Tuesday, September 30 , 2014
Present: Christina Amoroso, Laura Anderson, Craig Collins (Tam Boosters), Pete Donoff, Denise Helstrom (Drake Fund), Valerie Madison (Redwood Benchwarmers), Chris McCune, Gary Newman (Drake Fund), Jessica Peisch, Chad Stuart, LaSandra White, Sue Chelini
Guest: Jennifer Harris
1. Introductions
2. Input from members of the public on items not on the agenda: None
3. Athletic Trainer Staffing Plan for 2015-16 (Sue)
a. The ATC Staffing Plan Proposal rationale will be submitted for consideration when the District staffing plan is developed in January/February.
b. The consensus of the AC was to retain the connection with UCSF. If the trainers are hired by the District, then the District should negotiate directly with UCSF.
c. Coaches are all for liability avoidance. Coaches are responsible if no trainer or administrator is on the practice or event.
d. Craig: To negotiate, we should start by asking for 40 hours and then back down as needed.
e. Denise would rather have approval by the District for 25 hours than ask for more and have it rejected.
f. Jessica: If we go to 40 hours, then we would not have access to UCSF clinic hours.
g. Laura: We should highlight how many teams and athletes are actually affected by the trainers. Sue will gather the 2013-14 data from the trainers.
h. Sue will bring back the revised ATC Staffing Plan Proposal for the AC’s review in November before submitting it to the District
4. TUHSD Five-Year Plan for Athletics (Jessica)
a. See attachment for “Dream Plan” which includes brainstorm from May, 2014 and notes from this meeting.
5. Fall Season Updates (ADs)
a. Tam: Football is up and coming. Their games have been good. Homecoming had a great turnout with lots of people, good school pride and a great games. Tam beat Redwood in golf for the first time in many years. Soccer is looking to reload with two on-campus coaches. Three on-campus coaches involved w/ football. There were a total of six teacher/coaches for the Fall season. Tennis is really strong this year and tied with Redwood and Branson. Waterpolo will host MCAL championships. G volleyball has been a sport where we struggled, but we did place in a tournament. The head VB coach is math teacher and re-energizing the program.
b. Redwood: Redwood is getting into mid-season/end-of-season evaluations on line. The scoreboard on new turf field is up and getting it finalized. Homecoming is next week. We are gearing up to play Novato. There is a large turnout on all three football teams. G waterpolo numbers are up and on track to qualify for playoffs, which hasn’t made it for three years. Most of the other sports will qualify for MCAL and possibly NCS finals. There are two new on-campus coaches (tennis and football). Redwood hosts basketball and wrestling playoffs.
c. Drake: Cross country is still coached by legendary Bill Taylor. Both BCX and GCX are undefeated as of now. Individuals went to the Stanford relay. One girl finished 8th out of 251. Football is struggling with low player turnout and a new coach. Homecoming is late against San Rafael. G volleyball is at a 8-6 start so we are in playoff hunt. G Tennis has fast improvement with a teacher coach. G golf is improving and on the cusp of being a playoff contender. B water polo is always strong with a grueling non-league schedule. They have petitioned up to D-1 competition. G Water polo also has tough pre-season. Currently 6-6 record. B soccer is 3-2-1 & will host MCAL finals. The Athletic Committee is going to sponsor baseline concussion testing on Nov. 7 at parent’s cost. Drake has had to order a pole vault pit and wrestling mat so will face a tight budget on transportation.
6. Additional items that may come up
a. Yesterday, Redwood hosted the NCSADA (NCS Athletic Directors Association) conference. Christina and Sue were there along with about fifty ADs from NCS. Gil Lemmon, NCS Commissioner, and Roger Blake, CIF Commissioner, were both there. Three good speakers included Sue who shared the TUHSD Athletic Website. There was good food and a sweatshirt give-away.
b. Christina: Drake is winning the District sportsmanship award by sharing Patty Parnow, the athletic assistant, to help both Redwood and Tam when their assistants have been promoted. Redwood’s new assistant is Mark Machado. Tam is interviewing.
c. Denise asked about strength and conditioning. Coaches don’t really know about weight training. Could a parent club provide strength and conditioning? What is the protocol? Chris explained the options that would be through facility rental (provide insurance) or Community Ed. It could be an option for a lot of kids. If the parent clubs did not have to fund trainers, it would be a good place to provide as resource for all students, not just athletes.
d. Craig: When people rent facilities, they sometimes damage the facility. How does the athletic program get reimbursed? Chris said biggest damage is from after-hours, non-scheduled users. For every renter, 25% of the fee goes back to the site. In addition, Chris works out deals with schools to prorate new equ8pment or facility improvement on a shared basis.
