TriService Nursing Research Program Final Report Cover Page
Type the final report using this template document. Instructions for how to complete the final report are found throughout the document and appear in red. Ensure that you enter all text in black font. If the gridlines do not appear for the many tables in this document, click on the black text in any table, click on layout (in the ribbon at the top of screen), and click on view gridlines.Do not type new content using red type.Before submitting the final report, follow the directions at the end of the report to remove all instructions.
Sponsoring Institution / TriService Nursing Research ProgramAddress of Sponsoring Institution / 4301 Jones Bridge Road
Bethesda MD 20814
USU Grant Number (from Grant Agreement; e.g., HU0001-10-1-TS99)
USU Project Number(from Grant Agreement; e.g., N10-099)
Title of Research Study or Evidence-Based Practice(EBP) Project
Period of Award(from Grant Agreement; e.g., 1 September 2010 – 31 August 2012)
Applicant Organization(e.g., The Geneva Foundation, University of Oklahoma)
Address of Applicant Organization
PI Signature / DateMentor Signature (if applicable) / Date
Table of Contents
If needed, insert a page break so that the table of contents is the only content on this page
If needed, insert a page break so that the abstract is the only content on this page. Maximum of 300 words.
Implications for Military Nursing:
TSNRP Research Priorities that Study or Project Addresses
Primary Priority Identify the primary research priority addressed in the study or project.
Force Health Protection: / Fit and ready forceDeploy with and care for the warrior
Care for all entrusted to our care
Nursing Competencies and Practice: / Patient outcomes
Quality and safety
Translate research into practice/evidence-based practice
Clinical excellence
Knowledge management
Education and training
Leadership, Ethics, and Mentoring: / Health policy
Recruitment and retention
Preparing tomorrow’s leaders
Care of the caregiver
Secondary Priority (if applicable; otherwise delete the words “Secondary Priority” and the duplicate table below )
Force Health Protection: / Fit and ready forceDeploy with and care for the warrior
Care for all entrusted to our care
Nursing Competencies and Practice: / Patient outcomes
Quality and safety
Translate research into practice/evidence-based practice
Clinical excellence
Knowledge management
Education and training
Leadership, Ethics, and Mentoring: / Health policy
Recruitment and retention
Preparing tomorrow’s leaders
Care of the caregiver
Progress Towards Achievement of Specific Aims of the Study or Project
There is no page limit for this section of the report.
Findings related to each specific aim, research or study questions, and/or hypothesis: List the specific aims, research or study questions, and/or hypotheses as written in your funded grant application, documented in the Statement of Work (refer to the Continuation Sheet of the Grant Agreement, Base Award), and/or addressed in modifications to the Grant Agreement, Base Award. Write sufficient information to thoroughly describe the research findings and accomplishments with respect to each specific aim, research question, and/or hypothesis of the study or project. For purposes of this report, it is not necessary to include an extensive literature review, details about the theoretical framework or model, or methods. Rather, focus on findings, outcomes, and new knowledge generated from your study. Embed all tables and figures such that they appear near their mention in the text. Number all tables and figures; clearly label all figures. Add a legend as well as a key to any abbreviations and symbols for both tables and figures.
Relationship of current findings to previous findings: Discuss the new findings when considered in the context of previously published studies or projects by your team and/or other investigators.
Effect of problems or obstacles on the results: Describe how any problems or obstacles were or were not overcome and how this may have affected the results.
Limitations:Describe characteristics of the design, methodology, or data that threaten internal validity of the study, threaten reliability of measures, and/or set parameters on how the findings are interpreted or applied. For instance, 1) findings from a study sample of 90% men may not be generalizable to women, 2) although randomization may result in like groups, high attrition rates in the control group may result in dissimilarities that are unrelated to the intervention, and 3) repeated equipment malfunctions may produce measurement errors.
Conclusion:End with a conclusion that succinctly summarizes key results and the degree to which each specific aim was achieved. Do not introduce new information in the conclusion. Ensure that the conclusion is justified by the data.
