Troon and Villages Locality Planning Group

Action Note of Meeting: 18th May 2016

Present: Frances Carson (chairperson), Fiona Smith, Richard McMinn, Vera Kidd,

Heather Munro, Helen Jamieson, Rhonda Leith, Philip Bailey, Trish McMinn, Jenni McKeand, Linda Matheson, Myra Robertson, Liz Ferries, Marie Oliver, Mary Kerr, Maureen Murray, Peter Convery,

In attendance: Seonaid Lewis

Apologies: Anne Cameron, Nan McFarlane, Hugh Millar

Agenda Item / Discussion / Action
Notes of previous meeting / Frances Carson opened the meeting.
Action Notes from previous meeting were agreed as accurate.
Matters arising / No matters arsing.
Marie Oliver
Voluntary Action South Ayrshire (VASA) / Presentation included –
Vasa Core Services
o  Community Planning
o  Volunteering
o  Capacity Building
o  Social Enterprise
VASA’s (Integrated Care Fund) Services
o  Footcayr
o  Activities
o  Community Connector
o  Befriending
Community Toolkit
Book and Bun
My Bus
Shape of the Third Sector within South Ayrshire
Filling the Gap - Integrated Care Funding
Partnership Working
Quality Assurance
Discussion and questions included –
·  My Bus Criteria
·  Transport
·  Why is everything based in Ayr? Lack of services/activities in villages, e.g. Book and Bun groups and activities and Foot care in Dundonald
·  Sheltered Housing/Health and Wellbeing Rooms
·  Computer Bus
·  Lack of capacity and resources
·  Volunteers
·  Community Connector - this service is fantastic - need more of this type of activity/service
·  Christmas Day Dinner for older people - provided by VASA every year
·  Sustainability - need to charge for activities and services / Circulate Presentation - Seonaid
Social Isolation Discussion Groups / The Group broke into smaller groups to discuss 5 key questions
1.  What are the causes of social isolation?
2.  What types of people might be socially isolated?
3.  What issues need to be addressed?
4.  What are the barriers?
5.  What do we want to do about it? (action plan)
Discussion included -
o  Common understanding/definition
o  How do we identify people who may be affected?
o  Difference between Social Isolation and Loneliness
o  Mapping and Signposting - find out what resources we already have
o  Lack of information hub /bumping spaces
o  Information sharing and awareness raising
o  Age Groups - varying causes and approaches relating to specific age groups
Feedback will be collated and circulated and used to inform action planning at next meeting. / Circulate Feedback - Seonaid
PB - ‘Troon Locality Decides’, 25th June / The PB Sub Group is still struggling to find a time that suits everyone to meet and have not formally met again since the last LPG meeting (although some group members have managed to meet up to plan PB Event).
Seonaid provided an update on the North Carrick PB Event which took place on Sarurday 7th May. The Event went really well and was a great success - provided a wealth of learning for our Event.
Key points of update included –
o  Bidders can apply for up to £750.00.
o  Much of the paperwork has already been produced; this includes Programme, Information booklet, Voting Sheets, scoring spreadsheet, Evaluation/Feedback Sheet and Participant Checklist.
o  Any ideas re entertainment or sponsorship would be greatly appreciated.
o  Help to promote the Event - Posters, websites and facebook.
o  Councillor Convery kindly offered to promote the PB Event within his ‘Going Out’ column.
o  The decision was made by the whole Group not to pay for an additional promotional article within Going Out for the PB Event at this time. Reasons for this were - not enough time between publishing date and event closing date and distribution only covers Troon and not all of the Neighbourhoods. It was felt that it would be better use of resources to promote Integration, Locality Planning, Troon LPG and Neighbourhoods within Troon Going Out later on in the year.
o  Help on the day
Troon Locality Decides posters and application forms were circulated for distribution. / Contact Seonaid with any ideas
Councillor Convery
Communication sub group update / Discussion included -
·  Communications Strategy - to be completed by next meeting
·  Mapping - sub group has been carrying out mapping and collating the information
·  Facebook - still no sign of Locality facebook pages
·  On line Forum - would this be a good way of the Group communicating between meetings? Mixed response to this but it was agreed that the sub group could try it out.
·  Branding
·  Exploring communication mechanisms - flyers, information sheets, postcards, websites, ‘Going Out’, notice boards, social media etc.
·  Locality BLOG / Ongoing
Follow up on facebook progress - Seonaid
Sub Group
Richard McMinn
AOCB / Seonaid provided an update on Meeting with the Integration Joint Board (IJB) -
The meeting went very well and the Presentation was well received. Good opportunity to meet up and ask/answer questions. Big thank you to all those that came along - Frances, Helen, Trish, Maureen, Nan, Peter and Linda.
Sharing Practice, Making Connections Event reminder – Thursday 16th June 1-5.30pm / Circulate Presentation - Seonaid
Circulate Poster again -Seonaid
Date and Time of next meeting / Wednesday 15th June, 6.30pm, Troon Council Chambers, Municipal Buildings, Troon.
Future meeting dates –
Wednesday 21st September
Wednesday 19th October,
Wednesday 16th November