Tripper App Instructions
This app was designed to help parents and children find the correct bus to ride, and the nearest stop to their home. It contains a large amount of information that we have attempted to harness so that anyone can use it. You may also find other ways to use it other than what is listed here. So, the following instructions are just the basics. Please experiment with different options in the Group Filter and Filter. Keep in mind that when using Group Filter, routes should be turned off. When using Filter, routes should be turned on.
The app can be accessed on any internet enabled device; desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone at the following URL:
When the app opens it will look similar to Image 1.
Image 1
This is a splash screen which contains a standard disclaimer. You may click the check box so the splash screen doesn’t appear on subsequent visits to the app. Then click “OK”.
When the splash screen is gone, the app will appear similar to Image 2.
Image 2
The gray text boxes and black arrows show the different tools and functions performed by the app. Each tool and function is explained below.
Zoom In – This button zooms the map in closer.
Zoom Out – This button zooms the map out farther.
Default Extent – This button allows the user to start over if necessary. This opening layout is the default extent.
My Location – This button allows the user to find their current location on the map.
Search – This allows the user to enter an address. Clicking on the magnifying glass icon will zoom to the location.
Scale Bar – This gives the user some added situational awareness by displaying how much distance is covered by the length of the scale bar.
Coordinate Tool – This tool allows the user to find the exact coordinate for a location. Coordinates are displayed as you move the mouse around the map. Clicking the target icon to the left of the coordinate bar will allow you to click a position on the map and get the coordinate for the position clicked.
Group Filter – This tool is preset with options for finding route and stop locations. Its use will be described in detail later.
Filter – This tool is also preset with options for finding routes associated with each school in the Rome City School system. This tool will also be described in detail later.
Legend – This tool will display the map legend.
Layer List – This tool allows the user to turn layers off and on.
Print – This tool gives you the option to print your map.
Basemap Gallery – This tool allows you to change the background of your map, including aerial imagery.
Map Overview – This tool will display a larger map area with the current visible area of the map highlighted.
Attribute Table – This tool will display additional information about each layer that is turned on in the map.
Link Button – This will display a link to the Rome/Floyd County GIS website.
Option 1 – Group Filter
Click the Group Filter icon. Your screen will look similar to Image 3.
Image 3
The first drop-down menu gives you four options:
- Morning Routes and Stops by School
- Afternoon Routes and Stops by School
- Morning Routes and Stops by Route
- Afternoon Routes and Stops by Route
Let’s say you know your child will be attending Anna K. Davie Elementary School (AKD). So now let’s take a look at which routes serve AKD.
- Click on the Group Filter button.
- In the first drop-down menu, select “Morning Routes and Stops by School”.
- In the second drop-down menu, select “Anna K. Davie Elementary School”.
- Click the “Apply” button.
Your display should look similar to Image 4.
Image 4
There are four routes displayed which serve AKD in the mornings:
- T-25A/AM
- T-25B/AM
- T-26A/AM
- T-26B/AM
Each route is displayed in a different color. Next, click in the “Search” bar at the top of the page, and enter your address. Click the magnifying glass icon and the map will zoom in on that address. For our example here, we will use 300 Hardy Avenue. After the map zooms in, you may need to zoom out a little to see a larger area. Your display should now look similar to Image 5.
Image 5
Clicking on the red route will highlight it in a bright blue color and give you further information about that route, as shown in Image 6.
Image 6
We can now see that this is Route T-25A/AM with a bus stop on the corner of Cherokee Street and Hardy Avenue, with the bus arriving at 7:07 AM. We also get the following information from the pop-up label: “Route T-25A/AM departs Garage at 6:35 AM and arrives at Anna K. Davie Elementary School at 7:11 AM.” You may close the Group Filter window at any time and the routes will still be visible until you click the “Reset” button.
Sometimes there will be more than one route serving your location. Let’s use 432 Pennington Avenue in this example. As you can see in Image 7, there are two routes serving this location. They are T-25A/AM and T-25B/AM.
Image 7
Click on the “Group Filter” button and click “Reset”. This will clear the preset filter we were using. Now, select “Morning Routes & Stops by Route” in the first drop-down menu, and then select “T-25B/AM” in the second drop-down menu. Click “Apply”, and your display should appear similar to Image 8.
Image 8
Next, click in the second drop-down menu and select “T-25A/AM”, and “Apply”. You can switch between options in the Group Filter without clicking the “Reset” button. When there are two or more options, it is best to contact the school to determine which route is best for your location based on ridership numbers for each route.
The process for afternoon routes is the same.
Option 2 – Filter
The biggest difference between the Group Filter and Filter is that when using Filter you must turn on layers using the Layer List icon. We will continue using the same parameters we used in Option 1 which were: AKD, morning routes, and 300 Hardy Avenue.
Click on the Layer List icon. Your display should look similar to Image 9.
Image 9
These are the layers available to you in the app. Rome City Schools and Rome City School Districts are turned on as the default setting. You may turn these off and on as you please by clicking the check box to the left of each layer name. For our example we want to turn on Morning Tripper Routes and Morning Tripper Stops. Your display should appear similar to Image 10.
Image 10
Close the Layer List window by clicking the “X” in the upper-right corner of the Layer List window. Next, click the Filter icon, and select Anna K. Davie Morning Routes. A check mark will appear to the right of your selection. See image 11 for results.
Image 11
Next, enter 300 Hardy Avenue in the Search box. Once again, you will have to zoom out a little to see more area. Your display should appear similar to Image 12.
Image 12
Now you can click on the route for more information just as you did in Option 1. When using the Filter tool, you must turn off one filter before using another. If you are switching from morning to afternoon routes, don’t forget to go to the Layer List and turn morning routes and stops off and afternoon routes and stops on.
Option 2 is a little more confusing than Option 1 because you must turn layers on and off in Option 2.
The best advice for users is to simply play around with the app. Try different options and see what the results are.
Questions or comments concerning the operability of the app should be directed to GIS Administrator Ted Edwards at 706-236-5025, ext 7326.
Questions or comments concerning school information should be directed to the respective school. Clicking the red school house icon in the app will display the school address and phone number.
Questions or comments concerning routes or stops should be directed to Route Supervisor Elander Graham at 706-236-5037.