A WARM AND SINCERE WELCOME to all who have come to praise God. It is a genuine privilege to gather as God's people, to open ourselves to the presence of God, and to praise God with loving hearts.

EVERYONE IS INVITED to stay after the service this morning for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the fellowship room.


TODAY, Rev. Bob Pohler will lead us in worship for the morning service. The evening service will be led by Seminarian Rob Gruessing.

NEXT WEEK: Rev. Bob Pohler will be leading us in worship for the morning service. The evening service will be led by Seminarian Brian Tarpy.

ADVANCE NOTICE: Reeman CRC will host an Ascension Day service on Thursday, May 5, at 7 p.m.

CHURCH BULLETINS: The order of worship print is being made larger in the regular bulletin. If you would still like a large print bulletin, please let the secretary know. Children’s bulletins are on the shelves in the narthex.

THE LOOP SYSTEM is available in the sanctuary for those who are in need of hearing assistance.


Greeting You: Mark, Vicki & Colleen Hall; Dave & Sharon DeKryger

Next Week: Marian Breuker & Ann Karnemaat; Joe, Nicole, Olivia & Noah Hansen

Fountain View Ministry Today: Leader - John Frens; Pianist - Kathy VanGoor

Sunday School Storyteller: Sandy Kolk

Next Week: Vicki Hall

Nursery Attendants: Anne & Caitlyn Luchies; Colleen Hall

P.M.: Sandy Kolk

Next Week: Brook Cunningham, Jodi & Lauren Ferris

Children's Worship: Katy Ferris & Olivia Hansen

Next Week: Caitlyn Luchies & Daniel Minasian

Ushers: Keith Bultman, Brett & Landon Bart.

Next Week: Ron Brinkman, Nicole Hansen, George Bunce

Projection System: Liam Herman

Next Week: Caleb Minasian

Sound & Video: Carl & Louise Pearson

Next Week: Rick Mansfield & Dale Wever

MISSION CONCERNS: We are adding all the missions and causes that our congregation supports. Some can be contacted by letter or email, but all will be blessed by our prayers.

Missionary/Missions Letters/Emails/Prayers This Week: Rev. Jeff & Michelle Boersma, 18036 Wildwood Springs Parkway, Spring Lake, MI 49456. Email: . Families of Janet DeVisser, Jess DeYoung, Don Eenigenburg.



Today: A time of fellowship and refreshments follows the morning service.

10:50 a.m. - Deacons' meeting

6:00p.m.-Evening Worship Service

7:10 p.m. - FYSH meeting at 2nd CRC

Monday: 6:45 p.m. - Elders' meeting

7:00 p.m. - Knitting

8:00 p.m. - Council meeting

Tuesday: 6:30 p.m. - Cadets at the Clubhouse

Wednesday: 6:15 p.m. - GEMS at Trinity CRC

7:00 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal

Thursday: 7:00 p.m. - GriefShare


NEXT SUNDAY OFFERING- A.M.: Church Operations. P.M.: Project Philip.

IF ANYONE NEEDS ASSISTANCE to and from their car, please sign the sheet on the cabinet near the Council room or call Greg Hoekman, 924-1504.


SCRIPTURE FOR THIS WEEK - PSALM 148. Let this Scripture give you words to pray when you cannot find the words to pray.

SUNDAY SCHOOL classes resume today!

GEMS - 1) GEMS Sunday Combined Service will be held at Trinity CRC on Sunday, May 1 at 5:30 p.m. Please join us as the GEMS girls lead us in worship.

2) GEMS Cake Auction: GEMS girls will be baking delicious cakes to auction at Reeman CRC on Monday, May 2 at 6:30 p.m. to raise funds to pay for GEMS camp this summer. GEMS camp costs $275 and all proceeds will be used to send the girls to camp. Ice cream sundaes will be served following the auction! Please come out and support our girls!

LIBRARY NEWS - Interesting books for the Library:

#1 Strong and Kind by Kori Robertson (What legacy will you pass down to the the next generation)

#2 Things We Couldn't Say by Diet Eman (a dramatic accout of resistance in Holland during World War 2)

# 3 A Higher Call by Adam Makos (an incredible story 0f combat and chivalry in the war-torn skies of World War 2)

#4 Triumph Over Destiny by Pedaadija Woodson Diers (A compelling true story of suvival, courage, love & one's destiny during harsh times World War 2)

#5 Miracles by Eric Metaxas (reading this book you will gulp and find it is one of those life-altering experiences. It is real)

CADETS: We will meet this Tuesday to try to finish our Merit Badge work. Also, information is available on our Summer Campout (fishing trip), scheduled for June 15-17 at Bowman Lake near Baldwin.