Confirm future meeting dates:
Athletic Council: Tuesdays, 2:30-4:00, Carlisle Creekside
November 18, 2014
March 31, 2015
May 19, 2015
Athletic Directors Only, Thursdays, 11:00 a.m., Creekside
October 23, 2014
January 29, 2015
April date TBA
Superintendent/Athletic Directors, Superintendent's Office, TBD
Marin Athletic Foundation
Hall of Fame Banquet: Saturday, November 1, 2014, Embassy Suites
Golf Tournament: Monday, April 20, 2015, Indian Valley Golf Club
Outstanding Student Athlete Dinner: Monday, May 11, 2015, Embassy Suites
NCS Athletic Directors’ Association (NCSADA)
California State Athletic Directors’ Association (CSADA)
Reno, April 23-26, 2015
National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA)
National Harbor, Maryland, December 13-16, 2014
TUHSD Five-Year Plan Brainstorm
Black = original ideas at May, 2014 AC meeting
** = Number of votes at May, 2014 meeting when members voted for their top five
Red = additions/discussion at September, 2014 meeting
What do we want the TUHSD Athletic Program to look like?
***** What is our vision for athletics: Current? Create a new vision statement? Can coaches (and we) articulate it?
From current Parent/Student Guide and Coaches’ Handbook:
Athletics play an important part in the Tamalpais Union High School District. Young people learn a great deal from their participation in interscholastic athletics. Lessons in sportsmanship, teamwork, competition and how to win and lose gracefully are an integral part of each team in our athletic program. Athletics play an important part, too, in helping the individual student develop a healthy self-concept as well as a healthy body. Athletic competition adds to our school spirit and helps all students – spectators as well as participants – develop pride in their school.
According to BP 6145.2(a), the Governing Board recognizes that the district’s athletic program constitutes an integral component of the educational program and helps to build a positive school climate. The athletic program helps also to promote the physical, social, and emotional well-being and character development of participating students. Within the District's financial and personnel constraints, the athletic program shall be designed to meet students' interests and abilities and shall be varied in scope to ensure wide participation.
Key words to include: SPORTSMANSHIP, open access to all students, inclusiveness, realistically funded, character development, positive environment, parental involvement, nurturing the whole athlete, player and team development
What can actually be accomplished by one person AD? Who else will we involve? Leadership class? Admin? Parents? Coaches? Athletes? How?
The athletic budget has been absolutely flat for the last five years, as have other school district budgets. District funding is dependent on property tax only. No significant funds come from the state. Costs have gone up. The difference comes from parents clubs. Craig: The District is not keeping up with the basic costs of the program. A baseball bat was $80 a few years ago and now $350. Athletics has variable expenses every year since things such as uniforms, equipment, scoreboards just wear out, get damaged and lost as well as an increased number of athletes per team.
Access for students
Quality coaches
More staff members as coaches
Coalition of Positive Coaching Alliance
More training for coaches
NFHS on-line courses
Sports psychology for coaches
Known for good sportsmanship
Players, coaches, parents
Positive cheering
Known as good hosts and good guests
Win with grace and lose with dignity
******* Parent education
Differences between high school vs. club sports
**** Keep up with good facilities
Relationships with community and feeder programs
Athletes come out with better life skills
** Additional levels of existing or new sports
a. Field Hockey
b. Frosh soccer
c. JV Boys Volleyball
d. Pep dance team
e. Badminton
*** Focus on safety
a. ATCs
b. Concussion, SCA (sudden cardiac arrest) protocols
c. Accessible AEDs
d. Paid assistant coaches
e. Sport venues
******* Role of the trainer and how the trainer is funded – should be absorbed by the District
Maintain relationship with UCSF
a. Sports Medicine class
See what other larger schools are doing?
Trends in new sports
a. Beach volleyball becoming a CIF sport
** Increased budget
Uniforms and equipment
Planning for replacement of capital equipment
***** Coaching salary increase
*** Paid assistant coach stipends
Longevity step
Retaining coaches is much more cost effective than training new ones
Lost inventory
Eligibility issues
Eliminate port-a-potties on our campuses
Hire a Strength & Conditioning Coach to train athletes in our weight rooms after school.
a. Keep athletes safe
b. Proper training and supervision
c. Can it be funded by parent clubs? Must go through Community Education/Facility Rental
Creating a Sports Management (PE elective) class
Increase Athletics Clerk hours per day
a. More athletes
b. More coaches
c. Excessive turnover