32: MoU/MG requests UN/CEFACT to circulate the proposed processes after the approval and members are encouraged to comment on them.

7.4ebXML harmonization: Naming and Design Rules convergence

Resolution 06/53 -Core component naming and design rules- : The MoU/MG encourages all its members to actively contribute to the convergence of core component naming and design rules (NDR) to achieve the result for the next UN/CEFACT ATG 2 release.

Resolution 06/39 — UBL convergence The MoU/MG welcomes the effort on convergence between UBL and UN/CEFACT Core Components development and the plans to use UBL as a case study for further development of CCTS V3.

Action 06/40: Further study needed on Naming and design rules.

Resolution 07/08: MoU/MG encourages the activities of harmonization of naming and design rules and continues to monitor the activities. ISO is requested to send ISO 13584 and ISO/IEC Guide 77 to Ms. Blantz for further development of standards.

Resolution 07/33: MoU/MG recommends all members to confirm that CCTS 3.0 will support the required range of representation forms.

Action 07/34: MoU/MG requests Mr. Doran to confirm that the development of CCTS 3.0 will support the required variety of mechanisms for exchanging information.

7.5eCatalogues; product data, classification and terminology

7.5.1ISO/IEC Draft Guide 77 on product properties and families (ISO/IEC JWG 1)

Action 07/35: MoU/MG requests the ISO/IEC JWG 1 secretariat to indicate the location of documents to TC/SC secretaries, because it relates to many TC/SCs.

7.5.2Classification initiatives

Action 05/25: Collect information on how organizations are deploying their localization efforts and on the relationship between localization and reference data.

Resolution 06/33 — Classification schemes

The MoU/MG recognizes that multiple classification schemes exist and will continue to be developed for different business functions. The MOU/MG encourages developers to base such schemes on a common set of product characteristics ideally based on common product ontologies such as those defined in PLIB (ISO 13584).

Action 06/34: Members are invited to report further on classification schemes initiatives

Resolution 07/36: MoU/MG encourages CEN/ISSS to ensure that their proposed workshop on product property servers is coordinated with ISO TC184/SC4 work on libraries and dictionaries.

Resolution 07/37: MoU/MG encourages those members who have an interest in using the country and currency codes for e-business purposes to build a liaison with TC 46 and TC68 respectively to ensure that their requirements are addressed.

Action 07/38: ISO is requested to clarify the rules for historical data to be maintained, noting that coding standards need to be maintained, to support long term retention of data which references them.


7.6.1 Security in general

Action 06/43: F. Vuilleumier to look for a definition on Security

Action 07/40: Ms. Fuller is requested to provide the information related to the workshop on Identity management held by ANSI.

7.6.2 Biometrics and security in the supply chain

Res. 05/12 — Issues for the ISO/IEC Strategic Advisory Group on security (7.8 of N0211)

The MoU/MG welcomes the recognition in the ISO Advisory Group report on security of many of its members’ activities. It recommends to the attention of the future ISO/IEC Strategic Advisory Group on Security the following issues not fully dealt with in the report:

•the wide and profound expertise already being utilized in many of the signatories’ Technical Committees and being coordinated in the MoU/MG,

•a broad and coherent consideration of cyber security,

•possible attacks on e-business infrastructures, and

•Information requirements of security standards.

Action 07/41: MoU/MG requests Mr. Jameson to confirm that the “new SI” is non-basic SI.


Resolution 06/31 — Taxonomy for eGovernment

The MoU/MG invites UN/CEFACT TBG19, the OASIS eGov TC and CEN/ISSS (including the CEN/ISSS eGovernment focus group) to define a common appropriate taxonomy for e-government services, as a basis for identifying the necessary standardization requirements.

7.8Web services

7.9Radio-frequency identification (RFID)

Resolution 06/35 — RFID application standards

The MoU/MG encourages developers of RFID application standards to coordinate their development work noting the role of ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 in coordinating the development of necessary base standards.

Action 07/09: The members of MoU/MG encourage the signatory organization to recognise the opportunity to identify issues related to the growing use of RFID, and the need for effective coordination between RFID projects.

Resolution 07/43: MoU/MG encourages its members to review and comment on the proposed taxonomy of RFID components.

Resolution 07/51: MoU/MG encourages members to include mobile RFID when reviewing the RFID taxonomy.

7.10Cultural diversity

Resolution 06/54: The MoU/MG adopts the Statement on eBusiness Standards and Cultural Diversity contained in document MoU/MG/05 N0222, and recommends use of its checklist to all MoU/MG participating organizations.

Resolution 07/44: MoU/MG members are invited to use the check list, where there is a requirement to ensure support for cultural diversity and invited to feedback on their experiences of use of the statement and checklists.

Action 07/45: Mr. Ketchell will provide information regarding the meeting.

7.11Identification of standards and their components on the Web, URN MOU/MG/05N….

Action 06/44: ISOCS to post the document on the ISO website once the ISO prefix is officially allocated by IETF together with FAQs.

