Troop 323 Monthly Newsletter
August Newsletter August 6, 2011
***WEDNESDAY, August 17 @ 7:00 p.m.
All Saints Church
****In September Troop Meetings revert back to 2nd & 4th Tuesdays
Camp Geronimo: Good Ole Summer Fun!
Twenty Five Scouts from Troop 323 participated in Camp Geronimo from June 18 – 25. As well, a number of older Scouts served as Counselors at the camp throughout the summer. As the following pictures demonstrate, good times were had by all. Special thanks to the following adults who volunteered to stay at Camp Geronimo during the week: Dave Wright, Barry Giesemann, Dan McCarthy, Scott Sawottke, Glenn Teille, Joe Clements. Also thanks to the following adults for their support during the week: Wade Clemons, Clay Cady, Stefan Bohult, Mark & Erica Lange, Paul Folger, Bob Ballou, Scott Bennion, Maureen Petkiewicz and Darrin Kloostra.
2011 Geronimo Troop 323 Scout Participants
SPL Prepping for Flag Ceremony
Polar Bear Swim: Nothing like a good swim first thing in the morning!
Whatever happened to U-Totem?
Giddy-up N Go!
Showing Honor!
August/September CALENDAR
8/17 / Wed / 7:00 p.m. / All Saints Church / Kick-off Troop Meeting
8/27 – 8/28 / Sat – Sun / 8:00 a.m. / Lookout Mountain Parking Lot / Bumble Bee Ranch
Planning Conference
9/7 / Wed / 7:00 p.m. / All Saints Church / Troop Committee Meeting
9/9 – 9/11 / Fri - Sun / TBD / Camp Raymond / Order of the Arrow
9/13 / Tue / 7:00 p.m. / All Saints Church / Troop Meeting
9/17 – 9/18 / Sat – Sun / TBD / Lookout Mountain School / Monthly Outing:TBD
9/26 / Mon / 7:00 p.m. / Scoutmaster’s Home / Patrol Leader Committee (PLC) Mtg
9/27 / Tue / 7:00 p.m. / All Saints Church / Troop Meeting:
Court of Honor
1. All adults are encouraged to come to Troop Committee meetings.
First Wednesdays -- 7:00 p.m. – All Saints Church
2. Patrol Leaders, Scribe, Guide, SPL, ASPL’s are required to attend PLCs at Scoutmaster’s house (Next PLC Meeting: September 26 @ 7:00 p.m.)
3. Greenway Parkway Patrol Clean-up: August – Falcons; September – Vikings; October -- Wolverines
Bumble Bee Planning Conference: Got Ideas?
The annual Troop 323 Planning Conference will be held Saturday & Sunday, August 27th & 28th, 2011. Participants of the Planning Conference stay at the Big House at Bumble Bee Ranch. The primary goal is to discuss and plan the troop calendar for 2012. Food is supplied by the Scoutmaster and we take time during the day to enjoy the swimming pool at the house. Please commit early to this important event so the Scoutmaster can get the right amount of food.
We need everyone’s ideas for topics for troop meetings and outings. Most importantly we need adults to volunteer to be trip leaders. We do a mix of car-camps and backpack outings. NOW is the time to come up with some well-thought out plans for outings so we have a great 2012. This conference will be led by the SPL Spencer Sawottke. Other required attendees are the ASPL’s, all patrol leaders, troop scribe, troop guide, patrol advisors, outing chairman as well as a few invited adults.
Please bring your ideas to the August 17 Kick-off Troop Meeting.
COMING SOON: Senior Patrol Leader Election!!!
A new Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) will be elected on August 17. Now is the time to vocalize your interest in this position to Scoutmaster Barry Giesemann. SPL’s must hold the rank of Life or Eagle Scout and complete troop Leadership Training as well as be available to attend Camp next summer.
The SPL’s primary responsibilities include running all troop meetings, events and annual program planning conferences. SPL’s run the Patrol Leader’s Council Meetings held monthly and appoint other junior leadership positions with the approval of the Scoutmaster. Equally important, the SPL must be enthusiastic about his role, set a good example and live the Scout Oath and Law. SPL’s need to have availability to carry out these duties and the support of their parents.
Interested Scouts will want to talk with their parents and Scoutmaster before the August 17 meeting.
New Scoutmaster David Wright to Take Helm of Troop 323!
For the last six months a transition has been underway. After three years of service as Troop 323 Scoutmaster, Barry Giesemann will be turning over the reins of Scoutmaster to David Wright at the September 27 Court of Honor. David has been training and shadowing Barry at many Scout events and learning the ropes to ensure a smooth transition.
Barry Giesemann has fully devoted himself to the troop during his time as Scoutmaster and has been an instrumental part of each boy’s success in the troop as they have progressed through their many ranks. Barry has been a hands-on leader and has made many sacrifices to meet the many duties of Scoutmaster. His complete devotion has not gone unnoticed!
