Triangle Elementary

School Advisory Council

Minutes of Meeting

DATE: TIME: 5:30-6:00

MEETING MINUTES BY / SAC Secretary: Rhonda Boston
(attach sign in sheet) / (M) Robert Palmer (M) Marlene Straughan Debbie Hartog
(M) Minnie Palmer (M) Beverly Hillman Danielle Olivani
(M) Roberto Garcia Cynthia Hemphill Jamie Luciano
(M) Rhonda Boston (M) Ken Hinman (M) Mary Rosales
(M) Ivy Severance (M) Jeremy Bell Melissa Dillow
Kevin Rockwell Deanna Brighurst Joan Crosby
Michelle Montgomery Anne Burns Daryl Ross
Nicole Rolle
Call to Order
Approval of minutes from last meeting

Principal’s Update

School Recognition Funds
SAC Funds
Questions/Comments / The meeting was called to order by SAC member Mr. Garcia at 5:33 p.m.
Mr. Garcia asked the council to review the minutes of the previous meeting (10/10/17). After review of the minutes, Mr. Garcia asked for a motion to approve the minutes or if corrections were needed. The motion to approve the minutes was accepted by Mrs. Boston and seconded by Mrs. Rosales.
Ms. Straughan welcomed everyone in attendance. She was glad to report that our School Improvement plan had been submitted on 10/31/17 as well as accreditation documents to our county. It was approved by the district and if chosen visitors could be on campus the first few weeks of November.
Our current school count is 731 which is up from 728. Our school also received the Five Star School Award at the school board meeting on 10/9. This award is hard to achieve as only 11 schools receive the award.
We are also asking for help with our APT membership. Ms. Straughan asked all in attendance to help find interested parents to serve or volunteer their time.
Our Manatees of the month were honored on 10/5 while also getting a chance to honor Lake Cares and all they do to help with our backpack program. We also are currently celebrating fire safety week with activities brought to us by the Mount Dora Fire department.
There will be a teacher workday on 10/16 followed by picture day on 10/17. Red Ribbon week will also take place at the end of the month 10/23-10/27 and activities will take place everyday. Unity day will also be on 10/25 and all students are encouraged to wear Orange to show prevention of bullying.
Academic Awards for all grade levels will take place after the first nine weeks and Ms. Straughan will be calling students across the stage to receive their awards this year. Dog tags and a certificate will be given to students who have earned Honor Roll or perfect attendance.
Ms. Straughan explained that because we are a B school this year and moved up from a C, we will now have School Recognition Funds to share with our staff. Three choices were proposed by Ms. Straughan and a motion was made by Mrs. Palmer to accept the proposed choices and seconded by Mr. Bell. A unanimous vote was done by all SAC members to approve the choices and let staff then vote on their top choice.
The three choices are:
1. Instructional Staff and Non Instructional Staff will equally split the funds after 10% is spend on equipment/material for students.
2. Instructional and Non Instructional Staff will equally split all funds.
3. Instructional Staff will receive 1 share of the fund and Non Instructional Staff will receive ½ share of the fund.
On October 18th the staff vote will take place.
Ms. Straughan explained how students are able to shop in our manatee market when they have earned positive behavior bucks. This year we are in need of funds to support the store as well as funds to use for incentives within our attendance plan. Ms. Straughan asked SAC for input on how to spend those funds. A discussion period was given and a motion was made by Mrs. Boston to use $1,000 for the attendance plan and the remaining funds on the Manatee Market. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bell and a unanimous vote took place.
Mr. Garcia asked if anyone had questions or comments for the good of the group at this time. No one had any questions or comments.
Meeting Adjourned / 5:56 PM
Mr. Garcia asked for a motion for the adjournment of the meeting. The motion to approve adjournment of the meeting was made by Mrs. Boston and seconded by Mr. Ross.
Submitted by:
Roberto Garcia, Chairperson
Rhonda Boston, Secretary