Twelve-Month Entry Plan
Eric Trager
EDL 289: Organizational Management
Dr. Dan Mart
EDL 292: Final Seminar
Dr. Trent Grundmeyer
June 28, 2014
Act as a public servant in leading a school district with a laser like focus on learning; academically, socially, and civically for the benefit of society as a whole.
Create a collaborative system of interdependently working teams, accepting learning as our fundamental purpose.
Be Competent
Act with Integrity
Be Visionary
Be Trustworthy
Be Visible
Be Accountable
This entry plan was designed to guide my work in my role as a new superintendent. It outlines primary tasks for the first year on the job. Tasks are organized by the Iowa Standards for School Leaders. Tasks were selected for alignment to the following transitional goals.
- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the district’s academic programs
- Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the district’s extracurricular programs
- Assess the districts current financial condition
- Assess needs for district infrastructure including buildings, grounds, and transportation fleet
- Establish a positive Superintendent – Board relationship
- Establish productive working relationships with district administrators, teachers and support staff
- Assess and develop positive community support for the district
A calendar listing tasks chronologically by month and a preliminary Board agenda for each month is attached to the end of the entry plan. Entry plan tasks are in addition to requirements as outlined in the attached calendar of school district critical filing dates. Entry plan tasks are limited to those activities necessary to learn about the district in order to meet the transitional goals.
Standard 1: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by the school community. (Visionary Leadership)
- Listening Sessions – Listening sessions will be conducted in order to assess the current condition of the district in terms of perceived strengths and weaknesses. My purpose in these sessions is to listen and record what is being said.
- Conduct sessions with the following people or groups
- Individual Board Members
- Individual Principals
- Teachers (either individually or in small groups)
- Activities Director
- Directors of Food Service, Buildings, Transportation and Grounds Individually
- Non-Certified staff (either individually or in small groups on a voluntary basis)
- Use the following discussion points
- Tell me about yourself.
- What are the things we should not change here? What are you proud of?
- What are some things that need to change? How can we get better at what we do?
- What is your greatest concern for the district? What worries you?
- What advice do you have for me?
- Use the following specific questions for Board members
- What are your general expectations of me?
- Are you satisfied with current Board meetings? What changes need to be made?
- What are your personal goals for the district?
- Develop Board Goals – Work with the board in a retreat setting to develop goals based on input from the listening sessions. Goals will be written in each of the following areas:
- Instructional Programs
- Extracurricular Programs
- District Financial Goals
- Long Range Buildings, Grounds and Transportation Goals
- Communicate expectations and develop administrative and individual principal goals. These goals will serve as a framework for principal and superintendent evaluations. Goals will be written in each of the following areas.
- Administrative practice – management and instructional leadership
- Professional development for administrators
- Professional development for teachers
- Procedures and expectations for completing state reports
- Attend SAI new superintendent workshop
Standard 2: A school administrator is an educational leaderwho promotes the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional development. (Instructional Leadership)
- Identify and analyze student performance data
- Determine who is responsible for synthesizing district data
- Identify data points utilized by the district and determine if more are needed
- Work with the data person and the building principals to assess the plan for improving student achievement going forward
- Write student achievement goals in collaboration with the district SIAC committee
- Increase knowledge of elementary school practices and procedures
- Meet with elementary principals
- Explain that I have not worked at the elementary level
- Discuss current elementary policies and procedures specific to the following areas
- Class size
- Assigning students to teachers
- Early literacy initiatives
- Pre-school standards
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
- Conduct building walkthroughs with principals
- Conduct walkthroughs at least once per month for the until January and then at least once every other month
- Look for evidence of implementation of building initiatives
- Assess needs in regard to buildings and grounds
- Meet with District Leadership Team
- Discuss current and past professional development
- Discuss future PD plans
- Discuss PLCs
- Determine the district’s current status in regard to implementation
- Articulate my desire to make the district a true PLC
- Collaborate with principals to review evaluation procedures for all staff
- Conduct weekly administrative team meetings
- Include principals and teacher leaders as needed
- Focus on programs and current issues
- Monthly updates on progress toward goals
- Monthly updates on progress on staff evaluations
- Review District Developed Service Delivery Plan
- Work with special education director
Standard 3: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by ensuring management of the organization, operations, and
resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. (Organizational Leadership)
- Review job descriptions including:
- Principals
- Central office staff
- Administrative assistants
- Non-certified staff
- Attend IASB conference
- Increase knowledge of budgetary, policy, legislative and personnel issues.
- Attend ISFIS trainings
- Increase knowledge of budgetary, policy, legislative and personnel issues.
