Chemistry Syllabus 2017-18

Ms. Williamson


Phone number 940-369-3182Room 235

Conference Period:5th block

Tutorials: Before or after school (by appointment)

Major Units of Study:


  • Scientific Method/Safety
  • Classification of Matter
  • Measurement/Dimensional Analysis
  • Atomic Structure
  • Nuclear Chemistry
  • Periodic Table
  • Electron Configuration
  • Periodic Trends
  • Nomenclature
  • Molecular Geometry/Metallic Bonding
  • Chemical Reactions/Conservation of Mass
  • Stoichiometry
  • Solutions/Nature of Water
  • Acids & Bases
  • Thermochemistry
  • Gases
  • Redox Reactions

Required Materials:

Pen and pencil

Composition notebook, 1 subject spiral notebook, or 1 inch binder


Grading Policy: Please refer to the Ryan High School website at for further details on our new policy

Class attendance & Participation:

Regular attendance in class contributes largely to your academic success. Attending a class involves more than merely filling a desk; it requires your active involvement during the learning process.


Online textbooks will be used as a supplement what we are learning in class. Information on how students can access the textbook will be given in the first few weeks and a guide with be on my school website.

Composition Notebook (or your preferred organizer):

You are required to keep a well-organized composition notebook for this class. The purpose of this is to help you acquire organizational skills and to help you study for tests. Tape or glue all of your handouts and assignments neatly in your notebook. You should write all of your warmups, class notes,and practice work in your notebook. It is to your benefit to have a well-organizedsystem; I will check your notebook frequently. You will be allowed to keep you notebooks in class or take them home, as we have frequent quizzes over daily topics.


Labs are a veryimportant part of this course and vital to learning the information we cover during lectures. You will not be allowed to participate in labs untilyou and your parent/legal guardian have read and signed the safety contract. Breaking lab safety rules will result in removal from the lab, a zero for the lab, and a detention. Closed-toed shoes and goggles are necessary in the lab!

You are given 1 week from the date of the lab to make it up if you were absent. This will be an equal but alternative assignment to the lab.


I do not tolerate tardies. If you are tardy, you should immediately sign the tardy log. In addition to the school policy for tardies, the consequences are as follows:

1sttardy: a written acknowledgement of tardy (and a student/teacher conference)

2ndtardy: detention in my classroom (and a parent will be contacted)

3rdtardy: AUTOMATIC discipline referral!


Detentions will be assigned when necessary as a consequence of behavioral/academic concerns and will be served after school in my classroom. Office referrals will be written whennecessary.

Make-up Work

For absences, it is yourresponsibility to check with me regarding make-up work before or after school. You have the number of days you were absent plus one to make up what you missed.There is a calendar of daily assignments on my bulletin board along with a crate containing daily work.

Make-up Test/Quiz/Lab:

If you missed a test, quiz, or lab, it is yourresponsibility to make arrangements to make it up. Make-ups will not be given during class. It is your responsibility to come in for tutoring if you do not understand a concept covered during your absence. Make-up tests will not be the same as the original. Make-up tests will need to be scheduled during tutorials within 3 school days of your absence.


Please feel free to contact me by e-mail () or by phone (940-369-3182) and leave a message if you have any questions regarding your child’s progress in this course. You will be receiving a progress report in the middle of each nine weeks period to communicate your child’s progress.

Thank you for supporting your child’s effort in this class and I look forward to teaching your child!


I’m excited to have you in my class and I know we will have fun learning.


Ms. Williamson