COPIES OF THE BOOK, I Am A Church Member, by Thom S. Rainer are available to borrow and read from the display in the narthex. This is a follow up to the Adult Sunday School book we discussed last fall. It has a similar format and is an easy read. Please borrow, read, learn, discuss and pass it on or return to narthex display.

CALLING ALL PRAYER PARTNERS: You should have received a bookmark with your Prayer Partner's name, picture and contact information. If you did not receive one and you signed up to be a Prayer Partner, please contact Kelly Minasian. If you received a bookmark, please contact your prayer partner (either in person, by phone, etc.) and exchange prayer requests. You can determine what type and frequency of communication works best for you and your prayer partner. Then pray for each other. :-) Continue to share requests and answers to prayer. May praying for each other draw us closer as a Congregation and bless those involved.

CHURCH CAMPOUT: Even though it is cold, camping season is right around the corner! Our church campout will be June 17 - 19 at Woods and Water Campground in White Cloud. You do NOT need camping equipment to join us. For a small fee you can enjoy access to the facilities at the campground during the day. The campground also offers cabins and motel rooms for those who do not have camping equipment. To make a reservation please call 231-689-6685 or go tohttp://www.woodsandwaterrvpark.com. Hope to see everyone there!

CHURCH FELLOWSHIP: Our April activity will be bowling at Fremont Lanes on Saturday, April 30, from 12:30-2:30 p.m. This is for all ages; bumpers will be provided for those who like that idea. We will be serving pizza near the beginning. If you cannot come for the whole time, come for part of the time! Invite your friends! Please sign up on the cabinet outside the Fellowship room.

SAVE THE DATE - The King's Choraliers will present a concert on Sunday,May 22, at 6:00 p.m. at the First Christian Reformed Church. Benefit:
Bible League Volunteers of Newaygo County.


AFTERNOON OF MUSIC - Today at 3:00 p.m. at Reeman CRC, 6121 Fitzgerald, Fremont. Featuring Kathy Bushen, Jeff Gibbie, Ken Wolffis, Reeman Church Choir, Mary Jane Mack and Louise Slager.

NEWAYGO COUNTY RIGHT TO LIFE will hold a Focus on Life Dinner on April18, at the Shack Country Inn. A flyer with details is on the bulletinboard and more information or reservations can be made by calling 924-0259

LOVE INC. is in need of empty egg cartons. Please donate to them if you have any. Thank you!

FREE PROM DRESSES!!Prom is coming soon on April 30th!We would like to see every young woman that would like to attend prom, have a beautiful dress to go in! We will be setting up a Boutique with gently used dresses and accessories on Friday April 22ndfrom 5-8 p..m. and Saturday, April 23rdfrom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. so young women can “shop” and be able to try on dresses. Everything will be FREE of charge! Cookies, juice and coffee will be available also.

Location is First Reformed Church, 348 E Main, Fremont .
If anyone from your church has any prom dresses or accessories to donate,please call Brittany at 231-329-2318 or Karen at 231-519-5902.Our goal is to let every young woman have the opportunity to look and feel beautiful for Prom!We’ll need donations by April 20th.

NOTES FROM THE NEST - We would like to say a HUGE "Thank You" to all those who came to help us with packing and moving Monday night! It was a very large project on a very short notice, but together we got it done! It is truly amazing that in under 2 & 1/2 hours we packed, loaded, and hauled most of the contents of an entire house to The Nest. WOW!

This means that at The Nest we have a lot of new items. We have furniture, several beautiful quilts, lamps, and many unique things just waiting for you to come and take a look at! Check us out and see what is new and exciting!

Toys are 30% off this month. We have many games and puzzles to help the kids keep busy inside on a rainy day! If you have any toys, games, or puzzles that your kids have outgrown and you are not sure what to do with, feel free to drop them off at The Nest. We accept donations anytime Mon.-Fri. 10:00-5:00, and Sat. 10:00-3:00. All donations help FCS!

Thank you so much for your prayers, help, and support!

Prayer Needs & Praises

*Our Sympathy to Lew & Edie Deters, Rich & Janet Deters, Byron & Marilynn Sharp and families in the death of Helen Deters. Helen was the oldest member of our church, and she died on Saturday, April 9. The visitation and funeral were held on Friday with Rev. Ben Oliveira officiating.

*Remember in your prayers those who are unable to attend our worship services. This week we remember Frank Hansen and Janet DeVisser; both are at the Medical Care Facility.