- Tour facilities with Building, Grounds and Transportation Directors
- Seek input on future needs in these areas
- Assess the current plan to meet these needs
- Create a prioritized needs assessment from input provided
- Develop long range plans for buildings, grounds and transportation
- Develop the plan with the Board in a retreat setting
- Develop a school closing procedure for inclement weather
- Assess the current plan with principals and the activities director
- Seek input in regard to needed changes
- Assess the current financial condition of the district and develop financial projections
- Meet with the School Business Official
- Review the CAR, auditors report and financial indicators from IASB and ISFIS
- Review certified enrollment and enrollment projections
- Review policies and procedures
- Review insurance coverage (health, workman’s comp, EMC)
- Meet with Food Service Director
- Review the food service account and budget
- Determine needs for the coming year
- Meet with Principals – handbooks, pre-service days
- Review teacher and student handbooks
- Develop new teacher induction protocol and induction day agenda
- Develop returning teacher pre-service agenda
- Plan for new staff barbeque
- Meet with Administrative Assistants
- Review policies and procedures
- Determine needs for the coming year
- Meet with principals and directors of special education, buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service to determine staffing needs for the coming year
- Assess and current hiring procedures
- Develop a human resources plan of action
- Conduct a mid-year review with the Board and principals in a retreat setting
- Assess progress on meeting district and administrative goals
- Develop a plan for meeting targets by the end of the fiscal year
- Conduct monthly meetings with buildings, grounds, transportation and food service directors
- Focus on current issues in each area
- Develop plans for meeting appropriate board goals
- Budgeting
- Review the current line item agenda
- Develop a line item budget
- Certify the budget
- Certify Enrollment
- Work with principals and SBO
- Review Emergency Management Plan
- Work with building principals
- Work with building and grounds directors
- Develop drill schedule
- Conduct Board training session
- Utilize services of IASB
- Clarify roles and responsibilities of the board
- Clarify procedures for board meetings
- Communicate Board member dos and don’ts in accordance with open meetings law
Standard 4: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by collaborating with families and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs and mobilizing community resources. (Collaborative Leadership)
- Listening Sessions (See Standard 1)
- Work with principals to create a “State of the District” presentation
- Develop a 30 minute presentation
- Identify groups that would benefit from hearing the presentation
- Schedule presentations
- Community School Update Meetings – “State of the District” meetings will be held with the community groups to keep them apprised of the current condition and long range plans of the district. Principals will assist with the presentations
- Conduct meetings with the following groups
- Chamber of Commerce
- Service groups (Lions, Rotary)
- Largest employers
- Ministerial association
- Farm Bureau Board of Directors
- Utilize the following agenda items
- Current financial condition
- Current student achievement data
- Long range plans for buildings, grounds, and transportation
- PLC work with Principals
- Assess current reality in regard to implementing PLCs
- Communicate importance of PLCs in improving student achievement
- Develop a plan for moving the PLC process forward from it’s current reality
- Attend PLC Conference with principals and district leadership team
Standard 5: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness and in an ethical manner.
(Ethical Leadership)
- Meet with teacher union representative to review master contract agreement
- Assess the current reality of the contract
- Discuss perceptions of issues
- Introduce interest based bargaining
- Collective Bargaining
- Work with Board to develop a collective bargaining plan
- Communicate importance of transparent and ethical bargaining
- Communicate my desire to negotiate total package
- Determine bargaining limits
- Determine bargaining committee
- Bargain with teachers
- Determine salaries for employees not covered by the collective bargaining agreement
- Develop welcome back speech for faculty and staff
- Introduce myself and communicate my personal mission, vision and core values
- Clarify expectations
- Communicate Board and administrative goals and commitments
- Conduct a new staff barbeque at my residence
- Invite principals and Board members
- Welcome new staff to the district
Standard 6: A school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by understanding, responding to and influencing the larger political, social, economic, legal and cultural context. (Political Leadership)
- Listening Sessions (see Standard 1)
- Meet with City Council, ministerial association and Chamber of Commerce
- Introduce myself and communicate my personal vision, mission and core values
- Communicate my desire to work collaboratively for the benefit of our students
- Ask the following questions:
- What are our greatest strengths as a district?
- What are our greatest needs going forward?
- How can we collaborate to meet those needs?
- What do we need to do to earn your support?
