Tryout Information

Tryout Information



Application Deadline: Friday, August 19th

Do you have a knack for creating gadgets with moving parts, have previous experience with robotics, or love to program? If so, Daves Creek’s Team Vextreme may be looking for you!

Vex IQ competitive robots consists of teams of students who are tasked with designing and building a robot to play against other teams from around the world in a game-based engineering challenge. Students learn lifelong skills in teamwork, leadership, communications, and more. Tournaments are helps throughout the school year at the regional, state and national levels. Local champions go on to compete against the best in the world at the Vex World Championships in April.

Team Vextreme Applicants must:

  • Currently be in 5th grade at Daves Creek
  • Have excellence scores in academic areas and a high work ethic
  • Be familiar with this year’s competition:
  • Possess outstanding interpersonal skills and be willing to work closely with team members.
  • Be a creative problem solver
  • Have the time to attend all robotics meetings/practices (Team Vextreme will meet on Mondays after school until 5:00pm)

How to Apply:

  1. Complete the 2016-2017 Team Vextreme Tryout Permission Form & turn it in to Mrs. Pitz (room 450)Deadline: Friday, August 19th
  2. Create an original gadget with movable parts to bring to your interview. This can be made out of any materials available—it does not have to be made of Vex parts and it does not need to be motorized.
  3. Hand write a letter to Mrs. Pitz explaining why you would be a great member of Team Vextreme. Make sure to include information about any of your previous robotics experience.
  4. References: Each applicant must provide the Student Recommendation Form to the classroom teacher he/she has last year. The teacher will turn it in to Mrs. Pitz when it is completed.
  5. Attend an interview (bring your gadget) during the week of August 22nd.

2016-2017 Team Vextreme Tryout Permission Form

Student’s Name:______

Student’s Current Teacher:______

Student’s Teacher from last year:______

I understand that my child is applying for the DCES Team Vextreme Competitive Robotics Team. I also understand that this application does not guarantee my child a spot on the team. I have okayed my child’s participation should he/she be selected for the team. I also understand that there will be costs associated with participation on the team.

Parent’s signature:______

As a parent, would you be able to assist with:
____ Team Mom/Dad ____ Team Practices _____ Programming

____ Engineering/Design

Vex Team Interviews the week of August 22nd. Students will be notified by Mrs. Pitz of the date and time of interviews.