Tributary Quick Quiz

Tributary Quick Quiz

Quick Quiz
On your answer sheet, write in the correct letter for each question.
4 The heart has two halves. This is because:
A one half pumps blood to the lungs, and the other half pumps blood around the rest of the body.
1 What is digested food used for in our bodies?
A to provide energy only
B to provide energy and chemicals to make new substances
B one half is not used except in an emergency.
C to provide oxygen
D to provide carbon dioxide
C one half pumps blood around the body one way, and the other half pumps blood around the body in the other direction.
D one half pumps blood, and the other half pumps air.
2 What is the name of the process that releases energy in our bodies?
A photosynthesis B excretion
C reproduction D respiration
3 Living cells in the bodies of animals all produce a gas that turns limewater milky.
This gas is:
1 When you exercise:
A your pulse rate stays the same, but your breathing rate goes up.
C carbon monoxide. D carbon dioxide.
A oxygen. B nitrogen.
B your pulse rate goes up, but your breathing rate goes down.
4 When glucose is burnt with oxygen, carbon dioxide and water are produced. The word equation for this is:
C your pulse rate goes down, but your breathing rate goes up.
A glucose + oxygen carbon dioxide + water
B carbon dioxide + water glucose + oxygen
C oxygen + glucose carbon dioxide + water
D glucose + oxygen = water + carbon dioxide
D your pulse rate goes up, and your breathing rate goes up.
2 Which of these could not cause muscle tissue to die?
A The blood vessel leading to it becomes blocked.
B The blood supplying it carries more oxygen than normal.
1 The heart and blood vessels make up the:
A breathing system. B digestive system.
C The blood supplying it contains a poison.
D The blood vessel contains blood that is being pumped very quickly.
C nervous system. D circulatory system.
2 You can feel a pulse in your wrist. You feel one pulse beat for each:
A minute. B beat of your heart.
C second. D breath you take.
3 The smallest blood vessels are called:
A veins. B arteries.
C capillaries. D tributaries.
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Exploring Science edition © Pearson Education Limited 2008 Quick Quiz (continued)
3 How is carbon dioxide transported around the body?
3 What is breathing?
A air moving in and out of the lungs
B when glucose and oxygen react to form carbon dioxide and water
A carried on red blood cells
B as a gas
C carried on white blood cells
D dissolved in the plasma
C muscles making the lungs change size
D when oxygen is taken into the lungs
4 When Mary starts to run there is an increase in the amount of blood flowing through her blood vessels. Which of these explains why this needs to happen?
4 Mucus lines the air passages and traps dirt and tiny organisms called microbes. It is moved up and out of the lungs by tiny hairs called:
A Cells need more carbon dioxide, and more oxygen must be removed.
A villi. B cilia.
C bristles. D filaments.
B Cells need more oxygen, and more carbon dioxide must be removed.
C Cells need more oxygen and more carbon dioxide.
1 Exhalation is the correct scientific term for:
D There are greater amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide that need to be removed from cells.
A breathing. B breathing out.
C breathing in. D bad breath.
2 What substance can be used to test for the presence of carbon dioxide?
A oxygen B cobalt chloride
C iodine solution D limewater
1 Oxygen entering the bood would pass through the following lung structures in the order:
3 The air around you contains:
A more oxygen and more water vapour than the air in your lungs.
A trachea
B trachea
C alveoli bronchus air sac alveoli. bronchus alveoli air sac. B more carbon dioxide and less oxygen than the air in your lungs. bronchus trachea air sac. C more oxygen and less carbon dioxide than the air in your lungs.
D bronchus trachea air sac alveoli.
2 Which of these is not a way in which the lungs are adapted to their job?
A The capillary walls are thick.
B There are many alveoli.
D more carbon dioxide and less water vapour than the air in your lungs.
4 What do fish use to take oxygen out of the water?
C The air sac walls are thin.
D There are many capillaries.
A gills B lungs
C swim bladders D noses
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Exploring Science edition © Pearson Education Limited 2008