Trinity Church – Pawtuxet

Baptism of the Lord

January 13, 2013


______The Word of God

Organ Prelude

Processional Hymn #616 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed

Holy Baptism BCP 299

Collect of the Day Insert

The First Lesson Isaiah 43:1-7

The Psalm 29

The Second Lesson Acts 8:14-17

Sequence Hymn #121 Christ, when for Us You were Baptized

The Gospel Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

Sermon The Reverend Marsue Harris

The Prayers of the People Insert

Confession and Absolution BCP360

______The Holy Baptism

Holy Baptism Alexander James Palardy BCP 301

“On Being a Godmother” Carol Baker

______The Holy Communion

The Peace

Anthem Doxology Praise God, From Whom all Blessings Flow

Eucharistic Prayer C BCP 369 The Sanctus BCP 371

The Lord’s Prayer BCP 364

Breaking of the Bread BCP364

Agnus Dei – All Sing:

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world; have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world;Grant us peace.

In the Episcopal Church, you are cordially invited to receive communion. Come to the Holy Table as directed by ushers. Children are welcome to receive communion.

Note: During this season of flu and colds we ask that you refrain from drinking from the chalice directly if you think you may be coming down with something or if you are ailing at all. If you wish, the chalice bearer will instinct the bread for you and place it on your tongue. Receiving just the brad is full communion

Communion Hymn #304 I Come with Joy to Meet my Lord

Post Communion Prayer and Blessing BCP 365 Recessional Hymn #7 Christ Whose GloryFills the Skies


The Dismissal

Organ Postlude


Altar Guild: Demetra Hills, Carol McCoy, Barbara Read; Chalice/Reader: Fred HolstChalice: Theo Aschman Lector: Nancy Haight;Ushers: Ginny Leahy, Louise Pfanstiehl, Robin Porter, Jeremy VonFlatern

Parish News


Service times: 8:00am and 10:00am.

9 am Fundraising Committee meeting in the Bay Room to discuss the Turkey Dinner


Tuesdays: The Warm Wooly Knitters meet in the Bay Room from 9am until noon. Instruction available. Hats for newborns given to local hospitals.

Tuesdays:The art and painting group meets in the education wing from 10am until 2pm. All are Welcome. Talk to George Foley for details.

Looking Ahead

January 14: Vestry Meeting, 7pm, Bay Room

January 15: Annual Meeting reports from Ministry chairs are due.

January 25: Turkey Dinner

January 27: Annual Meeting and Brunch

February 3: Dr. Vance Morgan Seminar, 11:15am

Please Note

  • A Memorial service for Jane Flory will be held at Trinity Church on Saturday, January 26 at 2pm. Jane was a long time member of Trinity Church and Pawtuxet resident. She died recently in Belfast, Maine, at her new home.
  • Please phone the office (941-4324) if you would like pastoral care or know of someone who is sick in the hospital, or would like a pastoral visit. Also, please phone the office with names of people to be added to the Prayers of the People list, the sick or inured and birthdays and anniversaries to celebrate.
  • Please continue to bring NON-perishable items each week to help our neighbors and friends. Items needed are pasta, canned corn, small jars of jelly and peanut butter, pet food, health aids, and toilet paper.

The Numbers

Attendance for last Sunday: 131 A year ago:112

Income from last week 1/6/2013: $4244 Grocery card sales: $1320

Trinity Church – Pawtuxet

139 Ocean Avenue

Cranston, Rhode Island 02905


The Reverend Marsue Harris Interim Rector

Mary Therese Martinez Organist & Choir Director

Carl Hurtubise Godly Play Superintendent