ID2415 Group Communication Dr. Janet Yedes
Tuesdays & Thursdays 11:00-12:20 Office: CAS 245
Fall 2006 CAS 455 Section 04 Email:
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 11:30-12:30 Phone: 908-737-0469
Tues & Thurs 12:30-2:00 and by Appointment
Required Text: Lumsden, G. and Lumsden, D. (2000). Communicating in Groups and Teams: Sharing Leadership. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Course Objectives:
1. You will demonstrate an understanding of both content and relational dimensions of group communication in a multicultural world in class activities, your work groups, and in written analyses.
2. You will analyze the role of gender in small group communication.
3. You will explore, describe and analyze a leader based on a face-to-face interview.
4. You will research a discussion topic with at least the following evidential supports:
1) a review of library literature resources (print and online materials), 2) a review of other literature and resources relevant to your topic not found in the library. You will be able to reach a decision based on this research which involves a set of recommended actions.
5. You will collaboratively prepare for and take an in-class exam which demonstrates your ability to define, provide examples, and analyze key terms and concepts in small group processes.
6. You will reflect and provide comments about self-knowledge and what you uniquely bring to group work.
7. You will be able to demonstrate cooperative problem solving processes. You will be able to identify and analyze cooperation in yourself and others in group activities.
8. You will identify and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of group process for decision making and problem solving.
9. You will present your decision making project based on an in-depth and ongoing analysis of group development, goals, leadership, roles, conflict, power, humor, and decision making in groups you study this semester (whether actual groups or groups on film).
10. You will provide feedback to group members and classmates to foster individual and group growth.
Course Evaluation (I=Individual grade, G=Group grade) Grading Scale
I Diversity Leadership Interview 25 points 187-200 A
I Exam I 30 points 180-186 A-
G Group Exam II 30 points 174-179 B+
I/G Group Research Project 40 points 167-173 B
I Online Bulletin Board 20 points 160-166 B-
G Group Film Analysis 30 points 157-159 C+
Participation 25 points 150-156 C
(Includes Quizzes, Peer Critiques) ______140-149 D
200 points Below 140 F
Group Research Project
For this project there is a Group paper and a Group presentation. This is graded as follows: 1. Individual paper and presentation scores for each member are summed and averaged = Group Score. 2. Individual paper and presentation score and Group Score are averaged = Individual Score. This is the Individual Score that is entered into your course points for this project.
Group Exam
This exam is prepared and taken collaboratively in students' small research groups in class.
Peer Critiques
These are written critiques/feedback for students for group presentations other than your own group. These are for: Diversity Leadership Presentation, Group Research Presentation, and Group Film Analysis Presentation.
Group Communication Course Schedule (Subject to Changes)
Week 1 T Jan 18 Introductions. Self-Knowledge. Honoring Dr. M L King Jr
Groups in a Multicultural World.
TH Jan 20 Issues that Matter. Subcommittee Exercise.
Read: Chapter 1
Week 2 T Jan 25 Resources Members Bring. Team Members Responsibilities Roles.
Read: Chapter 2
Diversity Leadership Interview Assigned.
TH Jan 27 Ethical Issues. Doing Research as a Team
Week 3 T Feb 1 Leadership. Goals. Agendas
Read: Chapter 3
TH Feb 3 Achieving Team Visions.
Read: Chapter 11
Week 4 T Feb 8 Diversity Leadership Interviews DUE.
TH Feb 10 Listening. Climate
Read: Chapter 10
Week 5 T Feb 15 Teamwork. Team Development. Read: Chapter 4
TH Feb 17 Group Member Selection
Week 6 T Feb 22 Exam I
TH Feb 24 Critical Thinking.
Read: Chapter 6
Week 7 T Mar 1 Problem Analysis & Decision Making
Read: Chapter 8
TH Mar 3 Indigenous Peoples. Task Questions & Resources
Read: Chapter 5
Week 8 T & TH Mar 8 & 10 Spring Break. No Class
Week 9 T Mar 15 Meeting the Challenges. Team Pressures & Conflicts
Read: Chapter 13
TH Mar 17 Innovative and Creative Thinking. Humor in Groups
Read: Chapter 7
Week 10 T Mar 22 Team Problems & Participation
Read: Chapter 12
TH Mar 24 Teams in a Multicultural World. Dialogue. Responsible Language.
Read: Chapter 9
Week 11 T Mar 29 Group Meetings
TH Mar 31 Group Meetings
Week 12 T Apr 5 Group Research Project Presentation
Group 1 Paper DUE
TH Apr 7 Group Research Project Presentation
Group 2 Paper DUE
Week 13 T Apr 12 Group Research Project Presentation
Group 3 Paper DUE
TH Apr 14 Group Research Project Presentation
Group 4 Paper DUE
Week 14 T Apr 19 Comprehensive Group EXAM
TH Apr 21 Encuentros. Sharing Power. Mutuality. Community
Week 15 T Apr 26 Group 2 Film Analysis Presentations
Papers DUE
TH Apr 28 Group 1 Film Analysis Presentations
Papers DUE
Week 16 T May 3 Group 4 Film Analysis Presentations
Papers DUE
TH May 5 Group 3 Film Analysis Presentations
Papers DUE
Course Policy and Procedures
· Attend Class! Arrive on Time! Your presence, participation, and substantive contributions to class discussions, group activities and your group work in teams (both inside and outside of class) are essential to successful completion of this course.
· Be courteous to other class members. Listen while another is speaking. Be sure all beepers and cell phones are turned off during classes. Be respectful, attentive (do not attend to news, and other reading, or homework during classes). Take care of all personal matters (restrooms, drinks, other) before and after classes.
· Since group process cannot be duplicated, any group member unprepared to participate or absent on the day of his/her group presentation will receive 0 points averaged into their individual performance grades (see course evaluation). Note: Mere attendance will not suffice!
· You are responsible for reading the text and other materials, and completing work prior to the class for which they are assigned. You are responsible for bringing questions for discussion and clarification to class. You are responsible for getting class notes, handouts, and any announcements in the rare event that you miss a class.
· I expect students to cooperate with and support each other, complete assigned tasks, and move their groups toward quality and timely completion of the work for the course.
· If teams experience problems which they have been unable (after some attempts) to manage themselves within the group, groups should bring the issues to me for negotiation/mediation when they arise. Students should document conflict management work within groups as it occurs. This is a part of the group work record (similar to minutes of an organizational meeting) which chronicles activities of the group and its progress (this is a shared writing task within the group).
· All written work prepared outside of class for this course must be typed or word processes. In-class written work must be legible.
· Be sure to keep your own extra copies of all written work. Keep all handouts, notes, and written work for the course until you have received your final grade report from the university.