Action 07/10: ISO will clarify and report the status of ISO proposal for URNs for standards.

7.12IEC TC 93 - ISO/TC 184/SC 4 coordination

7.13Name and address

Action 07/46: Mr. Vuilleumier and UPU will prepare a statement on outstanding issues on standards for name and address

Resolution 08/07: The MoU/MG notes the ISO TC211 NWI N2413 on Place Identifiers, and encourages member groups such as ISO TC154, ISO TC184/SC4, UN/CEFACT, UPU OASIS and OAGi to collaborate with TC211 in the development of this work, to ensure that previous experience is fully utilised.

7.14ISO procedures for standards as databasesMoU/MG/08 N….

Mou/MG/08 N …

Action 07/47: Members are invited to send requests/comments to ISO/CS for the implementation guide of Annex ST.

7.15Identification of objects and parties

Action 06/55: MoU/MG members to gather information on identification systems

Resolution 06/56: Noting the IEC TC 3 new work item (3/810/NP), the MoU/MG recommends the ISO TMB, the IEC SMB and the ITU TSB to consider the suggestion to develop an ISO/IEC/ITU-T Guide on best practice in standardizing identification schemes:

•preventing duplication with other standards;

•using existing standards and their elements;

•distinguishing schemata, repositories and technical naming/coding rules;

•timely coordination with other active groups;

•combination of identification schemes.

Resolution 06/57: The MoU/MG encourages its members to work through their IEC National Committees to provide IEC TC 3 with relevant input concerning its new work item (IEC doc. 3/810/NP), by the new work item proposal deadline of 2006-11-15.

Action 06/59: Members were invited to engage in the ITU-T Joint Coordination Activity on Network Aspects of Identification systems.

Resolution 07/11: MoU/MG notes the new work item on identification schemes and recommends IEC/TC 3 to take into account the existence of identification schemes developed by groups such as ISO/TC 46, ISO/TC 68, ISO/IEC JTC 1 (SC 6, SC 17, SC 31, SC 36) and GS1, schemes such as OID, UUID, XRI, URN, ISBN, UPC, EPC and UN/CEFACT Core Components identification scheme. MoU/MG recommends that these groups also monitor the development activity in IEC/TC3.

Action 07/48: Members on the above list are encouraged to check the email list made by IEC TC 3 that the members have interests and continue to link to them.

Resolution 08/08: The MoU/MG recognises the broad range of identification schemes developed by member bodies, and recommends the following actions:

•Member organisations are invited to participate in the public review and further development of IEC 65207 concerning the principles and methods applicable to identification schemes

•Member organisations are invited to submit additional issues related to the use, maintenance and funding of identification schemes

•Member organisations are invited to review the ITU-T and IEC TC3 lists of identification schemes and notify the secretariat of other schemes that should be considered.

7.16ISO TC 10/IEC TC 3 Study Group on Document ManagementMoU/MG/08 N…

Resolution 07/12: MoU/MG notes the report of the study group and invites standards development organizations with the interest on this issue to comment directly to IEC/TC 3. in particular ISO/TC 46 is requested to provide information ISO 15849/ISO 23081, and TC 184/SC 4 is requested to supply information on relevant projects.


Resolution 07/13: MoU/MG notes the Open Group UDEF Forum and the potential duplication of such data element naming conventions as ISO 11179-5, Semantic Web, Core Components Identification Scheme, ISO 22745: Open Technical Dictionary Implementations, SNOMED. MoU/MG encourages the Open Group to ensure the convergence with established initiatives.

Action 07/50: MoU/MG invites new SNOMED to give a presentation.

7.18NWIP from ISO/TC 184 "anti-counterfeiting of products"

Resolution 08/09:

The MoU/MG notes the proposed NWI on performance objectives for anti-counterfeiting devices proposed by AFNOR, and recognises its relationship to the work of ISO TC184 SC4. It also identified the need for close collaboration with WCO and WIPO in this area, as well as the potential impact on a wide range of technical committees, and therefore proposes that the NP be referred to ISO TMB and IEC SMB to permit a broader evaluation of its relationship to other work

8Identification of new coordination issues

Members are invited to contribute any new issues in advance.

9Promotional activities

Action 02/30: Review promotional activities carried out by individual participants

10Secretariat issues

Action 07/14: Member organizations were encouraged to update their lists of participants, link and contacts point under the MoU/MG site.

Members to review current list from Secretariat

Action 06/41: the MoU/MG secretariat to prepare a calendar of the main meetings of MoU/MG member organizations, to be posted on the MoU website. The MoU/MG members are therefore requested to send this information as early as possible to the MoU/MG secretariat.

Members to review and update current list from Secretariat

11Review of resolutions not covered under other agenda items.

Action 06/49: MoU secretary to highlight resolutions which need to be reviewed for next meeting.

12Any other business

12.1Dates and venues of next two meetings

12.2Other business

13Closing of meeting 17.00 (on 17 September)

21th MoU meeting agenda