Significance of Study or ProjectResults to Military Nursing
This section is critically important. Clearly detail how the results are significant to military nursing clinical practice, leadership, management, education, and/or policy. Summarize new knowledge, and describe how the findings narrowed or closed a research gap. Comment on the quality and generalizability of the new knowledge. Based on your findings, include recommendations for future research.Maximum of 2 pages.
Changes in Clinical Practice, Leadership, Management, Education, Policy, and/or Military Doctrine that Resulted from Study or Project
This section is critically important. Although similar to the previous section, detailhere how the results already contributed to objective, quantifiable, and/or measurable changes in military nursing clinical practice, leadership, management, education, and/or policy. The key is to describe the nature, scope, impact, and outcome of the enacted changes. Again, provide detailed information aboutactualchanges rather than conjecturing about how the results of the study or project maycontribute to changes. For example, the US Central Command Joint Theater Trauma System Clinical Practice Guideline titled ______was revised to… The Navy revised its predeployment training program for nurses and medical technicians to include… The Army issued a Fragmentary Order (FRAGO) that now requires...The Army, Navy, and Air Force disseminated a practice alert titled ______on ______to caution clinicians about… If no changes made, document “none to date” and please provide to the TriService Nursing Research Program when known. Maximum of 2 pages.
References Cited
Include all cited references in APA format ONLY. It must include the author(s), article, journal, or book title; volume number (if applicable), page numbers, and year of publication. Provide the PMC reference number (e.g., PMCID234567) for each citation that falls under the NIH Public Access Policy. You may include URLs or PMCID numbers, along with the full reference, for citations that are not covered by the Public Access Policy but that are publicly available in a free, online format.
Summary of Dissemination
Carefully document all dissemination activities in APA format ONLY; delete unused categories and/or rows; add rows to the appropriate categories as needed
Type of Dissemination / Citation / Date and Source of Approval for Public ReleasePublications(using a consistent reference style, provide complete citation for papers already published in print or electronic journals)
Publications in Press(using a consistent reference style, provide partial citation for papers accepted for publication but not yet published in print or electronic journals; if known, provide estimated date paper will be published)
Published Abstracts(using a consistent reference style, provide complete citation for abstracts published in print or electronic journals)
Podium Presentations(using a consistent style, provide author(s), title of presentation, conference name, conference location, date of presentation, sponsoring agency or organization)
Poster Presentations(using a consistent style, provide author(s), title of poster, conference name, conference location, date of presentation, sponsoring agency or organization)
Media Reports(provide details such as title, type of media [e.g., press release, newspaper article, television or radio story, internet post], date of report)
Reportable Outcomes
Carefully document reportable outcomes; add rows to the appropriate categories as needed
Reportable Outcome / Detailed DescriptionApplied for Patent (if none, type “none”)
Issued a Patent (if none, type “none”)
Developed a cell line (if none, type “none”)
Developed a tissue or serum repository (if none, type “none”)
Developed a data registry (if none, type “none”)
Recruitment and Retention Table
This section contains seven tables. Select and complete the onetable that bests aligns with your study or project. Delete the remaining tables. Add rows if indicated. For studies with more complex recruitment and retention data, you may add a recruitment and retention figure as long as it contains all information contained within the tables.
