Tweed Border Hockey Assoc.
RepresentativePlayer &Parents Code of Conduct Form
I agree to represent the Association and its members in a professional and dedicated manner and agree to:
Player - Attitude &Training:
1. Give 100% commitment at training and games.
2. Respect and be positive and encouraging to my team-mates and off field personnel at all times
3. Accept direction and constructive feedback in a positive manner
4. Bring a positive attitude to training and games by leaving personal matters off the field
. 5. Attend training 100% of the time, advise the Coach or Manager (if appointed) personally by phone if not able to attend training – not be email.
6. Attend training fully prepared – with all required equipment
7. Respect my team-mates, off field personnel and the opposition
8. Abide by the rules and respect the decisions of the officials
Parents & Player - Responsibility:
1. I understand that upon my selection and naming in the Representative team I am responsible for attending training as scheduled
2. Take full responsibility for my actions at all times
3. I agree to fill in, sign and return, all paperwork as required by TBHA eg, Player/Parent Agreement & Medical Information Forms by the required dates. These forms are compulsory and MUST be filled out at the FIRST training session.
4. As a parent/guardian I will behave in an appropriate manner, be encouraging at all times and respectful of all umpires and officials decisions. If I should have any issues regarding official’s decisions, I will take them up with the Coach/Managerprivately and in a respectful manner. If I am unhappy with their response, I understand I can approach the Board of Management in writing to discuss the issue.
5. If my child/children is/are unable to attend the event, I will notify the coach or manager as soon as possible and NOT on the day of departure.
6. Swearing will not be tolerated at any time by players or parents/guardians
1. All players MUSTagree to travel with the team on the buses as arranged by TBHA. The Managers are responsible for collecting bus fares.
2. I agree to meet all costs associated with the Representative fixtures
I agree to abide by the Player Agreement as described above and understand that breaches of this agreement may result in disciplinary action by the Management Board and may jeopardise any future opportunities to represent Tweed Border Hockey Assoc. Inc.
Player’s Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/ Guardian signature: ______Date: ______
- This form MUST be readby parent/guardiansigned and returned to the
Team Manager at the first training session