Turner PoliceAdvisory Commission


January 5, 2009

Members Present: Paul Greiner, D J Thommen, Glen Pennebaker, Stephanie Ollis andVern Moore.

Members Absent: Glean Melow

Staff Present: Gary D. Will Jr., Chief of Police

Citizens Present: None

6:32 p.m. The regular meeting of the Turner Police Advisory Commission was called to order by Paul Greiner.

Approval of minutes of July7, 2008 meeting. Motion by Commissioner Pennebaker, seconded by Commissioner Ollis to approve the minutes of November 3, 2008. Motion passed5-0.

Community Comments: None

Old Business

Emergency operations plan draft recommendations presented to members. A discussion about the process and how much information is needed occurred with Chief Will stating that most of what the consultants were requesting was simple information at this time.

New Business

Cascadia Peril state-wide disaster exercise is set for April 27-30. A simulated 9.0 Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake will be simulated and the exercise will start at day 3 after the quake to test community, county and state ability to utilize resources. The City will participate in the exercise at some level yet to be determined.

Discussion of crime issues such as the morning burglary at Perky’s and the vandalism at BurkelandPark.

Commission Member Comments

Commissioner Greiner asked about the Park signs on 2nd Street that was recommended at a prior commission meeting. Chief Will advised that the recommendation was forwarded to the City Manager but it is not known what the status is at this time. Public Works has had their hands full with the storm and not working on the park.

Commissioner Thommen asked about who is responsible for the tree on 3rd Street at the bridge and the height requirements over the street.

Commissioner Pennebaker asked about street lights and what the results were from when the city was asking about adding some. He also asked if something could be placed in the city newsletter about the tree debris in the creek and about how it needs to be removed.

Commissioner Ollis asked about sandbags and sand and what the threshold was before any were put out. She was advised that they were out during the last rise in water but that tree limbs fell covering the pile.

Next Commission meeting set for March2, 2009.

Meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.