Recruitment and Retention Aspect / NumberSubjects Projected in Grant Application
Subjects Available
Subjects Contacted or Reached by Approved Recruitment Method
Subjects Screened
Subjects Ineligible
Subjects Refused
Human Subjects Consented
Subjects Who Withdrew
Subjects Who Completed Study
Subjects With Complete Data
Subjects with Incomplete Data
Recruitment and Retention Aspect / Number
Subjects Projected in Grant Application
Subjects Available
Subjects Contacted or Reached by Approved Recruitment Method
Subjects Screened
Subjects Ineligible
Subjects Refused
Human Subjects Consented
Subjects Intervention Group / Control or Sham Group
Intervention Group/ Control or Sham Group Subjects Who Withdrew
Intervention Group / Control or Sham Group Subjects Who Completed Study
Intervention Group / Control or Sham Group Subjects With Complete Data
Intervention Group / Control or Sham Group Subjects With Incomplete Data
Recruitment and Retention Aspect / Number
Subjects Projected in Grant Application
Subjects Available
Subjects Contacted or Reached by Approved Recruitment Method
Subjects Screened
Subjects Ineligible
Subjects Refused
Human Subjects Consented
Subjects Intervention Group 1 / Intervention Group 2 / Control or Sham Group
Intervention Group 1 / Intervention Group 2 / Control or Sham Group Subjects Who Withdrew
Intervention Group 1 / Intervention Group 2 / Control or Sham Group Subjects Who Completed Study
Intervention Group 1/ Intervention Group 2 / Control Group Subjects With Complete Data
Intervention Group 1 / Intervention Group 2 / Control Group Subjects With Incomplete Data
Recruitment and Retention Aspect / Number
Medical or Data Registry Records Available
Medical or Data Registry Records Screened
Subjects Ineligible
Subjects With Complete Data
Subjects with Incomplete Data
Recruitment and Retention Aspect / Number
Animals Projected in Grant Application
Animals Purchased
Model Development Animals
Research Animals
Animals With Complete Data
Animals with Incomplete Data
Recruitment and Retention Aspect / Number
Animals Projected in Grant Application
Animals Purchased
Model Development Animals
Animals Intervention Group / Control or Sham Group
Intervention Group / Control or Sham Group Animals With Complete Data
Intervention Group / Control or Sham Group Animals With Incomplete Data
Recruitment and Retention Aspect / Number
Animals Projected in Grant Application
Animals Purchased
Model Development Animals
Animals Intervention Group 1 / Intervention Group 2 / Control or Sham Group
Intervention Group 1 / Intervention Group 2 / Control or Sham Group Animals With Complete Data
Intervention Group 1 / Intervention Group 2 / Control or Sham Group Animals With Incomplete Data
Demographic Characteristics of the Sample
Unless these data were not collected, complete the following table. Add rows to provide additional relevant demographic data. For animal studies, delete this table.Type in mean ± SD for age (e.g., 33 ± 4), and number of subjects plus percentage
[e.g., 54 (43.1%)] for the other characteristics.
CharacteristicAge (yrs) / ±
Women, n (%) / ( )
White, n (%) / ( )
Black, n (%) / ( )
Hispanic or Latino, n (%) / ( )
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, n (%) / ( )
Asian, n (%) / ( )
Other, n (%) / ( )
Military Service or Civilian
Air Force, n (%) / ( )
Army, n (%) / ( )
Marine, n (%) / ( )
Navy, n (%) / ( )
Civilian, n (%) / ( )
Service Component
Active Duty, n (%) / ( )
Reserve, n (%) / ( )
National Guard, n (%) / ( )
Retired Military, n (%) / ( )
Prior Military but not Retired, n (%) / ( )
Military Dependent, n (%) / ( )
Civilian, n (%) / ( )
Final Budget Report
Attach and sign the official final budget from your applicant organization. Your signature indicates that you carefully reviewed the official final budget and agree with it.If applicable, briefly describe the rationale for and outcome of reallocating funds and/orobtaining additional funds. If applicable, explain reason(s) for remaining funds.
Final Instructions:
Save the document. To remove all instructions for how to complete the final report that are found throughout the document and appear in red:
- On your computer keyboard, press and hold Ctrl and then F.
- Click More > >.
- Click Format.
- Click Font.
- Click the arrow to the right of the font color, select the bright red color font color, and click OK.
- On your computer keyboard, press and hold Ctrl and then F.
- Delete any text or spaces that appear in the Find what box, then click on the arrow to the right of the words Find in, and click on Main Document.
- Click Close.
- Note that all text in the document that appears red (i.e., the instructions for how to complete the final report) is highlighted. Press Delete on your computer keyboard.
- Save the document.
- Submit one paper copy and one electronic copy of the final report to the TriService Nursing Research Program through your Applicant Organization.