TV Production II Syllabus

Spring 2007

Tuesday 7pm – 9:30pm

SPEECH – 2200

Gene Grande Norm Grant

333-7031 825-1195

Text: Video Production

Course Description: This course is a continuation of Video Production I, designed to build on basic video production principles learned in that course. This course will incorporate both studio and field production techniques using both analog and digital technology. Using lectures, screenings and hands-on labs, students will gain a more in-depth understanding of video production and the business of video production. Technical and aesthetic aspects of scripting, lighting, camera work, continuity, post production editing, logistics and budgeting will be incorporated into this course.

Course Objectives: At the completionof this course, the student should be able to:

  1. work as part of a studio/field crew
  2. use single-camera production techniques for post production editing
  3. edit productions using various video and audio sources
  4. budget for a video production
  5. script and storyboard various longer format productions

Week / Review readings in
Video Production / IN CLASS
1 / 1/16 / Chap. 3 p. 51-56 / Introduction/Pre-interview for interview assignment/Handouts
2 / 1/23 / Chapter 7 p.143-154 / Field Production Overview and Shoot Interview Assignment
3 / 1/30 / Chap. 7 p. 155-172 / Shoot Interview Assignment / 1st Writing Assignment Issued
4 / 2/6 / Chap. 8 / Non-linear editing tutorial / Capture & Edit 1st project Interview Assignment
5 / 2/13 / Chap. 9 / Edit Interview Assignment /
6 / 2/20 / Chap. / Edit Interview Assignment / Discuss Final Production
7 / 2/27 / Chap. 11 p.255-265 / Main Project Present Proposal /Interview Questions Due/ Treatment Due
8 / 3/6 / Chap. 11-p.266-276 / Main ProjectStudio Production – shoot in studio interview
3/13 / Spring Break
9 / 3/20 / Production Meeting/ Inauguration Week Main Project Production/ Field Production
10 / 3/27 / Chap.12 p.277-292 / Follow Up Studio Interview
11 / 4/3 / Chap. 13 / Main ProjectPost- Production
12 / 4/10 / Chap. 14 / Main ProjectPost- Production
13 / 4/17 / Main ProjectPost- Production
14 / 4/24 / Main ProjectPost- Production /Final project due at the end of class. Your project burned to a DVD as well as all paperwork.
15 / 5/1 / Screen Final Projects

This schedule and syllabus is subject to change.


Class attendance/participation, critiques, proposals, quizzes, studio and remote productions.

This class consists of a series of lectures, demonstrations and labs instructing students on the process of completing two and possibly three production assignments. Every student is responsible for submitting written treatments for all assignments. Portions of the final assignment are produced outside of class and portions during assigned lab periods during the semester. You will work as individuals or in small production units with the consent of the instructor.

You will also be evaluated on attendance, attitude, promptness, meeting deadlines, demonstrating initiative, leadership and/or teamwork, following instructions, etc. Points are given for demonstrating acceptable school and workplace behavior, completing assignments/projects, participating in group/class activities and demonstrating other areas stated above. Points are deducted for unacceptable behavior, absences, etc. Extra points may be added for superior participation or demonstration of specific competencies, etc.


If you will be missing class for any reason the instructors should be notified before class. You will be working in teams and members of your production team will be counting on your attendance and contribution to each production/assignment.

In the real world of work, you must meet deadlines. If you don’t, you simply lose your job. Deadlines are critically important in the field you have chosen to study: communications. Without deadlines, radio and TV programs would never get broadcast, and newspapers wouldn’t get printed on time.

NO LATE PAPERS OR PROJECTS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON. All assigned work will be collected on the due date at the beginning of class (unless otherwise noted). Any work that is not handed in on time, will be recorded as a “0.”


1st Writing Assignment 5% 2nd Writing Assignment10% for a total of 15%

Edited Interview - 25%

Main Project – 60 %


Camcorder (Mini DV preferred)

Videotapes for field production

CDs for burning projects

A high capacity USB drive for storing work. (1GB preferred)

Walkman type headset for editing (mini plug)

Other Important Information

  1. All assignments (except for storyboards) must be typed, neat, double-spaced and turned in on time or they will not be accepted. All assignments are due at the beginning of class unless otherwise specified.
  1. There is to be no eating, drinking or smoking in the TV Studioor computer lab at any time. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the student’s final mark being lowered for one full letter grade for each offense.
  1. All materials used in the edit rooms or TV Studio must be removed or returned to their original state. No one will leave the studio until it is clean.
  1. Any deliberate misuse of the equipment will result in immediate failure of the course. You are responsible for any damage caused to the equipment.
  1. Non-linear editing will be performed in room 4100 using Windows Moviemaker. You may use this room outside of class time for editing when it is available. A scanner is also available in this room for scanning photos or graphics needed for student productions. A lighting kit is available for sign out for 24 hours. Contact Norm Grant to schedule post production time or to sign out the lighting kit.
  1. Come to class prepared! Bring all necessary notes, tapes and equipment. You may have a camcorder that is not compatible with our equipment. This means we need to copy your material from your original tape and camcorder. Be sure to bring all your camera cables and accessories for dubbing purposes.

Resources, Outside Readings, and Field Trips

Depending on the semester, there may be a guest speakers or a tour of a production facility. This will be announced as soon as it is finalized.