- Develop an on-going web based communication tool
- Create a blog to communicate current district news and issues
- Update blog at least monthly
- Conduct Listening Sessions (Standards 1, 4 and 6)
- Attend IASB Conference (Standard 3)
- Meet with the data person and building principals regarding student achievement data (Standard 2)
- Meet with elementary principals regarding policies and procedures (Standard 2)
- Conduct building and grounds tours with directors (Standard 3)
- Meet with the food services director regarding budget and needs (Standard 3)
- Meet with principals regarding handbooks and pre-service days (Standard 3)
- Meet with administrative assistants regarding policies and procedures (Standard 3)
- Meet with the school business official regarding policies and procedures and to review the current financial condition of the district (Standard 3)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Review job descriptions (Standard 3)
- Meet with City Council (Standard 6)
- Meet with ministerial association (Standard 6)
- Meet with Chamber of Commerce (Standard 6)
- Create blog and post first entry (Standard 6)
- Board Retreat (Standards 1 and 3)
- SIAC meeting – Write student achievement goals (Standard 2)
- Meet with the District Leadership team (Standard 2)
- Review evaluation procedures for all staff (Standard 2)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Develop welcome back speech for faculty and staff (Standard 5)
- New staff barbeque (Standard 5)
- Review District Developed Service Delivery Plan (Standard 2)
- Review emergency management plan (Standard 3)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
- SAI new superintendent workshop (Standard 1)
- Conduct building walkthroughs with the building principals (Standard 2)
- Develop administrative goals and individual principal goals (Standard 1)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- PLC work with principals (Standard 4)
- Board training work session (Standard 3)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
- Conduct building walkthroughs with the building principals (Standard 2)
- Develop inclement weather plan (Standard 3)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Certify enrollment (Standard 3)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
- Conduct building walkthroughs with the building principals (Standard 2)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Develop “State of the District” presentations (Standard 4)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
- Conduct building walkthroughs with the building principals (Standard 2)
- “State of the District” community meetings (Standard 4)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Meet with teacher union representative (Standard 5)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
- Conduct building walkthroughs with the building principals (Standard 2)
- Attend ISFIS Budget Workshop (Standard 3)
- “State of the District” community meetings (Standard 4)
- Conduct mid-year review with the Board and principals (Standard 3)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Develop collective bargaining plan with the Board (Standard 5)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Collective bargaining (Standard 5)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
- Budgeting (Standard 3)
- Conduct building walkthroughs with the building principals (Standard 2)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Collective bargaining (Standard 5)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
- Budgeting (Standard 3)
- Meet with principals and directors (special education, buildings, grounds, transportation, food service) to review hiring practices and determine staffing needs for the coming year (Standard 3)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
- Budgeting (Standard 3)
- Conduct building walkthroughs with the building principals (Standard 2)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
- Attend ISFIS Conference (Standard 3)
- Attend PLC Conference with principals and district leadership team (Standard 4)
- Administrative team meetings (Standard 2)
- Buildings, grounds, transportation, and food service director meeting (Standard 3)
- Update blog (Standard 6)
FY2014-15 SchoolDistrict Critical Filing Dates
July 2014
15 –CompletionofSPEDbillingstuition-in
1–ProgressReporttowardReorganizationdueto DE/SBRC
1–Lastdayto filea timelyapplicationforKindergartenopen
1–Updateto VehicleInformationSystemdue
15 –Datebywhicha studentmustbe schoolage for Certified
15 –AnnualTransportationReport(ATR)due
15 –CertifiedAnnualReport(CAR)andSpecialEd
30 –Facilities,ElectionandSalesTaxReportdue
1–Boardresolutionsfor studyingreorganizationand
receivingWGS weightingdue
1–WholeGradeSharing(WGS)countdate forfirstsemester tuitiondue
15 –Lastdateto notifySBRCifdistrictincurrednegative unspentbalance
15 – EASIER/CertifiedEnrollmentcertificationdeadline
15 –AEASupplementaryWeightingTeacherFTEdue
15 –NonpublicCertifiedEnrollmentdue
15 –NonpublicTextbookServicesrequestdue
31 – EASIER/CertifiedInter-Districtresolutiondeadline
1– Innovativecalendarwaiverapplication(newand continued)deadline
14 –SBRChearingrequest;Exhibitsdue
15 –DropoutpreventionprogramsforModified
SupplementalAmount-lastdayto submitapplication
16 –SBRChearing
January 2015
lastdayto notifyDE
1–AEAnon-fiscalbudgetsdueto DE(proposedstaffing, numberofclassroomsforJuvenileHomes)
31 –Nonpublicschooltransportation:Reimbursementclaim-
1–Dropoutpreventionprogram:lastdayto resubmitan
1–Lastdayto requestauthorityto chargeadministrative coststo SPEDfor next year
1–WGSagreement:lastdayforboard to sign
10 –AEAproposedbudgetsdue
15 –Lastdayto bill for1stsemestertuition
20 –WGScountdate for secondsemestertuition
20 –SBRChearingrequest:Exhibitsdue
1–Openenrollmentdeadlineforreceivingdistrictto acton timelyfiledopenenrollmentapplication281-17.0(2)
24 –SBRChearing
31 –Annualauditsubmission/extensionrequest
15 –AEAbudgetproposal-resubmitunapproved
15 –Budgetcertificationdate
15 -BudgetGuarantee-BoardResolutionsdueto DOM
15 –AEAslastdateto submitunapprovedbudgetto State
15 -ISL- Copyofboardresolutionorballotresolutiondueto
May 2015
1–Bondresolutionfiling(ifany) withControlcounty
1-CompetentPrivateInstruction/Homeschooling:deadline forconductingannualassessmentfor homeschooledstudents,
1-VPPEL:copyofballotresolutiondueto DOM(100%