Broomlands Primary School
Headteacher: Mrs Michelle Matthews Broomlands Primary School
School Office Tel No: (01573) 223070 Ednam Road
Nursery Tel No: (01573 228152) Kelso Scottish Borders TD5 7SW
May Newsletter
We are delighted to welcome Katie Campbell to the P5 class at Broomlands Primary School. We are sure you will make her and her family very welcome.
We say a sad farewell to Drucilla, Harmony and Marco Douglas– we hope they have settled into their new school.
We are delighted to welcome Mrs Louise Adams to P6 on Mondays and Tuesdays. Mr Reid has taken up a full time post at Philiphaugh Primary School in Selkirk. We wish him well for the future and are grateful for his hard work and enthusiasm while at Broomlands.
Miss Lynsey Walker has taken up a secondment at Peebles High School for a year. This is a full time post. Mrs Carole Ward-Higgins is covering P.E. for us until the summer break.
We are currently looking at class arrangements for 2017-2018. Once these are agreed we will communicate these to you.
Absence and Attendance
Thank you to all parents for their support in improving attendance of their children. The overall attendance of the school is 96%. P1 had the highest attendance for the month with 97.26%.
Parents’ Consultations
Parents’ consultations for pupils in Nursery-P7 will take place on Monday 8th and Wednesday 10th May. Appointments were sent home with your eldest child on Thursday 27th April.
There will be a Book Fair at both parents’ evenings provided by Scholastic Books. This term P6 and P7 pupils are invited and encouraged to attend parents’ consultations with their parents. Children should wear school uniform. Parents who have no child care can leave their children in the hall while they speak to their class teacher. Children are expected to sit quietly and wait for their parents.
It has come to our attention that some pupils are bringing phones into school. Phones are prohibited in school unless by prior arrangement with the Head teacher. In such cases the phones will be signed into the office on arriving at school and signed out when collected at 3.30pm. Any child found with a phone, without prior agreement, will have this taken from them and a parent/carer will be asked to collect it. The school is not responsible for loss or damage of phone whilst in school premises.
Parking Cones
A reminder that the car park to the front of the school is for staff only. Parents can drop pupils off in the turning circle or park safely nearby. The cones along the entrance to the new school site MUST NOT be moved. These are to ensure the safety of pedestrians and other road users. Unfortunately some parents/carers have irresponsibly moved them and put the safety of pedestrians at risk. Cones are particularly needed when large vehicles are accessing the site. Please be a considerate motorist.
Kelso Laddie Visit
The Kelso Laddie will be visiting the school on Wednesday 15th June. This year the Laddie will have his photograph taken with all pupils which may be included in the civic week programme. Congratulations to Rebecca Peddie and Maisie Wight who have been chosen to be Lady Bussers. I’m sure they and their families will enjoy Civic Week.
Peanut allergy
We would politely ask that children do not bring foods containing peanuts in their snack/lunch boxes. This year we have children in school with severe allergies and your co-operation would be really appreciated in ensuring their safety.
Head lice
Now that children are back at school and in close contact with each other, it is very important to regularly check hair for head lice. Further advice can be sought from Dorry McIntyre, school nurse, on telephone number 01573 223501.
Swimming helpers
If you can help walk with your child’s class to and from swimming please contact the office as we are very short of helpers for this session for all classes.
Outdoor PE kit
A reminder that pupils should keep an outdoor P.E. kit, including shoes, in school at all times. Please provide a named carrier bag/boot bag to keep dirty outdoor P.E. shoes in.
Sports Day
Sports day will take place on the afternoon of Monday 5th June (weather permitting) with a reserve date of Monday 12th June. This will take place on the school field to the rear of the new school. Further correspondence will be sent home in due course asking for helpers. If sports day has to be cancelled you will be notified by e-mail and a message will also be played on Radio Borders. Please do not phone the school.
School Uniform
School uniform can be ordered direct from with the option of free delivery to school, or for a small charge to an alternative address. Current P6 pupils moving into their P7 year will require a purple senior pupil sweatshirt. The last date for ordering is 5th June to ensure free delivery to school by 27th June. Orders placed between 6th June and 24th July will be delivered to school on 15th August. All uniform orders received at school will be sent home with your child. A small stock of uniform will be kept in school.
Kelso Scout Group
Kelso Scouts currently have spaces available for children aged 10 - 14. Scouts meet in Broomlands, 7-8:30pm on Thursday evenings. For more information or to book a place for your child please speak to Mr Donaldson at school or email: Thank you
New School
As you will see good progress continues to be made on the new school. I will soon be meeting with interior design staff and would appreciate any contributions of inspirational quotes appropriate to school and/or children that could be incorporated within the design. Please e-mail these to school by 22nd May so that we may consider them.
Yours faithfully
Michelle Matthews
Mrs Michelle Matthews
Dates for your diary
Below is a list of dates for the coming term. I am sure there will be more put in the diary as the term progresses and I will update you on this when necessary. Details of any relevant dates below will be published nearer the time.
Date / Event11th May / P7 trip to Stirling Castle and Wallace Monument
12th May / P4 visit to Kelpies in Kelso Square
17th May / P6 Cricket Festival at Shedden Park
22nd May / P2/3 trip to Hirsel – letter to follow
23rd May / P5 countryside Day at Springwood – letter to follow
2nd June / Nursery sports
2nd June / P7 Morton Trophy Football Tournament at Edenside P S – letter to follow
5th June / Sports Day – 1st choice
8th June / New P1 Parents Evening – information to follow
9th June / P3 class assembly at 9.15am
12th June / Sports Day – 2nd choice
9th June / P3 class assembly at 9.15am
13th & 14th June / P7 to Kelso High School
14th June / Moving up afternoon – all pupils move to new classes.
14th June / New P1 pupils visit school in the afternoon – information to follow
15th June / Kelso Laddie visit
15th June / P7 Disco at Kelso H S – letter to follow
20th June / Swimming Gala for P5-6
22nd June / Swimming Gala for P2-4
23rd June / P7 Leavers assembly at 9.15am
23rd June / New P1 pupils and parents taster lunch – please note change of date
26th June / Broomlands Got Talent
26th June / Annual Achievement Assembly – school achievements only
27th June / Nursery Graduation Ceremonies
28th June / School and Nursery close at normal times for summer
14th August / In-Service Day
15th August / School and Nursery open at normal times
Non uniform dates
50p donation towards playground toys and equipment.
26th May / 23rd June
Achievement Assemblies
24th May