Troop 323 is fortunate to have incoming Scoutmaster David Wright take over the role of Scoutmaster. David and his wife Linda have two children and live in Moon Valley. Garret, their youngest child, is a seventh-grader at Mountain Sky Middle School and is a member of the Bighorn Patrol. Their daughter, Elizabeth, attends Thunderbird High School, and is involved in band and cross country and is also a member of the Crew 2323.
You can help David in this transition by volunteering for one of the many open adult volunteer positions. Over the next month please make an effort to thank Barry for his service and welcome David into his new role.
Parent Volunteers Needed
Troop 323 is in need of a variety of volunteer positions. We are asking that each family have at least one parent identified in a volunteer position. There are many to choose from and require many different skillsets. No doubt, there is a position just right for you. Some of these positions are needed immediately to ensure the troop keeps running effectively. The following volunteer/leadership positions are needed:
Adult Volunteer Positions Needed:
Chartering Organization Representative
Committee Chair
Patrol Advisors
Assistant Scoutmasters
Troop Treasurer
Troop Committee Secretary
Outdoor Activities Coordinator
Advancement Chairman
Equipment Coordinator/Troop Trailer
Fundraising Coordinator
Membership/Rechartering Coordinator
Medical Records Coordinator
Troop Newsletter Editor
Troop Webmaster
Eagle Advisor
Troop Clothing Coordinator
Camp Geronimo Coordinator/Planner
Troop Training Coordinator
Cub Scout Pack 323 Liaison
Board of Review Adult Participants
Crossover Coordinator
Outings Leaders
Church Cleanup/Service Coordinator
District Liaison
New Adult Training Requirements
To remain in good standing with Troop 323 and be rechartered in the Fall of 2011 there will be new training requirements for adult leaders for the upcoming year.
Necessary Adult Training
Every Registered Adult must take:
Fast Start (online)
Youth Protection (every 2 yrs)
This is Scouting! (online)
Trip Leaders
Hazardous Weather (online)
Scoutmaster & All Assistant SM’s
Intro to Outdoor Skills
Scoutmaster/Ass SM Specific Training
(held in classroom)
Required for Most Outings
CPR, Safe Swim, Safety Afloat and Climb on Safely
Merit Badges & Advancement
Many scouts have been busy working on merit badges & other advancement items throughout the summer. In order to make sure all accomplishments are recorded please send Scott Sawottke any merit badges you have accrued at Lake Pleasant Aquatics Camp or the Trail to Eagle. Any scouts close to advancing in rank should contact Scoutmaster Giesemann for a scoutmaster conference so you can be scheduled for a BOR at the troop meeting two weeks prior to the next Court of Honor which is being held on September 27.
At our next troop meeting Mr. Sawottke will have all partially completed merit badge info from Geronimo. It is highly recommended that Scouts complete these merit badges ASAP. The longer you wait the less likely it is that you will complete the badge. Advancement is each Scout’s responsibility.
Please direct all questions to the Advancement Chair Scott Sawottke at 623-580-0425 ( or fax: 623-580-0430).
Order of the Arrow Ordeal
The next Ordeal starts Friday evening September 9th at Camp Raymond, near Flagstaff. Scouts must register online at -- go to the section on the Order of Arrow. Quite a few Scouts were elected last Spring so it would be good to carpool. The cost is $40 which covers meals through Sunday morning. Scouts have the option of leaving Saturday night once the activities are done around 8:00 p.m.
NYLT: We Need Leaders!
Parents please encourage Scouts to attend the National Youth Leadership Training. The troop will cover half the registration for this great training. The next session is December 19 – 23 at the Heard Scout Pueblo in Phoenix at the base of South Mountain.
AZ Diamondbacks Boy Scout Night
September 24th is Boy Scout Night at the Diamondbacks game. Not only are tickets reduced but $5.00 from each ticket sold benefits Scouting. Tickets range from $17 – $50 to witness the Diamondbacks take on the Giants. Please contact Scott Sawottke if you are interested in attending and purchasing tickets ( or fax: 623-580-0430).
Greenway Park Clean-up:
Just a reminder, each month a different patrol is responsible for cleaning up Greenway Parkway from 7th Avenue to 19th Avenue. Patrol leaders must report clean-up service hours for participating patrol members to Scott Sawottke ( ). Red Class B
T-shirts are the dress code for clean-up days and provide good visibility. Two adults are needed to supervise these events.
August – Falcons
September – Vikings
October – Wolverines
Useful Sites
The ripest peach is highest on the tree.
James Whitcomb Riley
Helen Keller
New Scout Recruitment Day
Peter Piper Pizza is sponsoring a recruitment event at select pizza stores on September 12 – 14. Everyone will be encouraged to help recruit for our troop. Is there a boy out there who would benefit from scouting and being a member of Troop 323? There will be more information to follow on this event.
Troop 323 Newsletter Submissions
Please send all submissions for the September Newsletter to John Waldron at by August 31, 2011.